2003-04 Faculty Equity Regression Model ----------------------  
Division of Management Information  PN 99038  
Assistant Salary Limited to +/- 10% of UI Assistant Salaries
Model: Associate Professors

Model: PEER
Dependent Variable: ACTUAL

Analysis of Variance

                         Sum of         Mean
Source          DF      Squares       Square      F Value       Prob>F

Model           13 103621735829 7970902756.1       73.211       0.0001
Error          541  58901749081 108875691.46
C Total        554 162523484910

    Root MSE   10434.35151     R-square       0.6376
    Dep Mean   70945.95856     Adj R-sq       0.6289
    C.V.          14.70746

Parameter Estimates

                 Parameter      Standard    T for H0:                 Standardized
Variable  DF      Estimate         Error   Parameter=0    Prob > |T|      Estimate

INTERCEP   1         25295  3021.9424753         8.370        0.0001    0.00000000
CADM       1   9193.058043  1863.2326858         4.934        0.0001    0.13230930
CDPTS      1    492.920365  584.31673638         0.844        0.3993    0.02279529
CRANK1     1  -5650.315293  1634.4080256        -3.457        0.0006   -0.13831907
CPHD       1   2509.377588  1657.8055648         1.514        0.1307    0.05123639
CLIB       1    563.596738  2091.8550464         0.269        0.7877    0.00916948
CYRSDEGR   1   -165.078107   65.58805389        -2.517        0.0121   -0.07136153
CR1        1   3018.648597  10481.923065         0.288        0.7735    0.00748106
CR3        1    807.842049  2140.7061718         0.377        0.7060    0.00997554
CR4        1   -597.927169  1500.5295369        -0.398        0.6904   -0.01068897
CR5        1   1963.068859  2407.3997587         0.815        0.4152    0.02138075
CSEX       1    684.115887  979.52868544         0.698        0.4852    0.01908507
CYRSASSO   1   -151.892832  178.65428056        -0.850        0.3956   -0.03478128
ASSTSAL    1      0.862436    0.03522630        24.483        0.0001    0.73188945