Legacy_Code Banner_Org Deptname deptFullName deptDisplayName deptDisplayName2 deptDisplayName3 deptDescription Name Address Address2 Mailcode buildingCode city state zip areaCode Phone NetId CIP Comments DeptType Dean Duplicate Active Campus College CollegeName AdminRollup School Dept URL directoryDisplay 00001 9A1-AA-AA0-391 Secr Ofc/Board of Trustees Secretary of the Board of Trustees Board of Trustees, The Secretary of Greg Knott 352 Henry Administration 506 S. Wright 350 46 Urbana IL 61801-3687 217 333-1920 gknott63 U F F Y 9 AA President's Office A1 AA0 391 http://www.bot.uillinois.edu/ True 00005 9A1-AA-AA0-615 President's Office President's Office President's Office Timothy L. Killeen 364 Henry Administration 506 S. Wright 346 46 Urbana IL 61801-3649 217 333-3070 U T F Y 9 AA President's Office A1 AA0 615 http://www.uillinois.edu/president/ True 00031 9A2-AT-AT0-693 Ofc of Governmental Relations Office of Governmental Relations Governmental Relations, Office of Jennifer Creasey 225 S. College St., Suite 105 Springfield IL 62704 217 333-1086 jcreasey U F F Y 9 AT Vice Pres External Rel & Comm A2 AT0 693 http://www.ogr.uillinois.edu/ True 00044 9E1-AM-AM0-813 U of I Foundation University of Illinois Foundation University of Illinois Foundation James H. Moore 203 Harker Hall 1305 W. Green 386 25 Urbana IL 61801 217 244-3673 jimmoore U T F Y 9 AM UIF and UIAA E1 AM0 813 True 00060 9A1-AA-AA0-550 University Counsel Office of University Counsel University Counsel, Office of Counsel, Office of the University Scott E. Rice 258 Henry Administration 506 S. Wright 340 46 Urbana IL 61801-3624 217 333-0560 serice U F F Y 9 AA President's Office A1 AA0 550 http://www.legal.uillinois.edu/ True 00104 9E1-AD-AD0-848 Office of University Audits Office of University Audits Audits, Office of University Audits, University Office of Julie Zemaitis 505 E. Green, Suite 206 498 353 Champaign IL 61820-5723 217 333-0900 jzemaiti U T F Y 9 AD University Audits E1 AD0 848 http://www.audits.uillinois.edu/ True 00110 9D1-AH-AH0-723 Univ Ofc Planning & Budgeting University Office for Planning and Budgeting Planning and Budgeting, Office of (University Administration) Sandy Street 338 Henry Administration 506 S. Wright 360 46 Urbana IL 61801-3639 217 333-6600 sstreet U F F Y 9 AH Exec VP & VP Academic Affairs D1 AH0 723 http://www.pb.uillinois.edu/ True 00114 9Z1-AZ-AZ0-862 Planning-Intercampus Mail&Tran Inter-Campus Mail and Transportation 338 Henry Administration 506 S. Wright 360 46 Urbana IL 61801-3639 217 333-6600 U F T Y 9 AZ Misc Univ Admin Z1 AZ0 862 False 00116 9E1-AR-AR0-835 Merchant Card Services Merchant Card Services John Ealy 439 Henry Administration 506 S. Wright 369 46 Urbana IL 61801-3620 217 265-6464 johnealy 03.0104 U F F Y 9 AR Office of Treasury Operations E1 AR0 835 http://www.icard.uillinois.edu/ True 00118 9E1-AL-AL0-832 Cap Prgm, Real Est, & Util Svc Capital Programs, Real Estate, and Utility Services Michael Wilson 208 Henry Administration 506 S. Wright 321 46 Urbana IL 61801 217 300-7345 mwils3 U T F Y 9 AL Cap Prgm, Real Est, & Util Svc E1 AL0 832 http://www.uocpres.uillinois.edu/ False 00124 9E1-AE-AE0-699 Admin Info Technology Services University Office of Administrative Information Technology Services (AITS) AITS, Administrative Information Technology Services AITS (Adminstrative InformationTechnology Services Kelly Block 50 Gerty Drive 673 281 Champaign IL 61820-7405 217 333-3102 kjb U T F Y 9 AE Exec Chief Information Officer E1 AE0 699 http://www.aits.uillinois.edu/ True 00129 9E1-AR-AR0-727 Treasury Operations Treasury Operations Treasury Operations Sarah Crane 254 Henry Administration 506 S. Wright 356 46 Urbana IL 61801 217 244-8359 smcrane U T T Y 9 AR Office of Treasury Operations E1 AR0 727 http://www.treasury.uillinois.edu/ True 00138 9E1-AR-AR0-769 Banking & Investment Services Banking and Investment Services Geri Melchiorre 214 Henry Administration 506 S. Wright 356 46 Urbana IL 61801 217 333-2402 melchi84 U F T Y 9 AR Office of Treasury Operations E1 AR0 769 False 00146 9E1-AF-AF0-820 AVP Procurement Services Assistant Vice President Procurement Services Aaron Carter 238 Henry Administration 506 S. Wright 356 46 Urbana IL 61801 217 333-2402 aacarter U T F Y 9 AF Ofc of Procurement Services E1 AF0 820 False 00147 9E1-AR-AR0-521 Risk Management University Office of Risk Management Risk Management Tina Harlan 247 Henry Administration 506 S. Wright 337 46 Urbana IL 61801 217 333-3113 tmcellin U F T Y 9 AR Office of Treasury Operations E1 AR0 521 True 00160 9D1-AH-AH0-709 Exec VP & VP Academic Affairs Office of the Executive Vice President and Vice President for Academic Affairs Executive Vice President and Vice President for Academic Affairs, Office of the Nicholas P. Jones 377 Henry Administration 506 S. Wright 348 46 Urbana IL 61801-3641 217 333-3077 U T F Y 9 AH Exec VP & VP Academic Affairs D1 AH0 709 http://www.vpaa.uillinois.edu/ True 00166 9D1-AH-AH0-512 University Press University of Illinois Press Press, University of Illinois Laurie Matheson 1325 S. Oak Street 566 255 Champaign IL 61820-6903 217 333-0950 lmatheso U F F Y 9 AH Exec VP & VP Academic Affairs D1 AH0 512 http://www.press.uillinois.edu/ True 00167 9D1-AH-AH0-229 Instit of Govt & Pub Affs Institute of Government and Public Affairs Institute of Government and Public Affairs - IGPA Government and Public Affairs, Institute of Ben Superfine 1007 W. Nevada 037 74 Urbana IL 61801-3812 217 333-3340 bsuperfi U F F Y 9 AH Exec VP & VP Academic Affairs D1 AH0 229 http://igpa.uillinois.edu/ True 00172 9D1-AH-AH2-360 Academic Programs and Services University Academic Programs and Services Academic Programs and Services, University Office of Academic Programs and Services, University Office of Gretchen Lohman 377 Henry Administration 506 S. Wright 348 46 Urbana IL 61801-3651 217 333-3079 glohm2 U F F Y 9 AH Exec VP & VP Academic Affairs D1 AH2 360 http://www.uaps.uillinois.edu/ True 00176 9D1-AH-AH0-276 Special Univ Academic Programs Special University Academic Programs IL U F F Y 9 AH Exec VP & VP Academic Affairs D1 AH0 276 False 00178 9C1-AJ-AJ0-757 Vice Pres Econ Dev and Innov Office of the Vice President for Economic Development and Innovation Economic Development & Innovation, Vice President for Joseph Tonry Walsh 346 Henry Administration 506 S. Wright 365 46 Urbana IL 61801-3653 217 265-5440 jaywalsh U T F Y 9 AJ Vice Pres Econ Dev and Innov C1 AJ0 757 http://vpedi.uillinois.edu/ True 00180 9D1-AH-AH0-904 System Human Resource Services System Human Resource Services Human Resource Services, System Jami Painter 440 Illini Union Bookstore 807 S. Wright 312 106 Champaign IL 61820-6255 217 333-2600 painterj Interim U F F Y 9 AH Exec VP & VP Academic Affairs D1 AH0 904 http://hr.uillinois.edu/ True 00186 1A1-NA-NA2-630 Illinois Human Resources Illinois Human Resources Human Resources, Illinois Personnel Services (Staff Human Resources) Human Resources Shari Mickey-Boggs 52 E. Gregory Drive 562 154 Champaign IL 61820-9132 217 333-3101 smboggs 8 F T Y 1 NA Chancellor A1 NA2 630 http://humanresources.illinois.edu/ True 00187 9E1-AS-AS0-641 Univ Acct & Fin Report University Accounting and Financial Reporting Brent Rasmus 111 E. Green 597 559 Champaign IL 61820 217 333-4568 brasmus U F T Y 9 AS Office of the Controller E1 AS0 641 True 00188 9E1-AS-AS0-374 University Payroll & Benefits University Payroll and Benefits Lawrence V. Hanyzewski 177 Henry Administration 506 S. Wright 318 46 Urbana IL 61801-3627 217 265-6363 lhanyzew Interim U F F Y 9 AS Office of the Controller E1 AS0 374 https://nessie.uihr.uillinois.edu/cf/benefits/index.cfm True 00192 9Z1-AZ-AZ0-236 Univ System Offices Reserve University System Offices Reserve University System Offices Reserve University Administration Reserve IL U F F Y 9 AZ Misc Univ Admin Z1 AZ0 236 False 00195 9Z3-AX-AX0-869 University-wide Resources University - Wide Resources 338 Henry Administration 506 S. Wright 360 46 Urbana IL 61801-3639 217 333-6600 U F T Y 9 AX University Wide Units Z3 AX0 869 False 0Z212 9D1-AH-AH0-212 UA Employee Relations and HR University Administration Employee Relations and Human Resources Jami Painter 271 Henry Administration 506 S. Wright 341 46 Urbana IL 61801 217 244-8247 painterj U F F Y 9 AH Exec VP & VP Academic Affairs D1 AH0 212 False 0Z292 9D1-AH-AH0-292 CARLI The Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois CARLI (Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois) Anne Craig 1704 Interstate Drive 572 Champaign IL 61822 217 244-7593 abcraig U F T Y 9 AH Exec VP & VP Academic Affairs D1 AH0 292 http://www.carli.illinois.edu/ True 0Z368 9C1-AJ-AJ0-368 OTM Chicago Office of Technology Management Chicago Nancy Sullivan Chicago Shuttle, 446 Com West 1853 West Polk 682 Chicago IL 60612-7227 U F F Y 9 AJ Vice Pres Econ Dev and Innov C1 AJ0 368 False 0Z370 9A1-AN-AN0-370 Univ Ethics & Compliance Ofc University Ethics and Compliance Office Ethics and Compliance Office, University Ethics and Compliance Office Donna McNeely Human Resources Bldg., Rm. 20 One University Plaza, HRB 20 Springfield IL 62703-5407 866 758-2146 dmcneely UIS: 866-758-2146 U T F Y 9 AN University Ethics Office A1 AN0 370 http://www.ethics.uillinois.edu/ True 0Z453 9C1-AJ-AJ0-453 Illinois Ventures Illinois Ventures Illinois Ventures Nancy Sullivan 2242 W Harrison St Ste 201 680 Chicago IL 60606 312 996-9853 nansulli Chicago U F T Y 9 AJ Vice Pres Econ Dev and Innov C1 AJ0 453 http://www.illinoisventures.com/ True 0Z460 9C1-AJ-AJ0-460 OTM Urbana-Champaign Office of Technology Management Urbana-Champaign Technology Management, Office of - Urbana-Champaign OTM Urbana-Champaign Nathan Hoffmann 317 Ceramics Bldg 105 S. Goodwin 243 55 Urbana IL 61801 217 333-7862 nhoffma2 U F F Y 9 AJ Vice Pres Econ Dev and Innov C1 AJ0 460 http://www.otm.illinois.edu True 0Z666 9E1-AP-AP0-666 VP Chief Financial Officer Office of the Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Paul Ellinger 349 Henry Administration 506 S. Wright 352 46 Urbana IL 61801-3672 217 333-1560 pellinge U T F Y 9 AP VP Chief Financial Officer E1 AP0 666 True 0Z722 9E1-AR-AR0-722 Agricultural Property Services Agricultural Property Services Agricultural Property Services Geri Melchiorre 242 Henry Administration 506 S. Wright 363 46 Urbana IL 61801-3624 217 355-5521 melchi84 U F F Y 9 AR Office of Treasury Operations E1 AR0 722 https://www.treasury.uillinois.edu/agricultural_property_services True 0Z732 9E1-AR-AR0-732 University Tax University Tax University Tax Terry Thompson 209 Henry Administration 506 S. Wright 339 46 Urbana IL 61801-3624 217 244-8359 terryt U F F Y 9 AR Office of Treasury Operations E1 AR0 732 True 0Z753 9Z1-AZ-AZ0-753 Medicare Medicare IL U F F Y 9 AZ Misc Univ Admin Z1 AZ0 753 False 0Z791 9E1-AS-AS0-791 AVP Controller Assistant Vice President and Controller Jami Painter 111 E. Green 597 559 Champaign IL 61820 painterj U T F Y 9 AS Office of the Controller E1 AS0 791 True 0Z888 9E1-AF-AF0-888 Sys Purchasing & Sup Srvc System Purchasing and Support Services Aaron Carter 507 E. Green, 5th Floor 404 1262 Champaign IL 61820 217 333-9289 aacarter U F T Y 9 AF Ofc of Procurement Services E1 AF0 888 False 10200 1A1-NA-NA0-700 Office of the Chancellor Office of the Chancellor Chancellor, Office of the Robert J. Jones 517 Swanlund Admin Bldg 601 E. John 304 193 Champaign IL 61820-5711 217 333-6290 rjjones 8 T F Y 1 NA Chancellor A1 NA0 700 http://www.oc.illinois.edu/ True 10202 1G1-NV-NV0-433 Office for Access and Equity Office for Access and Equity Access and Equity, Office for Nizam Arain 616 E. Green Street, Suite 214 388 1083 Champaign IL 61820-5711 217 244-3264 narain 8 F F Y 1 NV Vice Chancellor for Diversity G1 NV0 433 https://oae.illinois.edu/ True 10204 1B2-NB-NB0-431 Provost/VCAA Admin Provost/VCAA Admin Provost/VCAA Office of Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Provost/VCAA Admin John J Coleman 317 Swanlund Admin Bldg. 601 E. John 304 193 Champaign IL 61820-5711 217 333-6677 jc1 8 T F Y 1 NB Provost & VC Academic Affairs B2 NB0 431 http://www.provost.illinois.edu/ True 10206 1B2-NB-NB0-223 University Laboratory HS University Laboratory High School University Laboratory High School Uni High (University Laboratory High School High School, University Laboratory Elizabeth Majerus 1212 W. Springfield 254 61 Urbana IL 61801-2909 217 333-2870 emajerus 13.9999 3 F F Y 1 NB Provost & VC Academic Affairs B2 NB0 223 http://www.uni.illinois.edu/ True 10220 1B2-NT-NT0-618 Ofc of the Chief Info Officer Office of the Chief Information Officer Chief Information Officer, Office of the CIO (Chief Information Officer) Chief Information Officer, Office of Mairead Martin 2222 DCL 1304 W. Springfield 256 210 Urbana IL 61801-2910 217 333-3303 maireadm 8 T F Y 1 NT Technology Svcs at Illinois B2 NT0 618 http://www.cio.illinois.edu/ True 10221 1B2-NT-NT0-798 Technology Services Technology Services at Illinois Technology Services Technology Services Mairead Martin 2222 DCL 1304 W. Springfield 256 210 Urbana IL 61801-2910 217 244-7000 maireadm 8 F T Y 1 NT Technology Svcs at Illinois B2 NT0 798 http://www.techservices.illinois.edu/ True 10238 1B2-NB-NB0-970 Big Ten Academic Alliance Big Ten Academic Alliance Keith A. Marshall 1819 S. Neil, Suite D 618 507 Champaign IL 61820-7271 217 333-8475 keithmar 30.9999 8 F T Y 1 NB Provost & VC Academic Affairs B2 NB0 970 www.btaa.org True 10240 1B2-NB-NB0-898 Office of the Registrar Office of the Registrar Registrar, Office of the Registrar, Office of Meghan Hazen Admissions & Records, Ste 140 901 W. Illinois 063 378 Urbana IL 61801-3028 217 333-2034 mhazen 8 F F Y 1 NB Provost & VC Academic Affairs B2 NB1 898 http://www.registrar.illinois.edu/ True 10270 1B2-NB-NB1-269 Principal's Scholars Pgm Principal's Scholars Program Principal's Scholars Program Margarita Ramon-Pfeffer 1112 W. University, Suite 201 248 355 Urbana IL 61801-2390 217 333-0234 mpramon 8 F F Y 1 NB Provost & VC Academic Affairs B2 NB1 269 True 10271 1B2-NB-NB0-759 Campus Honors Program Campus Honors Program Campus Honors Program Honors Program, Campus Laurie Johnson 1205 W. Oregon 134 224 Urbana IL 61801-3716 217 244-0922 lruthjoh 30.9999 8 F F Y 1 NB Provost & VC Academic Affairs B2 NB0 759 http://www.honors.illinois.edu/ True 10284 1B2-NB-NB1-593 Undergraduate Admissions Office of Undergraduate Admissions Undergraduate Admissions, Office of Sara MacKenzie 901 W. Illinois 061 378 Urbana IL 61801-3028 217 333-0302 saramack 8 F F Y 1 NB Provost & VC Academic Affairs B2 NB1 593 http://admissions.illinois.edu/ True 10290 1B2-NB-NB0-962 Div of Management Information Division of Management Information DMI - Division of Management Information Institutional Research Division of Management Information Institutional Research Amy Edwards 507 E. Green St. 4th Floor 411 Champaign IL 61820-6206 217 333-3551 aledward 8 F F Y 1 NB Provost & VC Academic Affairs B2 NB0 962 http://www.dmi.illinois.edu/ True 10299 1H1-NL-NL0-664 Division of Public Safety Division of Public Safety Public Safety, Division of University Police Department Matthew Ballinger 1110 W. Springfield 240 323 Urbana IL 61801-3024 217 333-1216 mballing 8 F F Y 1 NL VC for Admin and Operations H1 NL0 664 http://police.illinois.edu True 10305 1C1-NC-NC0-426 Eng & Constr Serv Admin Engineering & Constr Service Admin James Sims Physical Plant Svcs Bldg 1501 S. Oak Street 827 198 Champaign IL 61820-6905 217 333-2500 jimsims Acting 8 T T Y 1 NC Administrative Services C1 NC0 426 http://www.fs.uiuc.edu/campusservices.cfm False 10348 1C1-NN-NN5-940 Safety and Compliance Safety and Compliance Jeffrey Angiel Physical Plant Svcs Bldg 1501 S. Oak Street 821 198 Champaign IL 61820-6905 217 265-9828 jangiel 8 F F Y 1 NN Facilities C1 NN5 940 https://fs.illinois.edu/ True 10353 1C1-NC-NC0-763 F&S Document Services F&S Document Services Illini Union Document Services Printing Services Jamie Singson Printing Bldg 54 E. Gregory Dr. 570 198 Champaign IL 61820-6905 217 333-9350 singson 8 F T Y 1 NC