2001-02 Faculty Equity Regression Model ----------------------  
Division of Management Information  PN 99038
Assistant Salary Limited to +/- 10% of UI Assistant Salaries
Model: New Assistant Professors, Tenure codes 1,2,3

Model: PEER
Dependent Variable: ACTUAL

Analysis of Variance

                         Sum of         Mean
Source          DF      Squares       Square      F Value       Prob>F

Model           10  80810637732 8081063773.2      263.441       0.0001
Error          296 9079798419.2 30674994.659
C Total        306  89890436151

    Root MSE    5538.50112     R-square       0.8990
    Dep Mean   58755.50163     Adj R-sq       0.8956
    C.V.           9.42635

Parameter Estimates

                 Parameter      Standard    T for H0:                 Standardized
Variable  DF      Estimate         Error   Parameter=0    Prob > |T|      Estimate

INTERCEP   1  -4630.681919  1865.2507515        -2.483        0.0136    0.00000000
CDPTS      1  -1498.355120  535.39059616        -2.799        0.0055   -0.05251719
CPHD       1    198.523182  1200.6803029         0.165        0.8688    0.00417754
CLIB       1    179.915648  1640.0548430         0.110        0.9127    0.00271192
CYRSDEGR   1    238.150535   89.15565792         2.671        0.0080    0.05172674
CR1        1    964.846923  5668.7649726         0.170        0.8650    0.00321287
CR3        1   -348.103368  1437.2826081        -0.242        0.8088   -0.00465271
CR4        1   -717.989796  843.10549916        -0.852        0.3951   -0.01620404
CR5        1   2864.422100  1732.4281557         1.653        0.0993    0.03111382
CSEX       1   1348.484172  672.76703810         2.004        0.0459    0.03866841
ASSTSAL    1      1.125760    0.02490444        45.203        0.0001    0.94989956