2003-04 Faculty Equity Regression Model ----------------------  
Division of Management Information  PN 99038  
Assistant Salary Limited to +/- 10% of UI Assistant Salaries
Model: Assistant Professors

Model: PEER
Dependent Variable: ACTUAL

Analysis of Variance

                         Sum of         Mean
Source          DF      Squares       Square      F Value       Prob>F

Model           10 168730730166  16873073017      414.325       0.0001
Error          488  19873453345 40724289.642
C Total        498 188604183512

    Root MSE    6381.55856     R-square       0.8946
    Dep Mean   63323.19238     Adj R-sq       0.8925
    C.V.          10.07776

Parameter Estimates

                 Parameter      Standard    T for H0:                 Standardized
Variable  DF      Estimate         Error   Parameter=0    Prob > |T|      Estimate

INTERCEP   1  -4141.178385  1659.2548584        -2.496        0.0129    0.00000000
CDPTS      1   -661.691013  477.20381106        -1.387        0.1662   -0.02085240
CPHD       1   1849.403347  1041.1967091         1.776        0.0763    0.03507812
CLIB       1   1326.461892  1481.7386068         0.895        0.3711    0.01695582
CYRSDEGR   1    171.775932   67.39139437         2.549        0.0111    0.03993351
CR1        1  -2153.772069  3711.5333053        -0.580        0.5620   -0.00856397
CR3        1   2867.273332  1345.0582322         2.132        0.0335    0.03217380
CR4        1   -605.968574  768.95860161        -0.788        0.4311   -0.01193194
CR5        1   1782.082531  1353.9399668         1.316        0.1887    0.01961346
CSEX       1    858.760020  600.04671635         1.431        0.1530    0.02171561
ASSTSAL    1      1.075604    0.01887749        56.978        0.0001    0.94221484