Administrative Services C1 NC0 763 http://www.printing.illinois.edu/ False 10358 1C1-NC-NC0-566 Campus Stores and Receiving Campus Stores and Receiving Travis Molitor 1609 S. Oak 662 170 Champaign IL 61820-0901 217 244-0139 tmolitor 8 F F Y 1 NC Administrative Services C1 NC0 566 https://fs.illinois.edu True 10386 1E1-NQ-NQ0-293 Parking Department Parking Department Parking Department Parking and Transportation, Campus Division of Maria McMullen 1201 W. University Ave. 1201 W. University 241 1094 Urbana IL 61801-3024 217 333-3530 mmcmull2 Interim 8 F F Y 1 NQ Auxiliary Units E1 NQ0 293 http://www.parking.illinois.edu/ True 10601 1D1-NE-NE0-370 OVCRI Admin Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation - Administration Vice Chancellor for Research, Office of the Susan Martinis 400 Swanlund Admin Bldg 601 E. John 304 193 Champaign IL 61820-5711 217 333-0034 martinis 8 T F Y 1 NE VC for Research and Innovation D1 NE0 370 http://research.illinois.edu/ True 10602 1D1-NE-NE0-393 OVCRI Support Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation - Support Vice Chancellor for Research - General Expenses Susan Martinis 400 Swanlund Admin Bldg 601 E. John 304 193 Champaign IL 61820-5711 217 333-0034 martinis 9 F T Y 1 NE VC for Research and Innovation D1 NE0 393 http://research.illinois.edu False 10609 1D1-NE-NE0-207 Research Board Research Board Research Board Kevin Hamilton 400 Swanlund Admin Bldg 601 E. John 304 193 Champaign IL 61820-5711 217 333-0030 kham S F F Y 1 NE VC for Research and Innovation D1 NE0 207 http://crb.research.illinois.edu/ True 10619 1D1-NP-NP0-320 Supercomputing Applications National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) NCSA - National Center for Supercomputing Applications National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) William Gropp 1008 NCSA Bldg 1205 W. Clark 257 564 Urbana IL 61801-2311 217 244-0078 wgropp 90.1199 3 F F Y 1 NP OVCRI Institutes D1 NP0 320 http://www.ncsa.illinois.edu/ True 10620 1B2-NB-NB0-626 Center for Advanced Study Center for Advanced Study (CAS) Center for Advanced Study - CAS May Berenbaum 919 W. Illinois St. Suite 200 064 126 Urbana IL 61801-3029 217 333-6729 maybe 30.9999 3 F F Y 1 NB Provost & VC Academic Affairs B2 NB0 626 http://www.cas.illinois.edu/ True 10630 1D1-NE-NE0-298 Animal Care Program Animal Care Program Helen Valentine 901 S. Mathews 194 33 Urbana IL 61801-3609 217 333-2564 helen 8 F F Y 1 NE VC for Research and Innovation D1 NE0 298 http://www.dar.illinois.edu/ True 10643 1D1-NE-NE0-531 Biotechnology Center Biotechnology Center Biotechnology Center Carver Biotechnology Center Roy J. Carver Biotechnology Center Bruce Fouke 2604 IGB 1206 W. Gregory 195 1080 Urbana IL 61801-3609 217 333-1695 fouke 90.2612 4 F F Y 1 NE VC for Research and Innovation D1 NE0 531 http://www.biotech.illinois.edu/ True 10645 1D1-NP-NP0-231 IGB Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology Genomic Biology, Institute for Gene Robinson 1608 IGB 1206 W. Gregory 195 1080 Urbana IL 61801 217 244-3034 generobi 90.2608 Interim 3 F F Y 1 NP OVCRI Institutes D1 NP0 231 http://www.igb.illinois.edu/ True 10648 1D1-NE-NE0-877 Division of Research Safety Division of Research Safety Research Safety, Division of Research Safety, Division of Stephanie T. Hess 102 EHS Bldg. 101 S. Gregory 225 213 Urbana IL 61801-3070 217 333-2755 sthess 8 F F Y 1 NE VC for Research and Innovation D1 NE0 877 http://www.drs.illinois.edu/ True 10672 1D1-NE-NE0-959 EnterpriseWorks EnterpriseWorks Business Incubator Enterprise Works Laura Appenzeller 114 EnterpriseWorks 60 Hazelwood Drive 659 1095 Champaign IL 61820 217 333-8324 lfrerich 8 F F Y 1 NE VC for Research and Innovation D1 NE0 959 http://researchpark.illinois.edu/ True 10676 1D1-NE-NE0-344 Protection of Research Subject Office for the Protection of Research Subjects Research Subject, Protection of Sarah Mumford 1901 S. First St. Suite A 685 Champaign IL 61820 217 333-2670 smumford 8 F F Y 1 NE VC for Research and Innovation D1 NE0 344 https://oprs.research.illinois.edu/ True 10677 1D1-NE-NE0-409 Office of Animal Research Comp Office of Animal Research Compliance Ryan Dilger 901 S. Mathews 194 33 Urbana IL 61801-3609 217 333-7789 rdilger2 8 F F Y 1 NE VC for Research and Innovation D1 NE0 409 https://animalcare.illinois.edu/about/institutional-animal-care-and-use-committee True 10680 1D1-NP-NP1-547 IL State Geological Survey Illinois State Geological Survey Illinois State Geological Survey ISGS ISGS Richard Berg 121 Natural Resources Bldg 615 E. Peabody 650 109 Champaign IL 61820-6918 217 333-4747 rberg 90.0301 4 F F Y 1 NP OVCRI Institutes D1 NP1 547 http://isgs.illinois.edu/ True 10682 1D1-NP-NP1-375 IL Natural History Survey Illinois Natural History Survey Brenda Molano-Flores 1816 S. Oak St. 652 109 Champaign IL 61820 217 333-6880 molano1 90.0301 4 F F Y 1 NP OVCRI Institutes D1 NP1 375 http://www.inhs.illinois.edu/ True 10684 1D1-NP-NP1-740 IL State Water Survey Illinois State Water Survey Illinois State Water Survey Illinois State Water Survey Climatology (State Water Survey) Laura Keefer Water Survey Research Center 2204 Griffith Drive 674 1073 Champaign IL 61820 217 333-2210 lkeefer 90.0301 4 F F Y 1 NP OVCRI Institutes D1 NP1 740 http://www.isws.illinois.edu/ True 10685 1D1-NP-NP1-807 IL Sustainable Technology Ctr Illinois Sustainable Technology Center Illinois Sustainable Technology Center Illinois Sustainable Technology Center Kevin O'Brien 1 E. Hazelwood 676 206 Champaign IL 61820-7465 217 333-8940 kcobrien 90.0301 4 F F Y 1 NP OVCRI Institutes D1 NP1 807 http://www.istc.illinois.edu/ True 10705 1Z1-NG-NG0-236 General & Unassigned General IL 9 F F Y 1 NG Misc Admin Units Z1 NG0 236 False 10708 1Z1-NG-NG0-376 Campus Insurance Coverage Campus Insurance Coverage IL 9 F F Y 1 NG Misc Admin Units Z1 NG0 376 False 10711 1Z1-NG-NG0-813 Development & Foundation Svcs Development and Foundation Services Development and Foundation Svcs IL 9 F F Y 1 NG Misc Admin Units Z1 NG0 813 False 10770 1Z1-NG-NG0-467 Leasehold Leasehold Rentals IL 8 F F Y 1 NG Misc Admin Units Z1 NG0 467 False 10787 1Z1-NG-NG0-769 Memorial Stadium Memorial Stadium IL 9 F F Y 1 NG Misc Admin Units Z1 NG0 769 http://fightingillini.fansonly.com/trads/ill-trads-memorial.htm False 10794 1Z1-NG-NG0-753 Medicare Medicare IL 9 F F Y 1 NG Misc Admin Units Z1 NG0 753 False 10795 1Z1-NG-NG0-503 Worker's Compensation Workers' Compensation IL 217 333-1080 9 F F Y 1 NG Misc Admin Units Z1 NG0 503 http://www.obfs.uillinois.edu/risk/compensation.shtml False 10804 1H1-NL-NL0-611 Illini Center Illini Center Min-aha Beeck 200 S. Wacker Drive, Lobby 200 540 Chicago IL 60606 312 575-7800 mbeeck (312) Area Code 8 F F Y 1 NL VC for Admin and Operations H1 NL0 611 http://www.illinicenter.illinois.edu/ True 10901 1E1-NJ-NJ0-825 VC Student Affairs Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Student Affairs Danita Brown Young 121 Swanlund Admin Bldg. 601 E. John 304 193 Champaign IL 61820-5711 217 333-1300 dbyoung 8 T F Y 1 NJ Vice Chanc Student Affairs E1 NJ0 825 http://studentaffairs.illinois.edu/ True 10921 1E1-NJ-NJ0-459 Student Success and Engagement Student Success and Engagement James Hintz 300 Student Services 610 E. John 306 188 Champaign IL 61820-5717 217 333-2121 hintzj 8 F F Y 1 NJ Vice Chanc Student Affairs E1 NJ0 459 https://ssib.illinois.edu/ True 10925 1E1-NJ-NJ0-743 Jeffries Ctr Acces and AcadSuc Michael L. Jeffries, Sr. Center for Access and Academic Success K. Alexander-Brown 130 Student Services 610 E. John 306 188 Champaign IL 61820-5717 217 333-0054 kalexand Interim 8 F F Y 1 NJ Vice Chanc Student Affairs E1 NJ0 743 http://www.omsa.illinois.edu/ True 10951 1E1-NJ-NJ0-391 The Career Center The Career Center Career Center Jennifer Neef 715 S. Wright 383 71 Champaign IL 61820-5710 217 333-0820 jneef 8 F T Y 1 NJ Vice Chanc Student Affairs E1 NJ0 391 http://www.careercenter.illinois.edu/ True 10961 1E1-NJ-NJ0-573 Student Conflict Resolution Office for Student Conflict Resolution Student Conflict Resolution, Office for Mediation Services, Student (Conflict Resolution) Stephen P. Bryan 409 Student Services 610 E. John 306 188 Champaign IL 61820-5717 217 333-3680 spbryan 8 F F Y 1 NJ Vice Chanc Student Affairs E1 NJ0 573 http://www.conflictresolution.illinois.edu/ True 10965 1E1-NJ-NJ0-695 Counseling Center Counseling Center Counseling Center Carla McCowan 212 Student Services 610 E. John 306 188 Champaign IL 61820-5717 217 333-3704 cmccowan 8 F F Y 1 NJ Vice Chanc Student Affairs E1 NJ0 695 http://www.counselingcenter.illinois.edu/ True 10971 1B2-NB-NB1-678 Student Financial Aid Office of Student Financial Aid Financial Aid, Office of Student Loans, Student (Financial Aid or Cashiers) Student Loans Michelle Trame 620 E. John 620 E. John 303 71 Champaign IL 61820-5717 217 333-0100 mtrame 8 F F Y 1 NB Provost & VC Academic Affairs B2 NB1 678 http://www.osfa.illinois.edu/ True 11021 1E1-NQ-NQ0-551 McKinley Health Center McKinley Health Center McKinley Health Center Awais Vaid McKinley Health Cntr 1109 S. Lincoln 026 3 Urbana IL 61801-4703 217 333-2700 awaisv 8 F F Y 1 NQ Auxiliary Units E1 NQ0 551 http://www.mckinley.illinois.edu/ True 11220 1A1-NA-NA2-504 Employee Dev and Learning Employee Development and Learning Employee Development and Learning Employee Development & Learning Human Resources Rebecca Hinrichs 505 E. Green St., Suite 204 440 353 Champaign IL 61820-5723 217 333-8342 rh32 8 F F Y 1 NA Chancellor A1 NA2 504 http://humanresources.illinois.edu/ True 11230 1A1-NA-NA2-980 Faculty/Staff Assistance Svcs Faculty/Staff Assistance Services Faculty/Staff Assistance Services Employee Assistance Program (Faculty/Staff Assistance Svcs Faculty Staff Assistance Services Human Resources Christopher M. Ochs 1011 W. Springfield 255 1091 Urbana IL 61801-2440 217 244-5312 cochs 8 F F Y 1 NA Chancellor A1 NA2 980 http://humanresources.illinois.edu/ True 11401 1A1-NA-NA1-665 Office of Public Engagement Office of Public Engagement Public Engagement, Office of Wanda E. Ward 504 Swanlund Admin Bldg. 601 E. John 304 193 Champaign IL 61820-5711 217 333-3378 weward 8 F F Y 1 NA Chancellor A1 NA1 665 https://publicengagement.illinois.edu/ True 11445 1H1-NL-NL0-693 Willard Airport Commercial Op Willard Airport Commercial Operations Willard Airport, University of Illinois Timothy A. Bannon Willard Airport 11 Airport Road 394 675 Savoy IL 61874 217 244-8604 tbannon1 8 F T Y 1 NL VC for Admin and Operations H1 NL0 693 http://www.iflycu.com/ True 11501 1B1-KL-KL0-483 Agr, Consumer, & Env Sci Admn College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences Administration Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences, College of College of Agricultural, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences German Bollero 227 Mumford Hall 1301 W. Gregory 710 69 Urbana IL 61801-9015 217 333-0460 gbollero 01.0000 2 T F Y 1 KL College of ACES B1 KL0 483 http://www.aces.illinois.edu/ True 11502 1B1-KL-KL0-452 Agr, Consumer, & Env Sci Gen College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences Administration General Expenses Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences, General Information German Bollero 227 Mumford Hall 1301 W. Gregory 710 69 Urbana IL 61801-9015 217 333-0461 gbollero 01.0000 9 F T Y 1 KL College of ACES B1 KL0 452 http://www.aces.illinois.edu/ False 11504 1B1-KL-KL0-348 ACES Technology Services ACES Technology Services ACES Tech Services German Bollero 47 Mumford Hall 1301 W. Gregory Dr. 710 69 Urbana IL 61801-9015 217 244-0477 gbollero 01.0000 8 F F Y 1 KL College of ACES B1 KL0 348 http://it.aces.illinois.edu/ True 11505 1B1-KL-KL0-470 Agr & Consumer Economics Department of Agricultural and Consumer Economics Agricultural and Consumer Economics, Department of Sarah Low 326 Mumford Hall 1301 W. Gregory 710 69 Urbana IL 61801-9015 217 333-1810 salow2 01.0102 1 F F Y 1 KL College of ACES B1 KL0 470 https://ace.illinois.edu True 11510 1B1-KL-KL0-741 Agricultural & Biological Engr Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering Agricultural, Biological and Engineering, Department of Agricultural Engineering (Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering) Ronaldo Maghirang 338 Agr Engr Sci Bldg 1304 W. Pennsylvania 644 8 Urbana IL 61801-4713 217 333-3570 ronaldom 14.0301 1 F F Y 1 KL College of ACES B1 KL0 741 http://abe.illinois.edu/ True 11513 1B1-KL-KL0-306 Agr, Consumer, & Env Sciences Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences Courses Sarah Low 227 Mumford Hall 1301 W. Gregory 710 69 Urbana IL 61801-9015 217 333-0460 salow2 01.0000 7 F T Y 1 KL College of ACES B1 KL0 306 http://www.aces.illinois.edu/ False 11515 1B1-KL-KL0-802 Crop Sciences Department of Crop Sciences Crop Sciences, Department of Plant Pathology, Department of (Crop Sciences, Department of) Adam Davis AW-101 Turner Hall 1102 S. Goodwin 046 197 Urbana IL 61801-4730 217 333-3420 asdavis1 01.1102 1 F F Y 1 KL College of ACES B1 KL0 802 http://cropsciences.illinois.edu True 11525 1B1-KL-KL0-384 Cooperative Extension Cooperative Extension Service Cooperative Extension Service, U of I Extension, University of Illinois S. Nickols-Richardson 111 Mumford Hall 1301 W. Gregory 710 69 Urbana IL 61801-9015 217 333-5900 nickrich 02.0102 S F T Y 1 KL College of ACES B1 KL0 384 http://www.extension.illinois.edu/ True 11535 1B1-KL-KL0-538 Animal Sciences Department of Animal Sciences Animal Sciences, Department of Animal Sciences Daniel Shike 116 Animal Science Laboratory 1207 W. Gregory 630 165 Urbana IL 61801-4733 217 333-3131 dshike 01.0901 1 F F Y 1 KL College of ACES B1 KL0 538 http://ansc.illinois.edu/ True 11545 1B1-KL-KL0-793 Human Dvlpmt & Family Studies Department of Human Development and Family Studies Human Development & Family Studies, Department of Human Development & Family Studies Ramona Oswald 222 Bevier Hall 905 S. Goodwin 180 158 Urbana IL 61801-3898 217 333-3790 roswald 19.0707 1 F F Y 1 KL College of ACES B1 KL0 793 http://hdfs.illinois.edu/ True 11550 1B1-KL-KL0-698 Food Science & Human Nutrition Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition Food Science and Human Nutrition, Department of Nicki Engeseth 260 Bevier Hall 905 S. Goodwin 182 158 Urbana IL 61801-3882 217 244-4498 engeseth 19.0501 1 F F Y 1 KL College of ACES B1 KL0 698 http://fshn.illinois.edu/ True 11565 1B1-KL-KL0-875 Natural Res & Env Sci Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences, Department of NRES Forestry (see: Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences, Department of Robert L. Schooley W-503 Turner Hall 1102 S. Goodwin 047 197 Urbana IL 61801-4730 217 333-2770 schooley 03.9999 1 F F Y 1 KL College of ACES B1 KL0 875 http://nres.illinois.edu/ True 11567 1B1-KL-KL0-971 Nutritional Sciences Nutritional Sciences Nutritional Sciences Interdisciplinary Graduate Program, Division of Kelly S. Swanson 449 Bevier Hall 905 S. Goodwin 186 158 Urbana IL 61801-3816 217 333-4177 ksswanso 30.1901 G F F Y 1 KL College of ACES B1 KL0 971 http://www.nutrsci.illinois.edu/ True 11570 1B1-LC-LC0-888 Veterinary Prog in Agr Veterinary Program in Agriculture Veterinary Program in Agriculture Peter Constable 3505 VMBSB 2001 S. Lincoln 002 350 Urbana IL 61802-6178 217 333-2760 constabl 01.0801 P F T Y 1 LC Veterinary Medicine B1 LC0 888 http://vetmed.illinois.edu/ True 11580 1B1-KL-KL0-416 Agricultural Buildings, O & M Agricultural Buildings, Operation and Maintenance Agricultural Buildings O and M German Bollero 227 Mumford Hall 1301 W. Gregory 710 69 Urbana IL 61801-9015 217 333-0460 gbollero Interim 8 F T Y 1 KL College of ACES B1 KL0 416 http://www.aces.illinois.edu/ True 11701 1B1-KM-KM0-952 Gies College of Business Gies College of Business Administration Gies College of Business Brooke Elliott 260 Wohlers 1206 S. Sixth Street 706 159 Champaign IL 61820 217 333-2747 wbe 52.0101 2 T F Y 1 KM Gies College of Business B1 KM0 952 http://www.business.illinois.edu/ True 11702 1B1-KM-KM0-432 Gies Business General Gies