2001-02 Faculty Equity Regression Model ----------------------  
Division of Management Information  PN 99038
Assistant Salary Limited to +/- 10% of UI Assistant Salaries
Model: Assistant Professors

Model: PEER
Dependent Variable: ACTUAL

Analysis of Variance

                         Sum of         Mean
Source          DF      Squares       Square      F Value       Prob>F

Model           10 108600035916  10860003592      358.274       0.0001
Error          493  14943821574 30312011.307
C Total        503 123543857490

    Root MSE    5505.63451     R-square       0.8790
    Dep Mean   59152.87302     Adj R-sq       0.8766
    C.V.           9.30747

Parameter Estimates

                 Parameter      Standard    T for H0:                 Standardized
Variable  DF      Estimate         Error   Parameter=0    Prob > |T|      Estimate

INTERCEP   1  -3604.917700  1492.8153195        -2.415        0.0161    0.00000000
CDPTS      1    -44.882343  375.92464732        -0.119        0.9050   -0.00191082
CPHD       1   1391.128261  961.78319313         1.446        0.1487    0.03144788
CLIB       1    112.445848  1263.6256624         0.089        0.9291    0.00184966
CYRSDEGR   1    294.710280   52.47410572         5.616        0.0001    0.09569889
CR1        1  -2699.544172  2774.4926943        -0.973        0.3310   -0.01529958
CR3        1   -683.583582  1179.9297851        -0.579        0.5626   -0.00929805
CR4        1  -1156.434418  669.69399189        -1.727        0.0848   -0.02804033
CR5        1    960.608268  1127.4641196         0.852        0.3946    0.01357129
CSEX       1   1219.664485  522.87516065         2.333        0.0201    0.03779231
ASSTSAL    1      1.061573    0.02034905        52.168        0.0001    0.93453055