College of Business General Expenses Shelley Campbell 260 Wohlers 1206 S. Sixth Street 706 159 Champaign IL 61820 217 244-3309 scampbe2 52.0101 9 F T Y 1 KM Gies College of Business B1 KM0 432 http://www.business.illinois.edu/ False 11703 1B1-KM-KM0-979 Student & Corporate Connection Gies Student and Corporate Connections Andrew Allen 1033 Bus Inst. Facility-BIF 515 E. Gregory 520 1206 Champaign IL 61820 217 333-2840 andrewa 52.0101 8 F F Y 1 KM Gies College of Business B1 KM0 979 http://business.illinois.edu/bcs/ True 11704 1B1-KM-KM0-847 IT Partners Gies Business Information Technology Partners at Gies Business IT Partners Gies Business Chris Tidrick 3044 Bus Inst. Facility - BIF 515 E. Gregory 706 1206 Champaign IL 61820 217 244-0812 ctidrick 52.0101 8 F F Y 1 KM Gies College of Business B1 KM0 847 https://inside.giesbusiness.illinois.edu/admin-units/it-partners True 11705 1B1-KM-KM0-346 Accountancy Department of Accountancy Accountancy, Department of Michael Donohoe 360 Wohlers 1206 S. Sixth Street 706 159 Champaign IL 61820 217 333-0857 mdonohoe 52.0301 1 F F Y 1 KM Gies College of Business B1 KM0 346 https://giesbusiness.illinois.edu/accountancy/ True 11706 1B1-KM-KM0-230 MBA Program Administration Regular Masters of Business Administration Program Administration MBA, Regular Masters Program Illinois MBA Illinois MBA Lorena Nicholas 3019 Bus Inst. Facility-BIF 515 E. Gregory 520 1206 Champaign IL 61820 217 244-6550 lorenan 52.0101 8 F F Y 1 KM Gies College of Business B1 KM0 230 http://www.mba.illinois.edu/ True 11708 1B1-KM-KM0-330 Gies Advancement Gies College of Business Advancement College of Business Advancement Rebecca Pagels 220 Wohlers 1206 S. Sixth Street 706 159 Champaign IL 61820 217 244-9918 rpagels 52.0101 8 F F Y 1 KM Gies College of Business B1 KM0 330 True 11710 1B1-KM-KM0-938 Executive MBA Program Executive Masters of Business Administration Program MBA, Executive Masters Program Lorena Nicholas 3019 Bus Inst. Facility-BIF 515 E. Gregory 520 1206 Champaign IL 61820 217 244-6550 lorenan 52.0101 8 F F Y 1 KM Gies College of Business B1 KM0 938 http://mbachicago.illinois.edu/ True 11722 1B1-KM-KM0-260 Finance Department of Finance Finance, Department of Department of Finance Louis K.C. Chan 340 Wohlers 1206 S. Sixth Street 706 159 Champaign IL 61820 217 244-2239 l-chan2 52.0801 1 F F Y 1 KM Gies College of Business B1 KM0 260 https://giesbusiness.illinois.edu/finance/ True 11733 1B1-KM-KM0-902 Business Administration Department of Business Administration Business Administration, Department of Carlos Torelli 350 Wohlers 1206 S. Sixth Street 706 159 Champaign IL 61820 217 265-0799 ctorelli 52.0201 1 F F Y 1 KM Gies College of Business B1 KM0 902 http://www.business.illinois.edu/ba/ True 11735 1B1-KM-KM0-446 Bureau Economic & Business Res Bureau of Economic and Business Research Economic and Business Research, Bureau of Economic and Business Research, Bureau of Mark Peecher 430 Wohlers 1206 S. Sixth Street 706 159 Champaign IL 61820 217 333-2331 peecher 90.5206 3 F T Y 1 KM Gies College of Business B1 KM0 446 https://giesbusiness.illinois.edu/faculty-research/research-at-gies/ True 11740 1B1-KM-KM0-469 Executive Development Ctr Executive Development Center Executive Development Center Shelley Campbell 260 Wohlers 1206 S. Sixth Street 706 159 Champaign IL 61820 217 244-3309 scampbe2 90.5202 8 F F Y 1 KM Gies College of Business B1 KM0 469 https://giesbusiness.directory.illinois.edu/authillinoisDepartmentLoad True 12001 1B1-KN-KN0-335 Education Administration College of Education Administration College of Education College of Education Chrystalla Mouza 38 Education 1310 S. Sixth 708 160 Champaign IL 61820-6925 217 333-0960 cmouza 13.0101 2 T F Y 1 KN College of Education B1 KN0 335 http://education.illinois.edu/ True 12002 1B1-KN-KN0-617 Education General Expen College of Education General Expenses Chrystalla Mouza 38 Education 1310 S. Sixth 708 160 Champaign IL 61820-6925 217 333-0960 cmouza 13.0101 9 F T Y 1 KN College of Education B1 KN0 617 http://education.illinois.edu/ False 12014 1B1-KN-KN0-616 Educational Psychology Department of Educational Psychology Educational Psychology, Department of Kiel Christianson 210 Education 1310 S. Sixth 708 160 Champaign IL 61820-6925 217 333-2245 kiel 42.2806 1 F F Y 1 KN College of Education B1 KN0 616 http://education.illinois.edu/EDPSY/ True 12020 1B1-KN-KN0-613 Curriculum and Instruction Department of Curriculum and Instruction Curriculum and Instruction, Department of Helen Neville 311 Education 1310 S. Sixth 708 160 Champaign IL 61820-6925 217 244-8286 hneville 13.0301 Interim 1 F F Y 1 KN College of Education B1 KN0 613 http://www.education.illinois.edu/ci/ True 12035 1B1-KN-KN0-570 Special Education Department of Special Education Special Education, Department of Matthew Lambert 288 Education 1310 S. Sixth 708 160 Champaign IL 61820-6925 217 333-0260 matt5 13.1001 1 F F Y 1 KN College of Education B1 KN0 570 http://education.illinois.edu/SPED/ True 12040 1B1-KN-KN0-760 Educ Policy, Orgzn & Leadrshp Education Policy, Organization and Leadership Education Policy, Organization and Leadership EPOL Yoon Pak 351 Education 1310 S. Sixth 708 160 Champaign IL 61820-6925 217 333-0807 yoonpak 13.0401 1 F F Y 1 KN College of Education B1 KN0 760 http://education.illinois.edu/epol/ True 12050 1B1-KN-KN0-418 Bureau Educational Research Bureau of Educational Research Bureau of Educational Research Bureau of Educational Research Jessica Li 38 Education 1310 S. Sixth 708 160 Champaign IL 61820-6925 217 300-5515 Jli2011 13.9999 3 F F Y 1 KN College of Education B1 KN0 418 http://education.illinois.edu/BER/ True 12062 1B1-KN-KN0-676 Center for Study of Reading Center for the Study of Reading Study of Reading, Center for Reading, Center for the Study of Richard C. Anderson 51 Gerty Drive 670 75 Champaign IL 61820-7453 217 333-4437 csrrca 90.1313 3 F F Y 1 KN College of Education B1 KN0 676 http://csr.education.illinois.edu/ True 12080 1B1-KN-KN0-541 Council Teacher Ed Admin Council on Teacher Education Council on Teacher Education Council on Teacher Education Jill Donnel Suite 130 1310 S. Sixth 708 160 Champaign IL 61820 217 333-2804 jilldonn 13.1399 S F F Y 1 KN College of Education B1 KN0 541 http://www.cote.illinois.edu/ True 12201 1B1-KP-KP0-227 Engineering Administration Grainger Engineering Administration Engineering, Grainger College of College of Engineering Rashid Bashir 306 Engineering Hall 1308 W. Green 266 15 Urbana IL 61801-2986 217 333-2151 rbashir 14.0101 2 T F Y 1 KP Grainger Coll of Engineering B1 KP0 227 https://grainger.illinois.edu/ True 12202 1B1-KP-KP0-602 Engineering General Expen Grainger Engineering General Expenses College of Engineering - General Expense Rashid Bashir 306 Engineering Hall 1308 W. Green 266 15 Urbana IL 61801-2986 217 333-2150 rbashir 14.0101 8 F T Y 1 KP Grainger Coll of Engineering B1 KP0 602 https://grainger.illinois.edu/ False 12204 1B1-KP-KP0-487 Micro and Nanotechnology Lab Micro and Nanotechnology Laboratory Micro and Nanotechnology Lab Nanotechnology (Micro and Nanotechnology Lab) Minjoo Lawrence Lee 208 N. Wright 249 237 Urbana IL 61801-2355 217 333-3097 mllee 90.1410 Interim 3 F F Y 1 KP Grainger Coll of Engineering B1 KP0 487 https://mntl.illinois.edu/ True 12205 1B1-KP-KP0-615 Aerospace Engineering Department of Aerospace Engineering Aerospace Engineering, Department of Jonathan Freund 306F Talbot Lab 104 S. Wright 236 13 Urbana IL 61801-2958 217 333-2651 jbfreund 14.0201 1 F F Y 1 KP Grainger Coll of Engineering B1 KP0 615 http://aerospace.illinois.edu/ True 12207 1B1-KP-KP0-343 Bioengineering Department of Bioengineering Bioengineering, Department of Mark A. Anastasio 1102 Everitt Lab 1406 W. Green St. 278 27 Urbana IL 61801-2910 217 333-1867 maa 14.0501 1 F F Y 1 KP Grainger Coll of Engineering B1 KP0 343 http://bioengineering.illinois.edu/ True 12216 1B1-KP-KP0-246 Computational Science & Engr Computational Science and Engineering Computational Science and Engineering CSE Luke Olson 2102 NCSA 1205 W. Clark St. 257 564 Urbana IL 61801-2910 217 333-3247 lukeo 30.9999 8 F F Y 1 KP Grainger Coll of Engineering B1 KP0 246 http://cse.illinois.edu/ True 12217 1B1-KP-KP1-434 Siebel School Comp & Data Sci Siebel School of Computing and Data Science Nancy Amato 201 N. Goodwin 258 563 Urbana IL 61801-2302 217 333-4428 namato 11.0701 1 F T Y 1 KP Grainger Coll of Engineering B1 KP1 434 https://siebelschool.illinois.edu/ True 12220 1B1-KP-KP0-251 Civil & Environmental Eng Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering, Department of Ana Barros 1114 Newmark Civil Engr 205 N. Mathews 250 24 Urbana IL 61801-2350 217 333-8038 barros 14.0801 1 F F Y 1 KP Grainger Coll of Engineering B1 KP0 251 http://cee.illinois.edu/ True 12222 1B1-KP-KP0-239 Coordinated Science Lab Coordinated Science Lab Coordinated Science Lab Klara Nahrstedt 256 Coordinated Science Lab 1308 W. Main 228 148 Urbana IL 61801-2307 217 333-2510 klara 90.3099 3 F F Y 1 KP Grainger Coll of Engineering B1 KP0 239 http://csl.illinois.edu/ True 12225 1B1-KP-KP0-933 Electrical & Computer Eng Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Electrical and Computer Engineering, Department of ECE Illinois Jennifer Bernhard 2120 Elec & Comput 306 N. Wright St. 702 409 Urbana IL 61801-2991 217 333-2300 jbernhar 14.1001 1 F F Y 1 KP Grainger Coll of Engineering B1 KP0 933 http://ece.illinois.edu/ True 12228 1B1-KP-KP0-545 Engineering Courses Grainger Engineering Courses Rashid Bashir 106 Engineering Hall 1308 W. Green 266 15 Urbana IL 61801-2986 217 333-2150 rbashir 14.9999 7 F T Y 1 KP Grainger Coll of Engineering B1 KP0 545 https://grainger.illinois.edu/ False 12229 1B1-KP-KP0-697 Engineering Honors Grainger Engineering Honors Courses Rashid Bashir 306 Engineering Hall 1308 W. Green 266 15 Urbana IL 61801-2986 217 333-2150 rbashir 14.0101 7 F T Y 1 KP Grainger Coll of Engineering B1 KP0 697 https://wiki.engr.illinois.edu/display/engrjames/Home False 12230 1B1-KP-KP0-422 Industrial&Enterprise Sys Eng Department of Industrial and Enterprise Systems Engineering Industrial and Enterprise Systems Engineering, Department of Jeff Shamma 117 Transportation Bldg 104 S. Mathews 238 42 Urbana IL 61801-2925 217 333-2731 jshamma 14.0101 1 F F Y 1 KP Grainger Coll of Engineering B1 KP0 422 http://www.ise.illinois.edu/ True 12231 1B1-KP-KP0-204 Manufacturing Engineering Manufacturing Engineering Manufacturing Engineering Shiv G. Kapoor 361 CSRL 1308 W. Main 231 148 Urbana IL 61801-2307 217 333-3432 sgkapoor 14.1701 8 F F Y 1 KP Grainger Coll of Engineering B1 KP0 204 http://ise.illinois.edu/ True 12234 1B1-KP-KP0-220 Materials Research Lab Materials Research Laboratory Materials Research Laboratory Paul Braun 2015 Materials Res. Lab 104 S. Goodwin 230 66 Urbana IL 61801-2902 217 333-1370 pbraun 90.1432 3 F F Y 1 KP Grainger Coll of Engineering B1 KP0 220 http://mrl.illinois.edu/ True 12238 1B1-KP-KP0-919 Materials Science & Engineerng Department of Materials Science and Engineering Materials Science and Engineering, Department of Ceramic Engineering, Department of (Materials Science and Engineering, Department of) Nancy Sottos 201 M S E B 1304 W. Green 246 34 Urbana IL 61801-2920 217 333-1441 n-sottos 14.1801 1 F F Y 1 KP Grainger Coll of Engineering B1 KP0 919 http://www.matse.illinois.edu/ True 12240 1B1-KP-KP0-917 Mechanical Sci & Engineering Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering Mechanical Science and Engineering, Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (Mechanical Science and Engineering, Department of) Anthony M. Jacobi 144 Mech Engineering Bldg 1206 W. Green 244 112 Urbana IL 61801-2906 217 333-1176 a-jacobi 14.1901 1 F F Y 1 KP Grainger Coll of Engineering B1 KP0 917 http://mechanical.illinois.edu/ True 12253 1B1-KP-KP0-973 Nuclear, Plasma, & Rad Engr Department of Nuclear, Plasma, and Radiological Engineering Nuclear, Plasma, and Radiological Engineering, Department of Rizwan Uddin 100 Talbot Laboratory 104 S. Wright 234 13 Urbana IL 61801-2959 217 333-2295 rizwan 14.2301 1 F F Y 1 KP Grainger Coll of Engineering B1 KP0 973 https://npre.illinois.edu/ True 12255 1B1-KP-KP0-244 Physics Department of Physics Physics, Department of Physics Illinois Physics Matthias G. Perdekamp 211 Loomis Lab 1110 W. Green 704 67 Urbana IL 61801-2902 217 333-3761 mgp 40.0801 1 F F Y 1 KP Grainger Coll of Engineering B1 KP0 244 http://physics.illinois.edu/ True 12401 1B1-KR-KR0-447 Fine & Applied Arts Admin College of Fine and Applied Arts Administration College of Fine and Applied Arts - Administration College of Fine and Applied Arts Jacob Pinholster 100 Architecture 608 E. Lorado Taft 622 50 Champaign IL 61820-6922 217 333-1660 jakepin 50.0101 2 T T Y 1 KR Fine & Applied Arts B1 KR0 447 http://faa.illinois.edu/ True 12402 1B1-KR-KR0-663 FAA General Expen College of Fine and Applied Arts General Expenses College of Fine and Applied Arts General Information Jacob Pinholster 100 Architecture 608 E. Lorado Taft 622 50 Champaign IL 61820-6922 217 333-1661 jakepin 50.0101 8 F T Y 1 KR Fine & Applied Arts B1 KR0 663 http://faa.illinois.edu/ False 12403 1B1-KR-KR0-481 Action Research Illinois Action Research Illinois Jacob Pinholster 101 Temple Hoyne Buell 611 E. Lorado Taft 620 50 Champaign IL 61820-6921 217 265-0202 jakepin 04.0301 8 F T Y 1 KR Fine & Applied Arts B1 KR0 481 http://engage.illinois.edu/entry/19425 True 12405 1B1-KR-KR0-767 Architecture School of Architecture Architecture, School of School of Architecture F. Rodriguez-Suarez 117 Temple Hoyne Buell 611 E. Lorado Taft 620 339 Champaign IL 61820-6921 217 333-1330 paco70 04.9999 5 F F Y 1 KR Fine & Applied Arts B1 KR0 767 http://www.arch.illinois.edu/ True 12410 1B1-KR-KR0-526 Art & Design School of Art and Design Art and Design, School of Brooke White 143 Art & Design Bldg 408 E. Peabody 590 219 Champaign IL 61820-6924 217 333-0855 brookecw 50.0702 5 F F Y 1 KR Fine & Applied Arts B1 KR0 526 http://art.illinois.edu/ True 12418 1B1-KR-KR0-801 Dance Department of Dance Dance, Department of Sara Hook 907 1/2 W. Nevada 039 365 Urbana IL 61801-3810 217 333-1010 sarahook 50.0301 1 F F Y 1 KR Fine & Applied Arts B1 KR0 801 http://dance.illinois.edu True 12419 1B1-KR-KR0-262 Krannert Center Krannert Center for the Performing Arts Krannert Center for the Performing Arts Michael Ross 5-119 KCPA 500 S. Goodwin 072 52 Urbana IL 61801-3741 217 333-6700 mikeross 3 F F Y 1 KR Fine & Applied Arts B1 KR0 262 http://www.krannertcenter.com/ True 12420 1B1-KR-KR0-569 Landscape Architecture Department of Landscape Architecture Landscape Architecture, Department of David Hays 101 Temple Hoyne Buell 611 E. Lorado Taft 620 339 Champaign IL 61820-6921 217 333-0176 dlhays 04.0601 1 F F Y 1 KR Fine & Applied Arts B1 KR0 569 https://landarch.illinois.edu/ True 12425 1B1-KR-KR0-495 Music School of Music Music, School of Linda Moorehouse 2134 Music Bldg 1114 W. Nevada 056 39 Urbana IL 61801-3859 217 333-2620 moorhouz 50.0901 5 F F Y 1 KR Fine & Applied Arts B1 KR0 495 http://www.music.illinois.edu/ True 12430 1B1-KR-KR0-883 Theatre Department of Theatre Theatre, Department of Valleri Robinson KCPA 4-122 500 S. Goodwin 072 52 Urbana IL 61801-3741 217 244-6180 valleri2 50.0501 1 F F Y 1 KR Fine & Applied Arts B1 KR0 883 http://theatre.illinois.edu True 12435 1B1-KR-KR0-209 U of I Bands University of Illinois Bands Bands, University of Illinois Jeffrey Sposato 3054 Music Bldg 1114 W. Nevada 056 39 Urbana IL 61801-3859 217 333-3025 jsposato 50.0901 8 F T Y 1 KR Fine & Applied Arts B1 KR0 209 http://www.bands.illinois.edu/ True 12448 1B1-KR-KR0-733 Urban & Regional Planning Department of Urban and Regional Planning Urban and Regional Planning, Department of Marc Doussard 111 Temple Hoyne Buell 611 E. Lorado Taft 619 339 Champaign IL 61820-6921 217 333-3890 mdouss1 04.0301 1 F F Y 1 KR Fine & Applied Arts B1 KR0 733 https://urban.illinois.edu/ True 12480 1B1-KR-KR0-607 Krannert Art Museum Krannert Art Museum and Kinkead Pavilion Krannert Art Museum and Kinkead Pavilion Jon Seydl Krannert Art Museum 500 E. Peobody 592 220 Champaign IL 61820-6913 217 333-1861 jseydl 3 F F Y 1 KR Fine & Applied Arts B1 KR0 607 https://kam.illinois.edu/ True 12499 1B1-KR-KR0-644 Fine & Applied Arts Courses Fine and Applied Arts Courses Jacob Pinholster 110 Architecture 608 E. Lorado Taft 622 50 Champaign IL 61820-6922 217 333-1660 jakepin 50.0101 For Courses 7 F T Y 1 KR Fine & Applied Arts B1 KR0 644 http://www.faa.illinois.edu/ False 12601 1B1-KS-KS0-486 Graduate Admin Graduate College Administration Graduate College Wojciech Chodzko-Zajko 507 E. Green St., Suite 101 434 1262 Champaign IL 61820-6242 217 333-0035 wojtek 52.0101 2 T F Y 1 KS Graduate College B1 KS0 486 http://www.grad.illinois.edu/ True 12602 1B1-KS-KS0-259 Graduate General Expen Graduate College General Expenses Graduate College - General Expenses Wojciech Chodzko-Zajko 507 E. Green St., Suite 101 434 1262 Champaign IL 61820-6242 217 333-0035 wojtek 9 F T Y 1 KS Graduate College B1 KS0 259 http://www.grad.illinois.edu/ False 12612 1B1-KS-KS0-211 CIC Traveling Scholars Committee on Institutional Cooperation Traveling Scholars CIC Traveling Scholars Traveling Scholars (Committee on Institutional Cooperation) Keith A. Marshall 1819 S. Neil 428 355 Champaign IL 61820-7271 217 333-8475 keithmar 30.9999 G F F Y 1 KS Graduate College B1 KS0 211 http://www.cic.net/projects/shared-courses/traveling-scholar-program/ False 12620 1B1-KS-KS0-419 Center for Adv Study Courses Center for Advanced Study Courses May R. Berenbaum 912 W. Illinois 064 285 Urbana IL 61801-3029 217 333-1506 maybe 30.9999 phaseout 7 F T Y 1 KS Graduate College B1 KS0 419 False 12635 1B1-KS-KS0-297 Graduate College DEI Programs Graduate College Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Programs Alexis Thompson 507 E. Green St., Suite 101 434 1262 Champaign IL 61820-6242 217 333-4860 athmpsn1 24.0101 Acting 8 F F Y 1 KS Graduate College B1 KS0 297 http://www.grad.illinois.edu/ False 12665 1B1-KS-KS0-683 Fellowships Fellowships Graduate College Fellowships Office Wojciech Chodzko-Zajko 507 E. Green St., Suite 101 434 1262 Champaign IL 61820-6242 217 333-0036 wojtek 8 F F Y 1 KS Graduate College B1 KS0 683 http://www.grad.illinois.edu/fellowship/ False 12699 1B1-KS-KS0-913 Graduate College Programs Graduate College Programs Wojciech Chodzko-Zajko 507 E. Green St., Suite 101 434 1262 Champaign IL 61820-6216 217 333-6715 wojtek 24.0101 7 F F Y 1 KS Graduate College B1 KS0 913 https://www.studyabroad.illinois.edu/ False 12801 1B1-KT-KT0-934 College of Media Admin College of Media Administration Tracy Sulkin 119 Gregory Hall 810 S. Wright 462 43 Urbana IL 61801-3655 217 333-2350 tsulkin 09.0100 2 T F Y 1 KT College of Media B1 KT0 934 https://media.illinois.edu/ True 12802 1B1-KT-KT0-686 College of Media Gen. Expenses College of Media General Expenses Tracy Sulkin 119 Gregory Hall 810 S. Wright 462 43 Urbana IL 61801-3655 217 333-2350 tsulkin 09.0100 9 F T Y 1 KT College of Media B1 KT0 686 https://media.illinois.edu/ False 12803 1B1-KT-KT0-408 Advertising Charles H. Sandage Department of Advertising Advertising, Department of Michelle Nelson 119 Gregory Hall 810 S. Wright 462 43 Urbana IL 61801-3655 217 333-1602 nelsonmr 09.0903 1 F F Y 1 KT College of Media B1 KT0 408 https://media.illinois.edu/advertising True 12810 1B1-KT-KT0-642 Journalism Department of Journalism Journalism, Department of Mira Sotirovic 119 Gregory Hall 810 S. Wright 462 43 Urbana IL 61801-3644 217 333-0709 sotirovi 09.0401 1 F F Y 1 KT College of Media B1 KT0 642 https://media.illinois.edu/journalism True 12820 1B1-KT-KT0-238 Inst of Communications Rsch Institute of Communications Research Institute of Communications Research Mike Yao 228 Gregory Hall 810 S. Wright 463 43 Urbana IL 61801-3645 217 333-1549 mzyao 09.0100 Interim 3 F F Y 1 KT College of Media B1 KT0 238 https://media.illinois.edu/icr True 12840 1B1-KT-KT1-953 IPM Content Programming IPM Content Programming IPM Content Programming IPM Content Programming Maurice Bresnahan 300 N. Goodwin Avenue 252 376 Urbana IL 61801-2316 217 333-1070 mossb 90.0907 8 F F Y 1 KT College of Media B1 KT1 953 http://www.will.illinois.edu/ False 12845 1B1-KT-KT1-647 IPM Development IPM Development IPM Development Maurice Bresnahan 300 N. Goodwin Avenue 252 376 Urbana IL 61801-2316 217 333-0850 mossb 90.0907 8 F F Y 1 KT College of Media B1 KT1 647 http://www.will.illinois.edu/ False 12850 1B1-KT-KT1-417 IPM Administration IPM Administration WILL Radio TV Online, Illinois Public Media WILL Radio TV Online (Illinois Public Media) Maurice Bresnahan Campbell Hall 300 N. Goodwin Avenue 252 376 Urbana IL 61801-2316 217 333-7300 mossb 90.0907 8 F T Y 1 KT College of Media B1 KT1 417 http://will.illinois.edu/ True 13010 1B1-KU-KU0-853 Law Law College of Law Jamelle Sharpe 202 Law 504 E. Pennsylvania 594 156 Champaign IL 61820-6909 217 333-0931 jcsharpe 22.0101 2 T F Y 1 KU College of Law B1 KU0 853 https://law.illinois.edu/ True 13011 1B1-KU-KU0-694 Law Library Law Library Law Library Faye Jones 202 Law 504 E. Pennsylvania 594 156 Champaign IL 61820-6909 217 333-2915 fjone 8 F T Y 1 KU College of Law B1 KU0 694 http://law.illinois.edu/academics/library/ True 13201 1B1-KV-KV0-580 LAS Administration College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Administration Liberal Arts & Sciences Administration, College of Venetria K. Patton 2090 Lincoln Hall 702 S. Wright 448 27 Urbana IL 61801 217 333-1350 vkpatton 24.0101 2 T F Y 1 KV Liberal Arts & Sciences B1 KV0 580 http://www.las.illinois.edu/ True 13202 1B1-KV-KV0-920 LAS General Expen College of Liberal Arts and Sciences General Expenses College of Liberal Arts and Sciences - General Venetria K. Patton 2090 Lincoln Hall 702 S. Wright 448 27 Urbana IL 61801 217 333-1705 vkpatton 24.0101 8 F T Y 1 KV Liberal Arts & Sciences B1 KV0 920 http://www.las.illinois.edu/ False 13204 1B1-KV-KV3-584 Cell & Developmental Biology Department of Cell and Developmental Biology Cell and Developmental Biology, Department of Supriya Prasanth B107 Chem/Life Sci Lab 601 S. Goodwin 123 70 Urbana IL 61801-3762 217 333-6118 supriyap 26.0401 1 F F Y 1 KV Liberal Arts & Sciences B1 KV3 584 http://mcb.illinois.edu/departments/cdb/ True 13205 1B1-KV-KV6-461 Center for African Studies Center for African Studies African Studies, Center for Teresa Barnes 125 Coble Hall 801 S. Wright St. 485 130 Champaign IL 61820 217 265-5016 tbarnes2 90.0501 3 F F Y 1 KV Liberal Arts & Sciences B1 KV6 461 http://www.afrst.illinois.edu/ True 13206 1B1-KV-KV0-303 African American Studies Department of African American Studies African American Studies, Department of Candice Jenkins 1201 W. Nevada St. 143 157 Urbana IL 61801 217 333-7781 cmjenki 05.0201 1 F F Y 1 KV Liberal Arts & Sciences B1 KV0 303 http://www.afro.illinois.edu/ True 13207 1B1-KV-KV0-241 Anthropology Department of Anthropology Anthropology, Department of Brenda Farnell 109 Davenport Hall 607 S. Mathews 148 1 Urbana IL 61801-3636 217 244-9226 bfarnell 45.0201 1 F F Y 1 KV Liberal Arts & Sciences B1 KV0 241 http://www.anthro.illinois.edu/ True 13208 1B1-KV-KV4-362 E. Asian Languages & Cultures Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures East Asian Languages and Cultures, Department of Dan Shao 2090A Foreign Languages 707 S. Mathews 146 172 Urbana IL 61801-3643 217 244-4012 danshao 16.0399 1 F F Y 1 KV Liberal Arts & Sciences B1 KV4 362 http://www.ealc.illinois.edu/ True 13209 1B1-KV-KV0-404 Asian American Studies Department of Asian American Studies Asian American Studies, Department of Jose B. Capino Asian American Studies Bldg. 1208 W. Nevada 142 184 Urbana IL 61801-3818 217 244-9530 jcapino 05.0103 1 F F Y 1 KV Liberal Arts & Sciences B1 KV0 404 http://www.asianam.illinois.edu True 13210 1B1-KV-KV0-430 Astronomy Department of Astronomy Astronomy, Department of Tony Wong 103 Astronomy Bldg 1002 W. Green 221 300 Urbana IL 61801-3074 217 244-3615 wongt 40.0201 1 F F Y 1 KV Liberal Arts & Sciences B1 KV0 430 http://www.astro.illinois.edu/ True 13211 1B1-KV-KV6-932 E Asian & Pacific Studies Cntr Center for East Asian and Pacific Studies East Asian and Pacific Studies, Center for Matt Winters 211 Coble Hall 801 S. Wright St 483 130 Champaign IL 61820-6216 217 333-7273 mwinters 90.0501 3 F F Y 1 KV Liberal Arts & Sciences B1 KV6 932 http://www.eaps.illinois.edu/ True 13212 1B1-KV-KV5-253 Climate Meteorology & Atm Sci Department of Climate, Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences Stephen Nesbitt 3072 Natural History Bldg 1301 W. Green 104 32 Urbana IL 61801-3070 217 333-2046 snesbitt 40.0401 1 F F Y 1 KV Liberal Arts & Sciences B1 KV5 253 http://www.atmos.illinois.edu/ True 13213 1B1-KV-KV3-870 Biophysics & Quant Biology Center for Biophysics and Quantitative Biology Biophysics and Quantitative Biology, Center for Center for Biophysics and Quantitative Biology Satish Nair 318E Roger Adams Laboratory 600 S Mathews Ave 712 116 Urbana IL 61801 217 333-1630 snair 90.2602 3 F F Y 1 KV Liberal Arts & Sciences B1 KV3 870 https://biophysics.illinois.edu/ True 13214 1B1-KV-KV0-276 Center for Writing Studies Center for Writing Studies Writing Studies, Center for Writing Studies, Center for Lindsay Russell 608 S. Wright Street 718 44 Urbana IL 61801-3630 217 333-2577 russellr 90.2313 3 F F Y 1 KV Liberal Arts & Sciences B1 KV0 276 http://www.cws.illinois.edu/ True 13216 1B1-KV-KV2-377 Plant Biology Department of Plant Biology Plant Biology, Department of Katy D. Heath 265 Morrill Hall 505 S. Goodwin 116 242 Urbana IL 61801-3750 217 333-3261 kheath 26.0301 Acting 1 F F Y 1 KV Liberal Arts & Sciences B1 KV2 377 http://www.life.illinois.edu/plantbio/ True 13218 1B1-KV-KV4-625 Sch Lit, Cultures, Ling Adm School of Literatures, Cultures, and Linguistics Administration School of Literatures, Cultures and Linguistics Mariselle Melendez 4088 Lit. Cultures & Ling Bldg 707 S. Mathews 174 172 Urbana IL 61801-3625 217 244-3252 melendez 24.0103 5 F T Y 1 KV Liberal Arts & Sciences B1 KV4 625 https://www.slcl.illinois.edu/ True 13219 1B1-KV-KV2-383 School of Integrative Biology School of Integrative Biology Integrative Biology, School of Carla Caceres 265 Morrill Hall 505 S. Goodwin 119 242 Urbana IL 61801-3750 217 333-3044 cecacere 26.0101 5 F F Y 1 KV Liberal Arts & Sciences B1 KV2 383 http://sib.illinois.edu/ True 13220 1B1-KV-KV0-925 Unit For Criticism Unit for Criticism Criticism and Interpretive Theory, Unit for Shelley Weinberg 112 English Bldg 608 S. Wright 718 44 Urbana IL 61801-3632 217 333-2581 weinberg 24.0101 P F F Y 1 KV Liberal Arts & Sciences B1 KV0 925 http://criticism.english.illinois.edu/ True 13222 1B1-KV-KV4-514 Classics Department of the Classics Classics, Department of the Ariana Traill 4080 Foreign Languages 707 S. Mathews 174 172 Urbana IL 61801-3674 217 333-1008 traill 16.1200 1 F F Y 1 KV Liberal Arts & Sciences B1 KV4 514 http://www.classics.illinois.edu/ True 13224 1B1-KV-KV4-771 Comparative & World Literature Program in Comparative and World Literature Comparative and World Literature Comparative and World Literature Wail Hassan 3072 Foreign Languages 707 S. Mathews 160 172 Urbana IL 61801-3643 217 333-6157 whassan 16.0104 P F F Y 1 KV Liberal Arts & Sciences B1 KV4 771 http://www.complit.illinois.edu/ True 13225 1B1-KV-KV0-499 English Department of English Justine S. Murison 608 S. Wright Street 718 44 Urbana IL 61801-3633 217 333-2391 jmurison 23.0101 1 F F Y 1 KV Liberal Arts & Sciences B1 KV0 499 http://www.english.illinois.edu/ True 13227 1B1-KV-KV2-292 Evolution Ecology Behavior Evolution, Ecology, and Behavior Ecology, Ethology, and Evolution, Department of (now Animal Biology, Department of) Becky Fuller 515 Morrill Hall 505 S. Goodwin 122 242 Urbana IL 61801-3707 217 333-7801 rcfuller 26.1301 1 F F Y 1 KV Liberal Arts & Sciences B1 KV2 292 https://sib.illinois.edu/ True 13228 1B1-KV-KV2-361 Entomology Department of Entomology May R. Berenbaum 320 Morrill Hall 505 S. Goodwin 118 242 Urbana IL 61801-3750 217 333-2910 maybe 26.0702 1 F F Y 1 KV Liberal Arts & Sciences B1 KV2 361 http://www.life.illinois.edu/entomology/ True 13229 1B1-LQ-LQ0-984 Intensive English Institute Intensive English Institute Matt Rosenstein International Studies Bldg 910 S. Fifth St. 416 Champaign IL 61820 217 333-6598 rosenstn 24.0101 Interim P F F Y 1 LQ Illinois International Prgms B1 LQ0 984 http://www.iei.illinois.edu/ True 13231 1B1-KV-KV4-985 French and Italian Department of French and Italian Zsuzsanna Fagyal 2090 Foreign Languages 707 S. Mathews 158 172 Urbana IL 61801-3643 217 333-2020 zsfagyal 16.0901 1 F F Y 1 KV Liberal Arts & Sciences B1 KV4 985 http://www.frit.illinois.edu True 13243 1B1-KV-KV5-872 Geography & GIS Department of Geography and Geographic Information Science Julie Cidell 2042 Natural History Bldg. 1301 W. Green St. 150 32 Urbana IL 61801 217 333-1880 jcidell 45.0701 1 F F Y 1 KV Liberal Arts & Sciences B1 KV5 872 http://ggis.illinois.edu/ True 13246 1B1-KV-KV5-655 Earth Sci & Environmental Chng Earth Science and Environmental Change Craig Lundstrom 3081 Natural History Bldg. 1301 W. Green St. 102 32 Urbana IL 61801 217 333-3240 lundstro 40.0601 1 F F Y 1 KV Liberal Arts & Sciences B1 KV5 655 http://www.geology.illinois.edu/ True 13247 1B1-KV-KV0-982 Latina/Latino Studies Department of Latina/Latino Studies Gilberto Rosas 1207 W Oregon St 136 238 Urbana IL 61801 217 265-0370 grosas2 05.0203 interim 1 F F Y 1 KV Liberal Arts & Sciences B1 KV0 982 http://www.lls.illinois.edu/ True 13248 1B1-KV-KV6-729 Latin American & Carib Studies Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies Latin American and Caribbean Studies, Center for Andy Orta 223 Coble Hall 801 S. Wright St. 481 130 Champaign IL 61820-6216 217 244-7333 aorta 90.0501 Interim 3 F F Y 1 KV Liberal Arts & Sciences B1 KV6 729 http://www.clacs.illinois.edu/ True 13249 1B1-KV-KV4-927 Germanic Languages & Lit Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures Germanic Languages and Literatures, Department of Anke Pinkert 2090 Foreign Languages 707 S. Mathews 178 172 Urbana IL 61801-3643 217 333-1288 pinkert 16.0501 Interim 1 F F Y 1 KV Liberal Arts & Sciences B1 KV4 927 http://www.germanic.illinois.edu/ True 13250 1B1-KV-KV0-451 History Department of History History, Department of Adrian Burgos 309 Gregory Hall 810 S. Wright 466 43 Urbana IL 61801-3697 217 333-1155 burgosjr 54.0101 1 F F Y 1 KV Liberal Arts & Sciences B1 KV0 451 http://www.history.illinois.edu/ True 13251 1D1-NP-NP0-327 Humanities Research Institute Humanities Research Institute Antoinette Burton Levis Faculty Cntr, Suite 400 919 W. Illinois Street 057 126 Urbana IL 61801-4822 217 244-3344 aburton 90.2401 4 F F Y 1 NP OVCRI Institutes D1 NP0 327 https://hri.illinois.edu/ True 13252 1B1-KV-KV4-864 Linguistics Department of Linguistics Linguistics, Department of James Yoon 4088 Foreign Languages 707 S. Mathews 168 172 Urbana IL 61801-3673 217 333-3563 jyoon 16.0102 1 F F Y 1 KV Liberal Arts & Sciences B1 KV4 864 http://www.linguistics.illinois.edu/ True 13253 1B1-KV-KV0-397 Life Sciences Life Sciences Life Sciences, School of Molecular and Cellular Biology Milan Bagchi 534 Burrill Hall 407 S Goodwin 114 138 Urbana IL 61801-3797 217 333-3044 mbagchi 26.0101 8 F T Y 1 KV Liberal Arts & Sciences B1 KV0 397 http://www.life.illinois.edu/ False 13254 1B1-KV-KV0-257 Mathematics Department of Mathematics Mathematics, Department of Mi Kyoung Hur 273 Altgeld Hall 1409 W. Green Street 382 26 Urbana IL 61801-2975 217 333-3350 verahur 27.0101 1 F F Y 1 KV Liberal Arts & Sciences B1 KV0 257 https://math.illinois.edu/ True 13255 1B1-KV-KV3-948 Microbiology Department of Microbiology Microbiology, Department of James Slauch B103 Chem/Life Sci Lab 601 S. Goodwin 110 70 Urbana IL 61801-3658 217 333-1736 slauch 26.0502 1 F F Y 1 KV Liberal Arts & Sciences B1 KV3 948 http://mcb.illinois.edu/departments/microbiology/ True 13256 1B1-KV-KV0-723 Prg in Jewish Culture &Society The Program in Jewish Culture and Society Jewish Culture and Society, Program in Jewish Culture and Society, Program in Eugene Avrutin 109 English Bldg 608 S. Wright 718 1 Urbana IL 61801-3630 217 333-7978 eavrutin 38.0206 P F F Y 1 KV Liberal Arts & Sciences B1 KV0 723 http://www.jewishculture.illinois.edu/ True 13257 1B1-KV-KV0-715 Philosophy Department of Philosophy Philosophy, Department of Philosophy Rob Kar 200 Gregory Hall 810 S. Wright 468 43 Urbana IL 61801-3645 217 333-2889 rkr 38.0101 1 F F Y 1 KV Liberal Arts & Sciences B1 KV0 715 http://www.philosophy.illinois.edu/ True 13259 1B1-KV-KV0-652 Program in Medieval Studies Program in Medieval Studies Medieval Studies, Program in Carol Symes 3072 Foreign Languages 707 S. Mathews 178 172 Urbana IL 61801-3643 217 265-6254 symes 24.0101 P F F Y 1 KV Liberal Arts & Sciences B1 KV0 652 http://www.medieval.illinois.edu/ True 13260 1B1-KV-KV3-604 Molecular & Integrative Physl Department of Molecular and Integrative Physiology Molecular and Integrative Physiology, Department of Claudio Grosman 524 Burrill Hall 407 S. Goodwin 114 138 Urbana IL 61801-3704 217 244-1736 grosman 26.0901 1 F F Y 1 KV Liberal Arts & Sciences B1 KV3 604 https://mcb.illinois.edu/departments/mip/ True 13262 1B1-KV-KV3-415 School of Molecular & Cell Bio School of Molecular and Cellular Biology Molecular and Cellular Biology, School of Milan Bagchi 393 Morrill Hall 505 S. Goodwin 119 242 Urbana IL 61801-3731 217 333-3166 mbagchi 26.0101 5 F F Y 1 KV Liberal Arts & Sciences B1 KV3 415 http://mcb.illinois.edu/ True 13263 1B1-KV-KV0-710 Political Science Department of Political Science Political Science, Department of Tom Rudolph 420 David Kinley Hall 1407 W. Gregory Dr. 713 54 Urbana IL 61801 217 333-3881 rudolph 45.1001 1 F F Y 1 KV Liberal Arts & Sciences B1 KV0 710 https://pol.illinois.edu/ True 13265 1B1-KV-KV6-553 Russian,E European,Eurasn Ctr Russian, East European and Eurasian Center Russian, East European, and Eurasian Center REEEC John Randolph 107 Coble Hall 801 S. Wright St. 487 130 Champaign IL 61820-6216 217 333-1244 jwr 90.0501 3 F F Y 1 KV Liberal Arts & Sciences B1 KV6 553 http://www.reeec.illinois.edu/ True 13266 1B1-KV-KV0-299 Psychology Department of Psychology Psychology, Department of Diane Beck 308 Psychology Bldg 603 E. Daniel 716 76 Champaign IL 61820-6232 217 333-0631 dmbeck 42.0101 1 F F Y 1 KV Liberal Arts & Sciences B1 KV0 299 http://www.psych.illinois.edu/ True 13267 1B1-KV-KV4-490 Religion Department of Religion Religion, Department of Jonathan Ebel 3080 Foreign Languages 707 S. Mathews 160 172 Urbana IL 61801-3643 217 333-0473 jebel 38.0201 1 F F Y 1 KV Liberal Arts & Sciences B1 KV4 490 http://www.religion.illinois.edu/ True 13268 1B1-KV-KV4-958 Slavic Languages & Literature Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures Slavic Languages and Literatures, Department of David Cooper 2090 Foreign Languages 707 S. Mathews 170 172 Urbana IL 61801-3677 217 244-1063 dlcoop 16.0400 1 F F Y 1 KV Liberal Arts & Sciences B1 KV4 958 http://www.slavic.illinois.edu/ True 13269 1B1-KV-KV0-324 Sociology Department of Sociology Sociology, Department of Reuben Buford May 3120 Lincoln Hall 702 S. Wright St. 454 27 Urbana IL 61801-3621 217 333-1950 rabm 45.1101 1 F F Y 1 KV Liberal Arts & Sciences B1 KV0 324 http://www.sociology.illinois.edu/ True 13270 1B1-KV-KV0-441 Appl Technol Learning A & S Applied Technologies for Learning in the Arts and Sciences ATLAS (Applied Technology for Learning in the Arts and Sciences) Robert Morrissey 112 English Bldg 608 S. Wright St. 460 27 Urbana IL 61801-3621 217 333-9776 rmorriss 45.0101 8 F T Y 1 KV Liberal Arts & Sciences B1 KV0 441 http://www.atlas.illinois.edu/ True 13271 1B1-KV-KV6-954 Ctr S. Asian & MidEast Studies Center for South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, Center for South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies Eric Calderwood 125 Coble Hall 801 S. Wright St. 489 130 Champaign IL 61820-6216 217 265-5016 ecalderw 90.0501 3 F F Y 1 KV Liberal Arts & Sciences B1 KV6 954 http://csames.illinois.edu/ True 13272 1B1-KV-KV4-585 Spanish and Portuguese Department of Spanish and Portuguese Spanish and Portuguese, Department of Melissa Bowles 4080 Foreign Languages 707 S. Mathews 176 172 Urbana IL 61801-3674 217 333-3390 bowles 16.0905 1 F F Y 1 KV Liberal Arts & Sciences B1 KV4 585 http://www.spanport.illinois.edu True 13274 1B1-KV-KV0-489 Communication Department of Communication Communication, Department of Speech Communication (Now the Department of Communication) John Caughlin 3001 Lincoln Hall 702 S. Wright St. 456 27 Urbana IL 61801-3640 217 333-2683 caughlin 23.1304 1 F F Y 1 KV Liberal Arts & Sciences B1 KV0 489 http://communication.illinois.edu/ True 13280 1B1-KV-KV0-680 Gender and Women's Studies Department of Gender and Women's Studies Gender and Women's Studies, Department of Women's Studies (see Gender and Women's Studies) Toby Beauchamp 1205 W. Nevada 137 146 Urbana IL 61801 217 333-2990 tcb 05.0207 1 F F Y 1 KV Liberal Arts & Sciences B1 KV0 680 http://www.gws.illinois.edu/ True 13281 1B1-KV-KV0-895 Spurlock Museum Spurlock Museum Spurlock Museum Elizabeth Sutton 600 S. Gregory Street 065 373 Urbana IL 61801-3759 217 333-2360 easutton 3 F F Y 1 KV Liberal Arts & Sciences B1 KV0 895 http://www.spurlock.illinois.edu/ True 13283 1B1-KV-KV0-583 Statistics Department of Statistics Statistics, Department of Yuguo Chen 156 Computing Applications Bld 605 E. Springfield Ave. 374 Champaign IL 61820-5710 217 333-2167 yuguo 27.0501 1 F F Y 1 KV Liberal Arts & Sciences B1 KV0 583 http://www.stat.illinois.edu/ True 13284 1B1-KV-KV1-510 School of Chemical Sciences School of Chemical Sciences Chemical Sciences, School of Paul Kenis 106 Noyes Lab 505 S. Mathews 712 12 Urbana IL 61801-3602 217 333-5070 kenis 40.0501 5 F F Y 1 KV Liberal Arts & Sciences B1 KV1 510 https://scs.illinois.edu/ True 13285 1B1-KV-KV3-438 Biochemistry Department of Biochemistry Biochemistry, Department of Biochemistry Satish Nair 417 RAL 600 S. Mathews 712 1 Urbana IL 61801-3602 217 333-2013 snair 26.0202 Interim 1 F F Y 1 KV Liberal Arts & Sciences B1 KV3 438 http://mcb.illinois.edu/departments/biochemistry/ True 13286 1B1-KV-KV1-413 Chemistry Department of Chemistry Chemistry, Department of Cathy Murphy 109 Noyes Lab 600 S. Mathews 712 12 Urbana IL 61801-3602 217 333-5071 murphycj 40.0501 1 F F Y 1 KV Liberal Arts & Sciences B1 KV1 413 http://chemistry.illinois.edu/ True 13288 1B1-KV-KV1-687 Chemical & Biomolecular Engr Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Christopher Rao Rm 114, 3C RAL 600 S. Mathews 712 116 Urbana IL 61801-3602 217 333-3640 cvrao 14.0701 1 F F Y 1 KV Liberal Arts & Sciences B1 KV1 687 http://www.chbe.illinois.edu/ True 13297 1B1-KV-KV0-405 Economics Department of Economics Economics, Department of George Deltas 214 David Kinley Hall 1407 W. Gregory 707 54 Urbana IL 61801-3606 217 333-0120 deltas 45.0601 1 F F Y 1 KV Liberal Arts & Sciences B1 KV0 405 http://www.economics.illinois.edu/ True 13299 1B1-KV-KV0-670 Liberal Arts & Sciences Course Liberal Arts and Sciences Courses Venetria K. Patton 2090 Lincoln Hall 702 S. Wright 448 27 Urbana IL 61801 217 333-1350 vkpatton 30.9999 7 F T Y 1 KV Liberal Arts & Sciences B1 KV0 670 http://www.las.uiuc.edu/ False 13601 1B1-KY-KY0-682 Applied Health Sciences Admin College of Applied Health Sciences Administration College of Applied Health Sciences College of Applied Health Sciences Cheryl Hanley-Maxwell 110 Huff Hall 1206 S. Fourth 586 58 Champaign IL 61820-6988 217 333-2131 cherylhm 51.2299 2 T F Y 1 KY Applied Health Sciences B1 KY0 682 http://www.ahs.illinois.edu/ True 13602 1B1-KY-KY0-347 Applied Health Sci General Exp College of Applied Health Sciences General Expenses College of Applied Health Sciences Cheryl Hanley-Maxwell 107 Huff Hall 1206 S. Fourth 586 58 Champaign IL 61820-6988 217 333-2131 cherylhm 51.2299 9 F T Y 1 KY Applied Health Sciences B1 KY0 347 http://www.ahs.illinois.edu/ False 13603 1B1-KY-KY0-981 Disability Research Institute Disability Research Institute Disability Research Institute Cheryl Hanley-Maxwell 107 Huff Hall 1206 S. Fourth 586 58 Champaign IL 61820-6988 217 333-2131 cherylhm 90.4407 3 F T Y 1 KY Applied Health Sciences B1 KY0 981 http://www.dri.illinois.edu/ True 13615 1B1-KY-KY0-581 Health and Kinesiology Department of Health and Kinesiology Kim Graber Louise Freer Hall 906 S. Goodwin 052 64 Urbana IL 61801-3841 217 333-2461 kgraber 31.0505 1 F F Y 1 KY Applied Health Sciences B1 KY0 581 http://www.kch.illinois.edu/ True 13625 1B1-KY-KY0-714 Recreation, Sport and Tourism Department of Recreation, Sport and Tourism Recreation, Sport and Tourism, Department of Carla Santos 219 Huff Hall 1206 S. Fourth 584 58 Champaign IL 61820-6953 217 333-4410 csantos 31.0101 1 F F Y 1 KY Applied Health Sciences B1 KY0 714 http://www.rst.illinois.edu/ True 13631 1B1-KY-KY0-943 Disability Res & Educ Svcs Disability Resources and Educational Services Disability Resources and Educational Services, Division of DRES Heather A. Stout 1207 W. Oak St. 574 176 Champaign IL 61820-6994 217 333-1970 hstout P F F Y 1 KY Applied Health Sciences B1 KY0 943 http://www.disability.illinois.edu/ True 13640 1B1-KY-KY0-679 Speech & Hearing Science Department of Speech and Hearing Science Speech and Hearing Science, Department of Pamela Hadley 901 S. Sixth 482 209 Champaign IL 61820-6206 217 333-2230 phadley 51.0204 1 F F Y 1 KY Applied Health Sciences B1 KY0 679 http://www.shs.illinois.edu/ True 13699 1B1-KY-KY0-754 Applied Health Sci Courses Applied Health Sciences Courses Cheryl Hanley-Maxwell 107 Huff Hall 1206 S. Fourth 586 58 Champaign IL 61820-6988 217 333-2131 cherylhm 51.2299 7 F T Y 1 KY Applied Health Sciences B1 KY0 754 http://www.ahs.illinois.edu/ False 14301 1B1-LB-LB0-761 Medicine at UC Admin Medicine at Urbana-Champaign Administration U of I College of Medicine at Urbana-Champaign Janet Jokela Carle Forum Lower Level 611 West Park Street 474 565 Urbana IL 61801 217 jokela 51.1201 Acting 2 T F Y 1 LB Medicine at Urbana-Champaign B1 LB0 761 http://www.med.illinois.edu/ True 14330 1B1-LB-LB2-684 Internal Medicine Internal Medicine Internal Medicine Janet Jokela Carle Forum Lower Level 611 West Park Street 474 565 Urbana IL 61801 217 333-5465 jokela 51.1201 8 F F Y 1 LB Medicine at Urbana-Champaign B1 LB2 684 http://www.med.illinois.edu/depts_programs/sciences/clinical/internal_med/ False 14401 1B1-LC-LC0-444 Vet Medicine Administration College of Veterinary Medicine Administration College of Veterinary Medicine - Administration College of Veterinary Medicine College of Veterinary Medicine Peter Constable 3505 VMBSB 2001 S. Lincoln 002 350 Urbana IL 61802-6178 217 333-2760 constabl 01.8101 2 T T Y 1 LC Veterinary Medicine B1 LC0 444 http://vetmed.illinois.edu/ True 14402 1B1-LC-LC0-463 Vet Medicine General Expen College of Veterinary Medicine General Expenses College of Veterinary Medicine - General College of Veterinary Medicine Peter Constable 3503 VMBSB 2001 S. Lincoln 002 350 Urbana IL 61802-6178 217 333-2760 constabl 01.8101 9 F T Y 1 LC Veterinary Medicine B1 LC0 463 http://vetmed.illinois.edu/ False 14403 1B1-LC-LC0-726 Veterinary Diagnostic Lab Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory Peter Constable 1224 VMBSB 2001 S. Lincoln 002 350 Urbana IL 61802-6178 217 333-1620 constabl 01.8101 3 F F Y 1 LC Veterinary Medicine B1 LC0 726 http://vetmed.illinois.edu/vdl/ True 14405 1B1-LC-LC0-873 Comparative Biosciences Department of Comparative Biosciences Comparative Biosciences, Department of Uwe Rudolph 3516 VMBSB 2001 S. Lincoln 002 350 Urbana IL 61802-6178 217 333-2506 urudolph 26.0102 1 F F Y 1 LC Veterinary Medicine B1 LC0 873 http://vetmed.illinois.edu/college-organization/comparative-biosciences/ True 14420 1B1-LC-LC0-598 Vet Clinical Medicine Department of Veterinary Clinical Medicine Veterinary Clinical Medicine, Department of Anne Barger 242 Small Animal Clinic 1008 W. Hazelwood 004 292 Urbana IL 61802-4714 217 333-5310 abarger 01.8101 1 F F Y 1 LC Veterinary Medicine B1 LC0 598 http://vetmed.illinois.edu/college-organization/veterinary-clinical-medicine/ True 14430 1B1-LC-LC0-282 Pathobiology Department of Pathobiology Pathobiology, Department of Raymond Robert Rowland 2522 VMBSB 2001 S. Lincoln 002 350 Urbana IL 61802-6178 217 333-2449 rowland7 01.8108 Interim 1 F F Y 1 LC Veterinary Medicine B1 LC0 282 http://vetmed.illinois.edu/path/ True 14480 1B1-LC-LC0-819 Center for Zoonoses Research Center for Zoonoses Research Zoonoses Research, Center for Zoonoses Research, Center for Peter Constable 3503 VMBSB 2001 S. Lincoln 002 350 Urbana IL 61802-6178 217 333-2760 constabl 90.0180 3 F T Y 1 LC Veterinary Medicine B1 LC0 819 http://vetmed.illinois.edu/czr/ True 14499 1B1-LC-LC0-249 Vet Med College-Wide Programs Veterinary Medicine College-Wide Programs Vet Med Programs - Wide Programs Peter Constable 3503 VMBSB 2001 S. Lincoln 002 350 Urbana IL 61802-6178 217 333-2760 constabl 01.8101 3 F T Y 1 LC Veterinary Medicine B1 LC0 249 http://vetmed.illinois.edu/ False 15001 1B1-LD-LD0-974 Armed Forces Coordinator Armed Forces Coordinator Army ROTC, Department of Military Science James Brennan 309 Gregory Hall 810 S. Wright St. 466 Urbana IL 61801 217 244-2594 jbrennan 28.9999 Military Ed Council 8 T F Y 1 LD Armed Forces B1 LD0 974 http://www.militaryed.illinois.edu/ True 15010 1B1-LD-LD0-762 Air Force Aerospace Studies Department of Air Force Aerospace Studies Air Force Aerospace Studies, Department of Joseph Timberlake 229 Armory Bldg. 505 E. Armory 532 6 Champaign IL 61820-6294 217 333-1927 jwt 28.0101 8 F F Y 1 LD Armed Forces B1 LD0 762 http://catalog.illinois.edu/courses-of-instruction/afas True 15030 1B1-LD-LD0-914 Military Science Department of Military Science Military Science (Army ROTC), Department of Daniel W. Johnson 113 Armory 505 E. Armory 526 6 Champaign IL 61820-6237 217 244-1407 dwj34 28.0301 arotc@illinois.edu 8 F F Y 1 LD Armed Forces B1 LD0 914 https://illinoisarmyrotc.web.illinois.edu/ True 15040 1B1-LD-LD0-558 Naval Science Department of Naval Science Naval Science, Department of Naval Science Anthony Corapi 236 Armory 505 E. Armory 536 6 Champaign IL 61820-6288 217 333-1061 acorapi 28.0401 8 F F Y 1 LD Armed Forces B1 LD0 558 http://rotc.navy.illinois.edu/ True 15410 1B1-LF-LF0-305 Fire Service Institute Fire Service Institute Fire Service Institute James Keiken 11 Gerty Drive 675 294 Champaign IL 61820-7404 217 333-3800 jkeiken 90.4302 8 F F Y 1 LF Public Safety B1 LF0 305 http://www.fsi.illinois.edu/ True 15420 1B1-LF-LF0-575 Police Training Institute Police Training Institute Joseph Gallo Police Training Institute 1004 S. Fourth Street 523 323 Champaign IL 61820-6104 217 333-2337 jfgallo 90.4301 1 F F Y 1 LF Public Safety B1 LF0 575 http://www.pti.illinois.edu/ True 16010 1B1-LG-LG0-568 School of Labor & Empl. Rel. School of Labor and Employment Relations Labor and Employment Relations, School of Simon Restubog 147 LER 504 E. Armory Avenue 504 218 Champaign IL 61820-6221 217 333-1482 simonldr 52.1002 Interim T T F Y 1 LG School of Labor & Empl. Rel. B1 LG0 568 http://www.ler.illinois.edu/ True 16110 1D1-NP-NP0-392 Beckman Institute Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology Stephen Maren 405 N. Mathews 251 228 Urbana IL 61801-2325 217 244-1176 smaren 90.1499 3 F F Y 1 NP OVCRI Institutes D1 NP0 392 http://beckman.illinois.edu/ True 16810 1B1-LL-LL0-783 School of Social Work School of Social Work Social Work, School of Benjamin Lough 1010 W. Nevada 082 238 Urbana IL 61801-3813 217 333-2261 bjlough 44.0701 T T F Y 1 LL School of Social Work B1 LL0 783 http://socialwork.illinois.edu/ True 17301 1B1-LN-LN0-641 Center Innov in Teach Learn Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning Innovation in Teaching and Learning, Center for CITL Online & Continuing Educ Michel Bellini 249 Armory Bldg 505 E. Armory Avenue 528 6 Champaign IL 61820 217 333-1462 bellini 88.8888 8 T F Y 1 LN Center for Innov Teach Learn B1 LN0 641 http://citl.illinois.edu True 17303 1B1-LN-LN0-627 Publications and Promotion Publications and Promotion Publications and Promotion Arathi Kylasam 901 W. University, Suite 201 260 1265 Urbana IL 61801-2695 217 333-1462 kylasam 88.8888 8 F T Y 1 LN Center for Innov Teach Learn B1 LN0 627 False 17310 1B1-LN-LN0-590 Guided and Self-Paced Study Guided and Self-Paced Study Guided and Self-Paced Study Michel Bellini 901 W. University, Suite 201 260 1265 Urbana IL 61801-2695 217 333-1320 bellini 88.8888 8 F F Y 1 LN Center for Innov Teach Learn B1 LN0 590 http://oce.illinois.edu/Programs/SelfPacedCourses True 17325 1H1-NL-NL0-550 Allerton Park & Retreat Center Allerton Park and Retreat Center Derek Peterson 515 Old Timber Rd. 725 2102 Monticello IL 61856-8279 217 333-3287 depetrsn 88.8888 8 F T Y 1 NL VC for Admin and Operations H1 NL0 550 http://allerton.illinois.edu/ True 17330 1B1-LN-LN0-951 Academic Outreach Division of Academic Outreach Academic Outreach, Division of Michel Bellini 901 W. University, Suite 201 260 355 Urbana IL 61801-2695 217 333-3061 bellini 88.8888 8 F T Y 1 LN Center for Innov Teach Learn B1 LN0 951 http://oce.illinois.edu/ False 17410 1B1-LP-LP0-992 Information Sciences Information Sciences Information Sciences, School of School of Information Sciences Eunice Santos 501 E. Daniel Street 493 331 Champaign IL 61820-6211 217 333-3280 eesantos 25.0101 T T F Y 1 LP School of Information Sciences B1 LP0 992 http://ischool.illinois.edu/ True 17420 1B1-LP-LP0-560 Center for Children's Books The Center for Children's Books Children's Books, Center for Eunice Santos 501 E. Daniel Street 493 331 Champaign IL 61820-6211 217 244-0324 eesantos 90.2501 3 F T Y 1 LP School of Information Sciences B1 LP0 560 http://ccb.lis.illinois.edu/ True 17940 1B1-KV-KV6-411 The ACDIS Program The Program in Arms Control and Domestic and International Security ACDIS - Arms Control, Domestic and International Security Program Arms Control & Domestic and Int'l Security, Prgm in (ACDIS) Angela Di Fulvio 350 Armory Bldg. 505 E. Armory Ave. 533 6 Champaign IL 61820-6237 217 333-7086 difulvio 8 F T Y 1 KV Liberal Arts & Sciences B1 KV6 411 http://acdis.illinois.edu/ True 17960 1B1-LQ-LQ0-533 Illinois Abroad Illinois Abroad and Global Exchange Illinois Abroad and Global Exchange (Study Abroad) IAGE Joy Phaphouvaninh 124 Int' l Studies Bldg 910 S. Fifth 480 369 Champaign IL 61820-6216 217 333-6322 joypha Interim 8 F T Y 1 LQ Illinois International Prgms B1 LQ0 533 https://studyabroad.illinois.edu/ True 17981 1B1-LQ-LQ0-794 Intl Student and Scholar Svcs International Student and Scholar Services Martin McFarlane 432 Student Services Building 610 E. John 306 188 Champaign IL 61820-5717 217 333-1303 mmcfarln 8 F F Y 1 LQ Illinois International Prgms B1 LQ0 794 https://isss.illinois.edu/ True 18001 1B1-LR-LR0-540 Library Admin Library Administration Library, University of Illinois Administration Scholarly Communications & Publishing Unit Claire Stewart 230 Library 1408 W. Gregory 522 41 Urbana IL 61801-3607 217 333-2290 clairest S T F Y 1 LR Library B1 LR0 540 http://www.library.illinois.edu/ True 18002 1B1-LR-LR0-600 Library Research & Publication Library Research and Publication Library Research and Publication Committee Claire Stewart 230 Library 1408 W. Gregory 522 41 Urbana IL 61801-3607 217 333-0790 clairest 8 F T Y 1 LR Library B1 LR0 600 http://www.library.illinois.edu/committee/rpc/ True 18003 1B1-LR-LR0-396 Mortenson Cntr Int'l Lib Prgms Mortenson Center for International Library Programs Mortenson Center for International Library Programs International Library Programs, Mortenson Center for) Claire Stewart 230 Library 1408 W. Gregory 522 41 Urbana IL 61801-3607 217 333-0790 clairest 90.2599 3 F T Y 1 LR Library B1 LR0 396 http://www.library.illinois.edu/mortenson/ True 18007 1B1-LR-LR0-668 Library Library Library Claire Stewart 230 Library 1408 W. Gregory 522 41 Urbana IL 61801-3607 217 333-2290 clairest 8 F T Y 1 LR Library B1 LR0 668 http://www.library.illinois.edu/ True 18020 1B1-LR-LR0-795 Library Collections/Support Library Collections/Support Library Collections/Support Claire Stewart 230 Library 1408 W. Gregory 522 41 Urbana IL 61801-3607 217 333-0790 clairest 8 F T Y 1 LR Library B1 LR0 795 http://www.library.illinois.edu/ True 18201 1C1-NN-NN6-701 Facilities & Services Facilities and Services Jeffrey Angiel Physical Plant Svcs Bldg 1501 S. Oak Street 800 198 Champaign IL 61820-6905 217 333-0340 jangiel 8 T T Y 1 NN Facilities C1 NN6 701 https://fs.illinois.edu/ True 18205 1C1-NN-NN3-456 Building Operation Building Operation Jeffrey Angiel Physical Plant Svcs Bldg 1501 S. Oak Street 827 198 Champaign IL 61820-6905 217 333-2500 jangiel 8 F T Y 1 NN Facilities C1 NN0 456 https://fs.illinois.edu/ False 18220 1C1-NN-NN3-815 Bldg Maintenance Crafts/Trades Building Maintenance Crafts and Trades Jeffrey Angiel Physical Plant Svcs Bldg 1501 S. Oak Street 800 198 Champaign IL 61820-6905 217 333-0340 jangiel 8 F T Y 1 NN Facilities C1 NN3 815 https://fs.illinois.edu/ True 18230 1C1-NN-NN3-328 F&S Grounds F&S Grounds Department Jeffrey Angiel Physical Plant Svcs Bldg 1501 S. Oak Street 800 198 Champaign IL 61820-6905 217 333-0340 jangiel 8 F T Y 1 NN Facilities C1 NN0 328 https://fs.illinois.edu/ True 18235 1C1-NC-NC0-766 F&S Fleet Operations F&S Fleet Operations Pete Varney Physical Plant Svcs Bldg 1701 S. Oak Street 677 198 Champaign IL 61820-6905 217 333-3910 pvarney 8 F T Y 1 NC Administrative Services C1 NC0 766 https://fs.illinois.edu True 18240 1C1-NN-NN0-398 Heat Light & Power Heat, Light and Power Jeffrey Angiel Physical Plant Svcs Bldg 1501 S. Oak Street 800 198 Champaign IL 61820-6905 217 333-0340 jangiel 8 F T Y 1 NN Facilities C1 NN0 398 http://fs.illinois.edu/ True 18246 1C1-MY-MY0-862 Energy Services Administration Energy Services Administration Facilities and Services, Energy Services Administration Jeffrey Angiel Physical Plant Svcs Bldg 1501 S. Oak Street 827 198 Champaign IL 61820-6905 217 333-2500 jangiel 8 T T Y 1 MY UA-Facilities Planning & Pgms C1 MY0 862 http://www.energymanagement.illinois.edu/ False 18250 1C1-NN-NN2-518 Construction Projects Construction Projects Jeffrey Angiel Physical Plant Svcs Bldg 1501 S. Oak Street 800 198 Champaign IL 61820-6905 333-0340 jangiel 8 F F Y 1 NN Facilities C1 NN2 518 https://fs.illinois.edu/ True 18255 1C1-NN-NN4-814 Capital Programs Capital Programs Mohamed Sultan Physical Plant Svcs Bldg 1501 S. Oak Street 800 198 Champaign IL 61820-6905 217 333-0340 msultan5 8 F F Y 1 NN Facilities C1 NN4 814 https://fs.illinois.edu/ True 18266 1C1-NN-NN1-465 Capital Admin & Development Capital Administration & Development Jeffrey Angiel Physical Plant Svcs Bldg 1501 S. Oak Street 800 198 Champaign IL 61820-6905 217 333-0340 jangiel 8 F T Y 1 NN Facilities C1 NN1 465 https://fs.illinois.edu/ False 18555 1E1-NQ-NQ0-571 Division of Campus Recreation Division of Campus Recreation Campus Recreation, Department of Division of Campus Recreation Marcus Jackson 201 E Peabody Dr 556 118 Champaign IL 61820-6911 217 333-3806 mjacksn7 8 F F Y 1 NQ Auxiliary Units E1 NQ0 571 http://www.campusrec.illinois.edu/ True 18561 1E1-NQ-NQ0-279 Office of the Dean of Students Office of the Dean of Students Stephen Bryan 300 Student Services Building 610 E. John St. 306 188 Champaign IL 61820-5717 spbryan 8 F T Y 1 NQ Auxiliary Units E1 NQ0 279 True 18586 1E1-NQ-NQ0-270 Housing Division Housing Division Housing, University of Illinois University Housing University Housing Alma R. Sealine 200 Clark Hall 1203 S. Fourth 548 87 Champaign IL 61820-6982 217 333-7111 asealine 8 F F Y 1 NQ Auxiliary Units E1 NQ0 270 http://www.housing.illinois.edu/ True 18588 1A1-NU-NU0-296 State Farm Center State Farm Center State Farm Center John R. Marquardt 101 State Farm Center 1800 S. First 656 166 Champaign IL 61820-6951 217 333-2923 jrmarqua 8 F F Y 1 NU Intercollegiate Athletics A1 NU0 296 http://www.fightingillini.com/statefarmcenter True 18590 1E1-NQ-NQ0-389 Illini Union Illini Union Illini Union Rebecca Salzman 227 Illini Union 1401 W. Green 384 23 Urbana IL 61801-2953 217 333-0691 rsalzman 8 F F Y 1 NQ Auxiliary Units E1 NQ0 389 https://union.illinois.edu/ True 19101 1A1-NU-NU0-336 Intercollegiate Athletics Division of Intercollegiate Athletics (DIA) Intercollegiate Athletics, Division of Athletics, Division of Intercollegiate Josh Whitman 1700 South Fourth St. 658 379 Champaign IL 61820-6941 217 333-3630 jwhitman 31.0501 8 T F Y 1 NU Intercollegiate Athletics A1 NU0 336 http://www.fightingillini.com/ True 1Z218 1B1-KV-KV0-218 Cline Ctr for Adv Social Rsrch Cline Center for Advanced Social Research Cline Center for Advanced Social Research Scott Althaus 2001 S.First Street, Suite 207 689 1103 Champaign IL 61820 265-7846 salthaus 90.4501 3 F F Y 1 KV Liberal Arts & Sciences B1 KV0 218 http://www.clinecenter.illinois.edu/ True 1Z233 1E1-NQ-NQ0-233 Student Affairs Technology Student Affairs Technology Auxiliary Shared Technology Services James P. Quisenberry 324 Clark Hall 1203 S. Fourth Street 548 87 Champaign IL 61820 217 244-1100 jpq U F F Y 1 NQ Auxiliary Units E1 NQ0 233 True 1Z234 1A1-NA-NA3-234 Web Services Web Services James R. Wilson 507 E. Green, 3rd Floor 426 1262 Champaign IL 61820 217 265-9073 wilsonjr 8 F T Y 1 NA Chancellor A1 NA3 234 http://webtools.illinois.edu/ True 1Z243 1A1-NA-NA3-243 StratCommunications-Marketing The Office of Strategic Communications and Marketing Robin Kaler 507 E. Green 426 1262 Champaign IL 61820 217 333-5010 rkaler 8 F T Y 1 NA Chancellor A1 NA3 243 https://stratcom.illinois.edu/ True 1Z248 1B1-KW-KW0-248 General Studies Courses General Studies Courses Kristi Kuntz 807 S. Wright St. 317 106 Champaign IL 61820 217 333-4710 kakuntz 24.0101 7 F F Y 1 KW Division of General Studies B1 KW0 248 http://www.dgs.illinois.edu False 1Z255 1B1-LC-LC0-255 Veterinary Teaching Hospital Veterinary Teaching Hospital Veterinary Teaching Hospital Drew Sullivan 240c SAC 1004 W. Hazelwood Dr. 004 350 Urbana IL 61802-6178 217 265-6554 dsullivn 01.8101 Interim 8 F T Y 1 LC Veterinary Medicine B1 LC0 255 http://vetmed.illinois.edu/vth/ True 1Z265 1B1-KV-KV5-265 Sch Earth, Soc, Environ Admin School of Earth, Society, and Environment Administration Earth, Society and Environment, School of School of Earth, Society and Environment Robert Trapp 3081 Natural History Building 1301 W. Green St. 103 32 Urbana IL 61801 217 244-4064 jtrapp 40.9999 5 F F Y 1 KV Liberal Arts & Sciences B1 KV5 265 http://www.earth.illinois.edu/ False 1Z266 1C1-NN-NN3-266 Building Maintenance Functionl Building Maintenance Functional Jeffrey Angiel Physical Plant Svcs Bldg. 1501 S. Oak St. 827 198 Champaign IL 61820-6905 217 333-2500 jangiel 8 F F Y 1 NN Facilities C1 NN3 266 https://fs.illinois.edu/ False 1Z267 1G1-NV-NV0-267 Diversity Committee & Advocacy Diversity Committees and Advocacy Gioconda Guerra Perez 318 Swanlund Admin Bldg. 601 E. John St. 304 193 Champaign IL 61820 gguerra F F Y 1 NV Vice Chancellor for Diversity G1 NV0 267 True 1Z273 1B1-KP-KP0-273 Engr Shared Admin Services Grainger Engineering Shared Administrative Services Tessa Hile 306 Engineering Hall 1308 W. Green Street 266 266 Urbana IL 61801 217 333-2150 tmhile 14.0101 8 F F Y 1 KP Grainger Coll of Engineering B1 KP0 273 https://grainger.illinois.edu/ True 1Z280 1F1-NS-NSO-280 Ofc VC Inst Advancement Office of the Vice Chancellor for Institutional Advancement Vice Chancellor for Institutional Advancement, Office of the Institutional Advancement, Vice Chancellor for Development, Office of Campus(new listing as institutional Advancement, Vice Chancellor) Barry Benson Alice Campbell Alumni Cntr 601 S Lincoln, Suite 3001 079 94 Urbana IL 61801 217 244-1206 bensonb 8 T T Y 1 NS VC for Inst Advancement F1 NS0 280 http://give.illinois.edu/ True 1Z281 1B1-KM-KM0-281 Gies Academic Programs Gies College of Business Academic Programs Brooke Elliott 260 Wohlers Hall 1206 S. Sixth Street 706 159 Champaign IL 61820 wbe 8 F F Y 1 KM Gies College of Business B1 KM0 281 True 1Z283 1A1-NA-NA3-283 Strategic Marketing & Branding Strategic Marketing and Branding Robin Kaler 507 E Green 428 1262 Champaign IL 61820 333-1085 rkaler 8 F F Y 1 NA Chancellor A1 NA3 283 True 1Z290 1B1-LM-LM0-290 Provost Courses Provost Courses 7 F F Y 1 LM Provost Academic Programs B1 LM0 290 False 1Z294 1B1-KY-KY0-294 Interdisciplinary Health Sci Interdisciplinary Health Sciences Interdisciplinary Health Sciences Amy Woods 258 Freer Hall 906 S Goodwin 052 64 Urbana IL 61801 217 244-0823 amywoods 51.0000 Interim 8 F F Y 1 KY Applied Health Sciences B1 KY0 294 http://ihealth.illinois.edu/ True 1Z302 1B1-KV-KV0-302 Int'l Forum for US Studies International Forum for US Studies International Forum for US Studies Jane Desmond 340 Armory Building 505 E. Armory 534 6 Champaign IL 61820 217 244-4203 desmondj 8 F F Y 1 KV Liberal Arts & Sciences B1 KV0 302 http://www.ifuss.illinois.edu/ True 1Z309 1B1-KN-KN0-309 Centers &Strategic Initiatives Centers and Strategic Initiatives Lisa Monda-Amaya 38 Education Building 1310 S. Sixth Street 708 160 Champaign IL 61820 lmonda P F F Y 1 KN College of Education B1 KN0 309 True 1Z311 1C1-NN-NN2-311 F&S Engineering Services F&S Engineering Services Jeffrey Angiel Physical Plant Svcs Bldg 1501 S. Oak Street 820 198 Champaign IL 61820-6905 217 333-0340 jangiel 8 F T Y 1 NN Facilities C1 NN7 311 https://fs.illinois.edu/ True 1Z317 1B2-NB-NB1-317 Enrollment Mgmt Shared Svcs Enrollment Management Shared Services Enrollment Management Shared Services Daniel R. Mann 901 W. Illinois 061 378 Urbana IL 61801-3028 217 333-2033 danmann 8 F T Y 1 NB Provost & VC Academic Affairs B2 NB1 317 True 1Z321 1E1-NQ-NQ0-321 Aux. Health/WB Marketing Auxiliary Health & Wellbeing Marketing Lowa Mwilambwe 420 Illini Union 1401 W. Green Street 384 23 Urbana IL 61801 lmwilamb 8 F F Y 1 NQ Auxiliary Units E1 NQ0 321 True 1Z325 1B1-KM-KM0-325 Action Learning Action Learning Action Learning Andrew Allen 2015 Bus Inst. Facility-BIF 515 E. Gregory Dr 520 1206 Champaign IL 61801 217 244-1286 andrewa 8 F F Y 1 KM Gies College of Business B1 KM0 325 True 1Z329 1B2-NB-NB0-329 SmartHealthyCommunity(Rokwire) Smart Healthy Community (Rokwire) Paul Redman 333 Grainger Engr Library 1301 W. Springfield Ave. 274 324 Urbana IL 61801 217 predman 8 F F Y 1 NB Provost & VC Academic Affairs B2 NB0 329 True 1Z332 1D1-NP-NP1-332 Prairie Research Institute Prairie Research Institute Prairie Research Institute Praveen Kumar 179 Natural Resources Bldg 615 East Peabody Drive 650 109 Champaign IL 61820-6917 217 333-5111 kumar1 90.0301 Interim 4 F F Y 1 NP OVCRI Institutes D1 NP1 332 https://prairie.illinois.edu/ True 1Z334 1D1-NE-NE0-334 Shared Cryo Facilities Shared Cryo Facilities Harley Johnson 601 E John Street 417 Swanlund Admin Building 304 193 Champaign IL 61820 htj 8 F F Y 1 NE VC for Research and Innovation D1 NE0 334 True 1Z337 1B1-KP-KP0-337 Siebel Center for Design Siebel Center for Design Siebel Center for Design Rachel Switzky 1208 S. Fourth Street 507 90 Champaign IL 61820 217 300-9100 rswitzky 8 F F Y 1 KP Grainger Coll of Engineering B1 KP0 337 https://designcenter.illinois.edu/ True 1Z342 1B1-KL-KL0-342 Ag Ldrshp Educ Comm Program Agricultural Leadership Education and Communication Program Ag Ldrshp Educ Comm Program Anna Ball 174 Bevier Hall 905 S. Goodwin Ave. 180 158 Urbana IL 61801 217 333-3165 aball 13.1301 P F F Y 1 KL College of ACES B1 KL0 342 https://alec.illinois.edu True 1Z345 1B1-KV-KV6-345 European Union Center European Union Center European Union Center Jessica Greenberg 205 Coble Hall 801 S. Wright St. 429 130 Champaign IL 61820-6216 217 265-7515 jrgreenb 90.0501 Interim 3 F F Y 1 KV Liberal Arts & Sciences B1 KV6 345 http://europe.illinois.edu/ True 1Z355 1H1-NL-NL0-355 Aviation Lease Aviation Lease 9 F F Y 1 NL VC for Admin and Operations H1 NL0 355 True 1Z358 1A1-NA-NA3-358 Special Events Special Events Laura Wilhelm-Barr 507 E. Green 301 193 Champaign IL 61820 217 333-8834 wilhelmb 8 F F Y 1 NA Chancellor A1 NA3 358 https://commencement.illinois.edu/ True 1Z365 1H1-NL-NL0-365 Swanlund IT Swanlund IT Scott Vanwingerden 314 Harker Hall 1305 W. Green St. 395 25 Urbana IL 61801 217 333-2920 vanwinge 8 F F Y 1 NL VC for Admin and Operations H1 NL0 365 https://swanlundit.illinois.edu/ True 1Z374 1C1-NN-NN3-374 Construction Improvements Construction Improvements Jeffrey Angiel Physical Plant Svcs Bldg 1501 S. Oak St. 827 198 Champaign IL 61820-6905 217 333-0340 jangiel 8 F F Y 1 NN Facilities C1 NN3 374 https://fs.illinois.edu/ False 1Z378 1B1-KY-KY0-378 Tech for Health & Independence Technology for Health and Independence Technology for Health & Independence Tech for Hlth & Independence Cheryl Hanley-Maxwell 108 Huff Hall 1206 S. Fourth St. 586 58 Champaign IL 61820-6988 217 333-2131 cherylhm 8 F F Y 1 KY Applied Health Sciences B1 KY0 378 True 1Z385 1E1-NQ-NQ0-385 Conference Services Conference Services Conference & Event Services Rebecca Salzman 1401 W. Green St. Illini Union 384 Urbana IL 61801 217 333-2880 rsalzman 8 F F Y 1 NQ Auxiliary Units E1 NQ0 385 http://conferences.illinois.edu/ True 1Z394 1G1-NV-NV0-394 Business Community Econ Dev Business Community Economic Development Sean Garrick 517 Swanlund Admin Bldg 601 E. John 304 193 Champaign IL 61820 sgarrick 8 F F Y 1 NV Vice Chancellor for Diversity G1 NV0 394 True 1Z395 1A1-NA-NA3-395 News Bureau News Bureau Allison C. Vance 507 E. Green 428 1262 Champaign IL 61820 217 333-1085 acvance 8 F T Y 1 NA Chancellor A1 NA3 395 http://news.illinois.edu/ True 1Z400 1B1-KM-KM0-400 Disruption and Innovation Disruption and Innovation Robert Brunner 355 Wohlers Hall 1206 S. Sixth Street 706 159 Champaign IL 61820 bigdog 8 F F Y 1 KM Gies College of Business B1 KM0 400 True 1Z401 1B2-NB-NB0-401 Office of Undergrad Research Office of Undergrad Research Karen Rodriguez'G 5th Floor IUB 807 S. Wright St. 317 106 Champaign IL 61820 217 rodrigzg 8 F F Y 1 NB Provost & VC Academic Affairs B2 NB0 401 True 1Z407 1B1-KV-KV6-407 Lemann Center Lemann Center for Brazilian Studies John Karam 201 ISB 910 S. Fifth Street 489 369 Champaign IL 61820 karam 3 F F Y 1 KV Liberal Arts & Sciences B1 KV6 407 True 1Z421 1C1-NN-NN3-421 Maint NAF-Incrementally Funded Maintenance New Area Funds-Incrementally Funded 1501 S. Oak Street 800 0198 Champaign IL 61820 9 F F Y 1 NN Facilities C1 NN3 421 https://fs.illinois.edu/ False 1Z427 1E1-NQ-NQ0-427 Campus Mail Campus Mail Campus Mail Barbara S. Childers 140 Printing Building 54 E. Gregory Dr. 570 222 Champaign IL 61820 217 265-6863 bchilder 8 F F Y 1 NQ Auxiliary Units E1 NQ0 427 https://union.illinois.edu/shop/campus-mail True 1Z429 1B2-NB-NB0-429 Osher Lifelong Learning Inst Osher Lifelong Learning Institute OLLI - Osher Lifelong Learning Institute OLLI (Osher Lifelong Learning Institute) Kathryn Williams 301 N. Neil St., Suite 201 616 2509 Champaign IL 61820-7484 217 244-9141 kfw 8 F N Y 1 NB Provost & VC Academic Affairs B2 NB0 429 http://www.olli.illinois.edu/ True 1Z436 1B1-KT-KT0-436 Media and Cinema Studies Department of Media and Cinema Studies Media and Cinema Studies Cheryl Cole 119 Gregory Hall 810 S. Wright 462 43 Urbana IL 61801-3645 217 333-1549 clcole 50.0601 1 F F Y 1 KT College of Media B1 KT0 436 https://media.illinois.edu/media-cinema-studies True 1Z442 1E1-NJ-NJ0-442 Stdt Affairs Human Resources Student Affairs Human Resources LaSonya Holley 120 Swanlund Administration Bu 601 E. John 304 193 Champaign IL 61820 sonyah2 8 F F Y 1 NJ Vice Chanc Student Affairs E1 NJ0 442 True 1Z454 1B1-KP-KP0-454 Applied Research Institute Applied Research Institute ARI - Applied Research Institute, Illinois ARI Mohan Sankaran Suite 204, Ameren Bldg. 2100 S. Oak St. 628 1213 Champaign IL 61820 217 300-3162 rmohan 14.0101 3 F F Y 1 KP Grainger Coll of Engineering B1 KP0 454 http://appliedresearch.illinois.edu/ True 1Z468 1B1-LP-LP0-468 Informatics Informatics Eunice Santos 614 E. Daniel St. 4th Floor 387 1083 Champaign IL 61820 217 333-4930 eesantos 90.1104 8 F F Y 1 LP School of Information Sciences B1 LP0 468 https://informatics.illinois.edu/ True 1Z478 1B1-KM-KM0-478 Gies Business Grad Programs Gies Business Graduate Programs Nerissa Brown 3019 Bus Inst. Facility-BIF 515 E. Gregory Drive 520 1206 Champaign IL 61820 nerissab 52.0101 8 F F Y 1 KM Gies College of Business B1 KM0 478 False 1Z482 1B1-LQ-LQ0-482 Global Education & Training Global Education & Training Global Education & Training Matt Rosenstein International Studies Bldg 910 S. Fifth St. 491 Champaign IL 61820 217 244-3312 rosenstn 8 F F Y 1 LQ Illinois International Prgms B1 LQ0 482 True 1Z502 1D1-NP-NP1-502 IL State Archaeological Survey Illinois State Archaeological Survey Illinois State Archaeological Survey Timothy Pauketat 209 Nuclear Physics Bldg 23 Stadium Drive 571 110 Champaign IL 61820 217 244-4244 pauketat 90.0301 3 F F Y 1 NP OVCRI Institutes D1 NP1 502 http://isas.illinois.edu/ True 1Z508 1D1-NP-NP0-508 Inst for Sustain, Enrgy, & Env Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment Sustainability, Energy, and Environment, Institute for Sustainability at Illinois Madhu Khanna 350 Nat'l Soybean Research Ctr 1101 W. Peabody 635 124 Urbana IL 61801 217 333-4178 khanna1 90.0301 Interim 8 F F Y 1 NP OVCRI Institutes D1 NP0 508 http://www.sustainability.illinois.edu/ True 1Z512 1B1-KP-KP0-512 Intl Research Relations Office of International Research Relations International Research Relations 344 Coordinated Science Lab 1308 W. Main Street 228 148 Urbana IL 61801 217 333-5905 4 F F Y 1 KP Grainger Coll of Engineering B1 KP0 512 False 1Z520 1D1-NP-NP0-520 Interdis Health Sci Institute Interdisciplinary Health Sciences Institute Interdisciplinary Health Sciences Institute (IHSI) Interdisciplinary Health Sciences Institute IHSI Stephen Boppart 405 N. Mathews 251 228 Urbana IL 61801 217 244-8480 boppart 90.5100 4 F F Y 1 NP OVCRI Institutes D1 NP0 520 http://healthinstitute.illinois.edu/ True 1Z521 1B1-KL-KL0-521 ADM Institute for PHL ADM Institute for the Prevention of Postharvest Loss ADM - Institute for the Prevention of Postharvest Loss ADM Institute for the Prevention of Postharvest Loss Alex Winter-Nelson 60 Mumford Hall 1301 W. Gregory Dr. 710 69 Urbana IL 61801 217 333-5115 alexwn 8 F F Y 1 KL College of ACES B1 KL0 521 http://postharvestinstitute.illinois.edu/ True 1Z522 1B1-KV-KV6-522 Illinois Global Institute Illinois Global Institute Gisela Sin 104 Coble Hall 801 S. Wright St. 488 130 Champaign IL 61820 217 244-1146 gsin Interim 3 F F Y 1 KV Liberal Arts & Sciences B1 KV6 522 http://igi.illinois.edu True 1Z527 1H1-NL-NL0-527 Ofc of Strategic Project Mgmt Office of Strategic Project Management Rebecca McNaught 517 Swanlund Admin Bldg 601 E. John 304 193 Champaign IL 61820 rkm 8 F F Y 1 NL VC for Admin and Operations H1 NL0 527 https://spmo.illinois.edu/ True 1Z534 1G1-NV-NV0-534 Campus Belonging Campus Belonging Gioconda Guerra Perez 614 E. Daniel St 311 2562 Champaign IL 61820 gguerra 8 F F Y 1 NV Vice Chancellor for Diversity G1 NV0 534 True 1Z535 1B1-KV-KV6-535 Center for Global Studies Center for Global Studies Center for Global Studies - CGS Steven Witt 201 Coble Hall 801 S. Wright St. Champaign IL 61820 217 265-5186 swwitt 8 F F Y 1 KV Liberal Arts & Sciences B1 KV6 535 http://cgs.illinois.edu/ True 1Z543 1C1-NN-NN3-543 Maintenance Asset Management Maintenance Asset Management Jeffrey Angiel 1501 S. Oak St. 827 198 Champaign IL 61820-6905 217 333-0340 jangiel 8 F F Y 1 NN Facilities C1 NN3 543 https://fs.illinois.edu/ True 1Z559 1B1-KM-KM0-559 Business Online Programs Gies College of Business Online Programs Business Online Programs Nerissa Brown 2302 Fox Drive Suite D 679 2560 Champaign IL 61820 217 300-2481 nerissab 52.0101 8 F F Y 1 KM Gies College of Business B1 KM0 559 https://giesonline.illinois.edu/ True 1Z563 1B1-KV-KV6-563 Global Studies Prog & Courses Global Studies Programs and Courses LAS Global Studies Global Studies Prog & Courses Ellen Moodie 3062 Lincoln Hall 702 S. Wright St. 442 27 Urbana IL 61801 217 333-0178 emoodie 05.0199 U F F Y 1 KV Liberal Arts & Sciences B1 KV6 563 https://www.globalstudies.illinois.edu False 1Z564 1B1-KT-KT1-564 IPM Delivery IPM Delivery IPM Delivery IPM Delivery Maurice Bresnahan 300 N. Goodwin Avenue 252 376 Urbana IL 61801-2316 217 333-0850 mossb 90.0907 8 F F Y 1 KT College of Media B1 KT1 564 http://www.will.illinois.edu/ False 1Z577 1B1-KV-KV0-577 American Indian Studies Prgrm American Indian Studies Program American Indian Studies Program Jenny Davis 1204 W. Nevada 138 151 Urbana IL 61801-3818 217 265-9870 loksi 05.0202 Interim P F F Y 1 KV Liberal Arts & Sciences B1 KV0 577 http://www.ais.illinois.edu/ True 1Z579 1B1-KT-KT1-579 IPM Outreach & Engagement IPM Outreach & Engagement Maurice Bresnahan 300 N. Goodwin 252 Urbana IL 61801 mossb 8 F F Y 1 KT College of Media B1 KT1 579 True 1Z589 1B1-KM-KM0-589 GiesResearch&FacultyExcellence Gies Research and Faculty Excellence Mark Peecher 1206 S Sixth St 260 Wohler's Hall 706 159 Champaign IL 61820 peecher 8 F F Y 1 KM Gies College of Business B1 KM0 589 True 1Z594 1G1-NV-NV0-594 Vice Chancellor for Diversity Office of the Vice Chancellor for Diversity Vice Chancellor for Diversity, Office of the Sean Garrick Swanlund Admin Bldg 601 E. John Street 304 193 Champaign IL 61820 217 244-3674 sgarrick U T F Y 1 NV Vice Chancellor for Diversity G1 NV0 594 https://diversity.illinois.edu/ True 1Z597 1B1-KV-KV6-597 Women & Gender in Global Persp Women & Gender in Global Perspectives Women and Gender in Global Perspectives, Program in Women and Gender in Global Perspectives, Program in Min Zhan 111 Coble Hall 801 S. Wright St. 501 130 Champaign IL 61820 217 333-1994 mzhan 8 F F Y 1 KV Liberal Arts & Sciences B1 KV6 597 http://wggp.illinois.edu/ True 1Z603 1E1-NJ-NJ0-603 Testing Center Testing Center Jennifer Neef Illini Plaza, Suite B 1819 S. Neil St. 610 507 Champaign IL 61820 jneef 8 F F Y 1 NJ Vice Chanc Student Affairs E1 NJ0 603 True 1Z605 1B1-KW-KW0-605 Div General Studies Admin Division of General Studies Administration General Studies, Division of General Studies, Division of Kristi Kuntz IUB 520 807 S. Wright St. 317 106 Champaign IL 61820-6282 217 333-4710 kakuntz 2 T F Y 1 KW Division of General Studies B1 KW0 605 http://dgs.illinois.edu/ True 1Z612 1D1-NE-NE0-612 Agr Animal Care & Use Program Agricultural Animal Care and Use Program Agricultural Animal Care and Use Program Helen Valentine 233 LAC 1008 W. Hazelwood 004 292 Urbana IL 61802-4714 217 333-2479 helen 8 F F Y 1 NE VC for Research and Innovation D1 NE0 612 http://aacup.illinois.edu/ False 1Z623 1B1-KY-KY0-623 Chez Veterans Center Chez Veterans Center Andrew Bender 908 W. Nevada St 090 1494 Urbana IL 61801 217 300-3515 abender6 Interim P F F Y 1 KY Applied Health Sciences B1 KY0 623 True 1Z629 1B2-NB-NB0-629 UIUC Purchasing CMO UIUC Purchasing CMO Brad Henson 212 Illini Plaza 1817 S. Neil St. 602 507 Champaign IL 61820 217 333-3505 bhenson4 8 F F Y 1 NB Provost & VC Academic Affairs B2 NB0 629 https://www.uiucpurchasing.illinois.edu True 1Z631 1B1-LQ-LQ0-631 Illinois International Illinois International Programs Illinois International International Prgms & Studies Reitumetse O. Mabokela International Studies Bldg 910 S. Fifth St. 417 Champaign IL 61820-5783 217 333-6104 mabokela 2 T F Y 1 LQ Illinois International Prgms B1 LQ0 631 http://international.illinois.edu/ True 1Z635 1E1-NJ-NJ0-635 Illinois Leadership Center Illinois Leadership Center Illinois Leadership Gayle Spencer 290 Illini Union 1401 W. Green 384 23 Urbana IL 61801-2963 217 333-0604 gspencer 8 F T Y 1 NJ Vice Chanc Student Affairs E1 NJ0 635 http://www.illinoisleadership.illinois.edu/ True 1Z639 1A1-NA-NA2-639 UI AlumniAssociation University of Illinois Alumni Association David Bambrey Alice Campbell Alumni Center 601S. Lincoln Ave. 077 0094 Urbana IL 61801 217 265-5711 bambrey 8 F F Y 1 NA Chancellor A1 NA2 639 False 1Z646 1B1-KT-KT0-646 College of Media Programs Crse College of Media Programs Courses College of Media Programs College of Media Programs Tracy Sulkin 119 Gregory Hall 810 S. Wright 462 43 Urbana IL 61801-3655 217 333-2350 tsulkin 09.0100 7 F T Y 1 KT College of Media B1 KT0 646 http://www.media.illinois.edu/programs/ False 1Z658 1D1-NE-NE0-658 Office of Corporate Relations Office of Corporate Relations Corporate Relations, Office of Corporate Relations, Office for Pradeep K. Khanna 1901 S. First St., Suite C 680 Champaign IL 61820-6255 217 244-3606 pkhanna 8 F F Y 1 NE VC for Research and Innovation D1 NE0 658 http://corporaterelations.illinois.edu/ True 1Z659 1B1-KT-KT1-659 IPM Content Production IPM Content Production IPM Content Production Maurice Bresnahan 300 N. Goodwin Ave. 252 376 Urbana IL 61801-2316 217 333-0850 mossb 90.0907 8 F F Y 1 KT College of Media B1 KT1 659 http://www.will.illinois.edu/ False 1Z661 1B1-KP-KP0-661 Engineering IT Shared Services Grainger Engineering IT Shared Services IT services provider for all units in the College of Engineering. James Hurst 2330 Siebel Center 201 N. Goodwin 258 563 Urbana IL 61801 217 333-1313 jhurst 14.0101 8 F F Y 1 KP Grainger Coll of Engineering B1 KP0 661 http://it.engineering.illinois.edu True 1Z681 1D1-NE-NE0-681 Sponsored Programs Admin Sponsored Programs Administration David Richardson 1901 S. First St. Suite A 685 1074 Champaign IL 61820-7473 217 333-2187 daverich 8 F F Y 1 NE VC for Research and Innovation D1 NE0 681 http://www.ospra.uiuc.edu/ True 1Z690 1B1-KR-KR0-690 Japan House Japan House Japan House Jennifer Gunji-Ballsrud 2000 S. Lincoln Ave. 78 Urbana IL 61802 gunji P F F Y 1 KR Fine & Applied Arts B1 KR0 690 http://japanhouse.art.illinois.edu True 1Z692 1B1-LC-LC0-692 Medical District Vet Clinic Medical District Veterinary Clinic Peter Constable 3503 VMBSB 2001 S. Lincoln 002 350 Urbana IL 61802-6178 217 333-2760 constabl 01.8101 8 F F Y 1 LC Veterinary Medicine B1 LC0 692 http://vetmed.illinois.edu/chicago/ True 1Z696 1D1-NE-NE0-696 Office of Proposal Development Office of Proposal Development Proposal Development, Office of Sowmya Anand 1901 S. First St. Suite C 680 Champaign IL 61820 217 300-1280 sanand 8 F F Y 1 NE VC for Research and Innovation D1 NE0 696 True 1Z703 1E1-NJ-NJ0-703 Student Health Insurance Student Health Insurance Student Health Insurance Awais Vaid McKinley Health Cntr 1109 S. Lincoln Ave. 026 3 Urbana IL 61801 217 333-0165 awaisv 8 F F Y 1 NJ Vice Chanc Student Affairs E1 NJ0 703 http://www.si.illinois.edu True 1Z708 1B1-KT-KT1-708 IPM Content Information IPM Content Information IPM - Illinois Public Media Content Information IPM Content Information Maurice Bresnahan 300 N. Goodwin Ave. 252 376 Urbana IL 61801-2316 217 333-1070 mossb 90.0907 8 F F Y 1 KT College of Media B1 KT1 708 http://www.will.illinois.edu/ False 1Z711 1B1-LN-LN0-711 I-STEM Education Initiative Illinois Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Education Initiative I-STEM Education Initiative Michel Bellini 704 S. Sixth 308 Champaign IL 61820 217 333-9625 bellini Interim 8 F F Y 1 LN Center for Innov Teach Learn B1 LN0 711 http://istem.illinois.edu/ True 1Z719 1D1-NE-NE0-719 OCR Special Projects Office of Corporate Relations Special Projects Corporate Relations Special Projects, Office of OCR Special Projects Pradeep Khanna 1901 S. First St. Suite C Suite C 680 Champaign IL 61820-6255 217 244-3606 pkhanna 8 F F Y 1 NE VC for Research and Innovation D1 NE0 719 http://corporaterelations.illinois.edu True 1Z720 1B1-KM-KM0-720 Illinois Business Consulting Illinois Business Consulting (IBC) Illinois Business Consulting (IBC) IBC Jacob Kinsey 2015 Bus Inst. Facility-BIF 515 E. Gregory Dr 520 1206 Champaign IL 61820 217 300-8396 kinsey 8 F F Y 1 KM Gies College of Business B1 KM0 720 http://ibc.illinois.edu True 1Z727 1B1-KP-KP0-727 Information Trust Institute Information Trust Institute Information Trust Institute (ITI) David Nicol 1308 W. Main 228 148 Urbana IL 61801-2307 dmnicol 11.1099 C F F Y 1 KP Grainger Coll of Engineering B1 KP0 727 http://iti.illinois.edu/ True 1Z736 1B1-KW-KW0-736 Center Advising & Acad Svcs Campus Center for Advising and Academic Services Center for Advising and Academic Services Kristi Kuntz 520 IUB 807 S. Wright St. 317 106 Champaign IL 61820-6282 217 333-4710 kakuntz 8 F T Y 1 KW Division of General Studies B1 KW0 736 True 1Z747 1B1-KM-KM0-747 Gies Mktg & Communications Gies College of Business Marketing and Communications College of Business Marketing and Communications Jan Slater 15 Wohlers 1206 S. Sixth Street 706 159 Champaign IL 61820 217 244-2595 slaterj 52.0101 8 F F Y 1 KM Gies College of Business B1 KM0 747 https://business.illinois.edu/marcom/ True 1Z749 1B2-NT-NT0-749 Campus Research IT Campus Research IT Campus Research IT 8 F F Y 1 NT Technology Svcs at Illinois B2 NT0 749 True 1Z768 1D1-NP-NP0-768 Cancer Center at Illinois Cancer Center at Illinois Cancer Center at Illinois Rohit Bhargava 4100 Beckman Institute 405 N. Mathews 228 Urbana IL 61801 217 300-6100 rxb 90.3099 F F Y 1 NP OVCRI Institutes D1 NP0 768 https://cancer.illinois.edu/ True 1Z787 1B1-KV-KV4-787 Translation & Interpreting St Program in Translation and Interpreting Studies Ryan Shosted 4080 Foreign Languages 707 S. Mathews Ave. 168 172 Urbana IL 61801 217 244-7455 rshosted P F F Y 1 KV Liberal Arts & Sciences B1 KV4 787 http://www.translation.illinois.edu True 1Z808 1B1-KL-KL0-808 Arboretum Arboretum Kevin McSweeney 1800 S. Lincoln Ave. 047 Urbana IL 61801 mcsween 8 F F Y 1 KL College of ACES B1 KL0 808 http://arboretum.illinois.edu/ True 1Z822 1E1-NJ-NJ0-822 Inclusion & Intercultural Rels Office of Inclusion and Intercultural Relations Inclusion and Intercultural Relations OIIR OIIR James R. Hintz 121 Swanlund Admin Bldg 601 E. John 304 193 Champaign IL 61820-5711 217 333-1300 hintzj Interim 8 F F Y 1 NJ Vice Chanc Student Affairs E1 NJ0 822 http://oiir.illinois.edu/ False 1Z826 1B1-KM-KM0-826 Ctr Business & Public Policy Center for Business and Public Policy Business and Public Policy, Center for Business and Public Policy, Center for Nolan Miller 4028 Bus Inst. Facility-BIF 515 E. Gregory Dr 520 1206 Champaign IL 61820-6717 217 244-2929 nmiller 90.5201 3 F F Y 1 KM Gies College of Business B1 KM0 826 https://pages.business.illinois.edu/finance/research/seminars/cbpp-seminar/ True 1Z839 1H1-NL-NL0-839 VC Admin and Operations Vice Chancellor for Administration and Operations Lowa Mwilambwe 517 Swanlund Admin Bldg 601 E. John 304 193 Champaign IL 61820 lmwilamb 8 T T Y 1 NL VC for Admin and Operations H1 NL0 839 https://operations.illinois.edu/ True 1Z840 1B1-KS-KS0-840 Professional Education Office of Professional Education John Hart 507 E. Green St., Suite 101 434 1262 Champaign IL 61820 jch 8 F F Y 1 KS Graduate College B1 KS0 840 True 1Z852 1G1-NV-NV0-852 Illinois Scholars Program Illinois Scholars Program Illinois Scholars Program Gioconda Guerra Perez 517 Swanlund Admin Bldg 601 E John 304 193 Champaign IL 61820 gguerra 8 F F Y 1 NV Vice Chancellor for Diversity G1 NV0 852 True 1Z855 1B1-KP-KP0-855 Technology Entrepreneur Ctr Technology Entrepreneur Center Technology Entrepreneur Center TEC Jed Taylor 350 CSL 1308 W. Main 228 148 Urbana IL 61801-2307 217 244-3124 jedt 90.1401 3 F F Y 1 KP Grainger Coll of Engineering B1 KP0 855 http://www.tec.illinois.edu/ True 1Z859 1B1-LT-LT0-859 Clinical Sciences Clinical Sciences Clinical Sciences Robert Healy Heart & Vascular Inst. 611 W. Park St. 106 Urbana IL 61801 217 904-7305 r-healy 51.1201 1 F F Y 1 LT Carle Illinois Medicine B1 LT0 859 True 1Z860 1B2-NT-NT0-860 TS IT Service Delivery Technology Services IT Service Delivery Technology Services IT Service Delivery Mairead Martin 1304 W. Springfield Avenue 256 210 Urbana IL 61801 217 265-0806 maireadm 8 F F Y 1 NT Technology Svcs at Illinois B2 NT0 860 True 1Z861 1B1-LT-LT0-861 Biomed & Translational Sci Biomedical and Translational Sciences Amy Wagoner Johnson IUB, Room 320 807 S. Wright St. 325 106 Champaign IL 61820 ajwj 51.1201 1 F F Y 1 LT Carle Illinois Medicine B1 LT0 861 True 1Z863 1B1-KV-KV0-863 Actuarial Sci and Risk Mgmt Program in Actuarial Science and Risk Management Feng Liang 605 E. Springfield Ave. Room 156 374 108 Champaign IL 61820 liangf P F F Y 1 KV Liberal Arts & Sciences B1 KV0 863 True 1Z869 1B1-LT-LT0-869 Carle Illinois COM Pgm & Crse Carle Illinois College of Medicine Program and Courses Carle Illinois College of Medicine Program and Courses Mark Cohen Suite 320 IUB 807 S. Wright St. (IUB) 325 106 Champaign IL 61820 217 300-5700 meddean 51.1201 P F F Y 1 LT Carle Illinois Medicine B1 LT0 869 https://medicine.illinois.edu/ False 1Z871 1D1-NE-NE0-871 IL Quantum & Microelec Park Illinois Quantum and Microelectronics Park, LLC Harley Johnson 601 E John Street 417 Swanlund Admin Building 304 193 Champaign IL 61820 244-4430 htj 8 F F Y 1 NE VC for Research and Innovation D1 NE0 871 True 1Z874 1H1-NL-NL0-874 Office of Threat Assessment Office of Threat Assessment Monica Marcelo 707 S. Sixth St. Suite 103 Champaign IL 61820 mmarcelo 8 F F Y 1 NL VC for Admin and Operations H1 NL0 874 True 1Z876 1C1-MY-MY0-876 Utilities - UIUC Utilities - UIUC Utilities, Urbana-Champaign Jeffrey Angiel Physical Plant Svcs Bldg 1501 S. Oak Street 827 198 Champaign IL 61820-6905 217 333-0340 jangiel 8 F T Y 1 MY UA-Facilities Planning & Pgms C1 MY0 876 http://fs.illinois.edu/ True 1Z878 1B1-KY-KY0-878 Health and Wellness Initiative Health and Wellness Initiative Health & Wellness Initiative Cheryl Hanley-Maxwell 110 Huff Hall 1206 S. Fourth 586 58 Champaign IL 61820-6988 217 333-2131 cherylhm 51.2299 8 F F Y 1 KY Applied Health Sciences B1 KY0 878 True 1Z880 1B1-KM-KM0-880 Teaching and Learning Gies Teaching and Learning Gies Teaching and Learning Tawnya Means 430a Wohlers 1206 S. Sixth Street 706 159 Champaign IL 61820 217 333-2652 tawnya 8 F F Y 1 KM Gies College of Business B1 KM0 880 True 1Z882 1B1-LN-LN0-882 Illinois Online Marketing Illinois Online Marketing Michel Bellini 505 E. Armory Room 249 Armory Building 528 0006 Champaign IL 61820 Bellini 8 F F Y 1 LN Center for Innov Teach Learn B1 LN0 882 True 1Z901 1B1-KV-KV5-901 Sch Earth Soc Env Courses School of Earth, Society, and Environment Courses Robert J. Trapp 3081 Natural History Building 1301 W. Green St. 103 32 Urbana IL 61801 217 244-4064 jtrapp 03.0103 7 F F Y 1 KV Liberal Arts & Sciences B1 KV5 901 False 1Z906 1B1-KM-KM0-906 Academy Entrepreneurial Ldrshp Academy for Entrepreneurial Leadership Academy Entrepreneurial Leadership Robert Brunner 470K Wohlers 1206 S. Sixth Street 706 159 Champaign IL 61820 217 333-8789 bigdog 8 F F Y 1 KM Gies College of Business B1 KM0 906 http://ael.illinois.edu True 1Z907 1H1-NL-NL0-907 Facility Scheduling & Logistic Facility Scheduling & Logistics Kristin McMurray 517 Swanlund Admin Bldg 601 E. John 304 193 Champaign IL 61820 217 kduitsma 8 F F Y 1 NL VC for Admin and Operations H1 NL0 907 True 1Z915 1C1-NN-NN3-915 Waste Management F&S Waste Management and Recycling Jeffrey Angiel Waste Transfer Station 10 St. Mary's Road 198 Champaign IL 61820 217 333-0340 jangiel 8 F F Y 1 NN Facilities C1 NN3 915 https://fs.illinois.edu/ True 1Z918 1B1-KY-KY0-918 Ctr Health, Aging, Disability Center for Health, Aging, and Disability Health, Aging, and Disability, Center for Jeffrey A. Woods Suite 1008 Huff Hall 1206 S. Fourth 586 58 Champaign IL 61820-6988 217 333-4965 woods1 90.3099 P F F Y 1 KY Applied Health Sciences B1 KY0 918 http://chad.illinois.edu/ True 1Z930 1G1-NV-NV0-930 Title IX Office Title IX Office Danielle Fleenor 616 E. Green Street, Suite 214 388 1083 Champaign IL 61820 217 333-3333 daniemor 8 F F Y 1 NV Vice Chancellor for Diversity G1 NV0 930 http://wecare.illinois.edu/titleix/ True 1Z936 1B1-KM-KM0-936 Gies Undergraduate Affairs Gies College of Business Office of Undergraduate Affairs Undergraduate Affairs, Gies College of Business Office of Nehemiah Scott 1055 Bus Inst. Facility-BIF 515 E. Gregory Dr 520 1206 Champaign IL 61820 217 333-2740 nehemiah 8 F F Y 1 KM Gies College of Business B1 KM0 936 https://business.illinois.edu/undergraduate-affairs/ True 1Z937 1B1-KV-KV4-937 SLCL Courses School of Literatures, Cultures, Linguistics Courses SLCL Courses Antony Augoustakis 4054 Foreign Languages 707 S Mathews Ave 174 172 Urbana IL 61801 217 333-7327 aaugoust 24.0103 7 F F Y 1 KV Liberal Arts & Sciences B1 KV4 937 https://www.slcl.illinois.edu/ True 1Z944 1B1-LT-LT0-944 Carle IL COM Administration Carle Illinois College of Medicine - Administration Carle Illinois College of Medicine Carle Illinois College of Medicine Mark Cohen Suite 320 IUB 807 S. Wright St. (IUB) 325 106 Champaign IL 61820 217 300-5700 meddean 51.1201 2 T F Y 1 LT Carle Illinois Medicine B1 LT0 944 https://medicine.illinois.edu/ True 1Z950 1B1-KM-KM0-950 Office of Access and Community Gies Office of Access and Community Denise Loyd 350 Wohlers Hall 1206 S. Sixth St 706 159 Champaign IL 61820 loyddl 8 F F Y 1 KM Gies College of Business B1 KM0 950 True 1Z964 1D1-NE-NE0-964 Research Park Research Park Research Park Laura Frerichs 114 EnterpriseWorks 60 Hazelwood Dr 659 1095 Champaign IL 61820 217 333-8324 lfrerich 8 F F Y 1 NE VC for Research and Innovation D1 NE0 964 http://researchpark.illinois.edu True 1Z968 1B1-KV-KV0-968 Neuroscience Program Neuroscience Program Neuroscience Program Martha Gillette Beckman Institute 405 N. Mathews 251 228 Urbana IL 61801 217 333-4971 mgillett 26.1501 8 F F Y 1 KV Liberal Arts & Sciences B1 KV0 968 http://neuroscience.illinois.edu/ True 1Z972 1B2-NB-NB1-972 Student Financial Aid-Admin Office of Student Financial Aid-Administration Michelle Trame Student Services Arcade 620 E John Street 303 71 Champaign IL 61820 217 333-0100 mtrame 8 F F Y 1 NB Provost & VC Academic Affairs B2 NB1 972 https://www.osfa.illinois.edu/ True 1Z975 1E1-NQ-NQ0-975 Conference Center Conference Center Conference Center Lowa Mwilambwe 121 Swanlund Admin Bldg 601 E. John 304 193 Champaign IL 61820-5711 217 333-1300 lmwilamb Interim 8 F F Y 1 NQ Auxiliary Units E1 NQ0 975 http://www.stayatthei.com/ True 23401 2B1-FW-FW0-591 Nursing Administration College of Nursing Administration College of Nursing Administration at Urbana-Champaign Krista Jones 408 S. Goodwin 076 267 Urbana IL 61801-3703 217 333-2507 kjones29 51.1601 C T F Y 2 FW Nursing B1 FW0 591 http://www.uic.edu/nursing/ False 23403 2B1-FW-FW0-995 Ofc of Academic Programs-Nurs College of Nursing Office of Academic Programs Krista Jones 408 S. Goodwin 076 267 Urbana IL 61801-3703 217 333-2507 kjones29 51.1601 C F T Y 2 FW Nursing B1 FW0 995 False 23404 2B1-FW-FW0-929 Practice, Policy &Partnerships Office of Practice, Policy & Partnerships Krista Jones 408 S. Goodwin 076 267 Urbana IL 61801-3703 217 333-2507 kjones29 51.1601 C F F Y 2 FW Nursing B1 FW0 929 False 23414 2B1-FW-FW0-643 Reg Nursing Program: Urbana Regional Nursing Program: Urbana - Champaign College Nursing at Urbana-Champaign Nursing Krista Jones 625 S. Wright St., Suite 201 313 247 Champaign IL 61820 217 333-2507 kjones29 51.1601 C F T Y 2 FW Nursing B1 FW0 643 http://www.nursing.uic.edu/campus/urbana#campus_overview True 23415 2B1-FW-FW0-662 Health Systems Science Department of Health Systems Science Krista Jones 408 S. Goodwin 076 267 Urbana IL 61801-3703 217 333-2507 kjones29 51.1601 C F T Y 2 FW Nursing B1 FW0 662 False 23430 2B1-FW-FW0-842 Human Development Nursing Sci Department of Human Development Nursing Science Krista Jones 408 S. Goodwin 076 267 Urbana IL 61801-3703 217 333-2507 kjones29 51.1601 C F T Y 2 FW Nursing B1 FW0 842 False 23471 2B1-FW-FW0-564 Ofc Global Health Leadership Global Health Leadership Office Krista Jones 408 S. Goodwin 076 267 Urbana IL 61801-3703 217 333-2507 kjones29 51.1601 C F T Y 2 FW Nursing B1 FW0 564 False 23472 2B1-FW-FW0-829 Ofc Research Facilitation Center for Research Facilitation Krista Jones 408 S. Goodwin 076 267 Urbana IL 61801-3703 217 333-2507 kjones29 51.1601 C F T Y 2 FW Nursing B1 FW0 829 False 24301 2B3-GD-GD0-761 Administration & Gen Exp College of Medicine at Urbana-Champaign Administration and General Expenses College of Medicine at Urbanna-Champaign Uretz J. Oliphant 190B Basic Med Sciences 506 S. Mathews 714 192 Urbana IL 61801-3618 217 333-9284 oliphant 51.1201 C T T Y 2 GD UIC College of Medicine B3 GD0 761 http://www.med.illinois.edu/ False 9Z213 9C1-AJ-AJ1-213 Discovery Partners Institute Discovery Partners Institute Discovery Partners Institute Deba Dutta 305 Henry Administration 506 S. Wright 365 46 Urbana IL 61801 ddutta Interim U F F Y 9 AJ Vice Pres Econ Dev and Innov C1 AJ1 213 https://innovation.uillinois.edu/ True 9Z214 9C1-AJ-AJ1-214 DPI PTTL Community Education DPI Pritzker Tech Talent Labs Community Education U F F Y 9 AJ Vice Pres Econ Dev and Innov C1 AJ1 214 False 9Z234 9E1-AP-AP0-234 System Office Shared Services System Office Shared Services 449 Henry Administration 506 S. Wright Street 361 46 Urbana IL 61801 U F F Y 9 AP VP Chief Financial Officer E1 AP0 234 False 9Z267 9D1-AH-AH0-267 SHIELD IL Deployment Unit SHIELD Illinois Deployment Unit Avijit Ghosh 349 Henry Administration 506 S. Wright Street 352 46 Urbana IL 61801 ghosha U F F Y 9 AH Exec VP & VP Academic Affairs D1 AH0 267 True 9Z271 9E1-AS-AS0-271 University Bursar University Bursar Joseph Shroyer 162 Henry Administration 506 S. Wright 367 46 Urbana IL 61801 217 333-2180 jshroyer U F T Y 9 AS Office of the Controller E1 AS0 271 True 9Z438 9C1-AJ-AJ1-438 IL Wrkfr and Educ Rsrch Collab Illinois Workforce and Education Research Collaborative U F F Y 9 AJ Vice Pres Econ Dev and Innov C1 AJ1 438 False 9Z499 9E1-AF-AF0-499 Utilities - System Utilities - System Mike Wilson 507 E. Green Suite 501 403 1262 Champaign IL 61820 mwils3 U F F Y 9 AF Ofc of Procurement Services E1 AF0 499 True 9Z517 9A1-AA-AA0-517 Strategic Initiatives Office of Strategic Initiatives Jennifer Selk 364 Henry Administration 506 S. Wright St. 346 46 Urbana IL 61801 selk U F F Y 9 AA President's Office A1 AA0 517 False 9Z526 9E1-AU-AU0-526 AVP Budget and Business Ops AVP Budget and Business Operations 449 Henry Administration 506 S. Wright 361 46 Urbana IL 61801 U T F Y 9 AU Budget & Business Operations E1 AU0 526 False 9Z551 9C1-AJ-AJ1-551 DPI New Business Ventures DPI New Business Ventures U F F Y 9 AJ Vice Pres Econ Dev and Innov C1 AJ1 551 False 9Z609 9E1-AP-AP0-609 SHIELD T3 SHIELD T3 Avijit Ghosh 349 Henry Administration 506 S. Wright Street 352 46 Urbana IL 61801 ghosha U F F Y 9 AP VP Chief Financial Officer E1 AP0 609 True 9Z620 9E1-AE-AE0-620 Source2Pay Source2Pay William Patterson 163B Henry Administration 506 S. Wright 367 46 Urbana IL 61801 wpatte1 Interim F F Y 9 AE Exec Chief Information Officer E1 AE0 620 True 9Z634 9C1-AJ-AJ1-634 DPI Applied Rsrch and Dev DPI Applied Research and DevelopmentNULL Deba Dutta ddutta U F F Y 9 AJ Vice Pres Econ Dev and Innov C1 AJ1 634 False 9Z698 9E1-AF-AF0-698 University Payables University Payables Jim Martinie Illini Plaza, Suite 210 1817 S. Neil Street 660 507 Champaign IL 61820 217 333-6583 martini1 U F N Y 9 AF Ofc of Procurement Services E1 AF0 698 http://www.busfin.uillinois.edu/ True 9Z770 9E1-AF-AF0-770 Procurement Diversity Procurement Diversity Aaron Carter aacarter U F F Y 9 AF Ofc of Procurement Services E1 AF0 770 True 9Z850 9E1-AS-AS0-850 System Government Costing System Government Costing William Patterson 1901 S. First St, Rm 206 685 1074 Champaign IL 61820-7473 wpatte1 Interim U F F Y 9 AS Office of the Controller E1 AS0 850 True 9Z857 9E1-AF-AF0-857 State University Procurement State University Procurement Aaron Carter 208 Henry Administration 506 S. Wright 356 46 Urbana IL 61801 217 333-2402 aacarter U F T Y 9 AF Ofc of Procurement Services E1 AF0 857 True 9Z993 9D1-AH-AH0-993 Digital Risk Office Digital Risk Office 338 Henry Administration 506S. Wright St. 360 46 Urbana IL 61801 U F F Y 9 AH Exec VP & VP Academic Affairs D1 AH0 993 False 9Z995 9A2-AT-AT0-995 VP External Rel & Comm Vice President of External Relations & Communications Kristen Ruby 108 Henry Admin Bldg 506 S. Wright 370 46 Urbana IL 61801 217 kruby 8 T F Y 9 AT Vice Pres External Rel & Comm A2 AT0 995 False