2003-04 Faculty Equity Regression Model ----------------------  
Division of Management Information  PN 99038
Assistant Salary Limited to +/- 10% of UI Assistant Salaries
Model: New Assistant Professors, Tenure codes 1,2,3

Model: PEER
Dependent Variable: ACTUAL

Analysis of Variance

                         Sum of         Mean
Source          DF      Squares       Square      F Value       Prob>F

Model            9 130852176635  14539130737      348.427       0.0001
Error          289  12059366163   41727910.6
C Total        298 142911542798

    Root MSE    6459.71444     R-square       0.9156
    Dep Mean   63163.88629     Adj R-sq       0.9130
    C.V.          10.22691

Parameter Estimates

                 Parameter      Standard    T for H0:                 Standardized
Variable  DF      Estimate         Error   Parameter=0    Prob > |T|      Estimate

INTERCEP   1  -6638.849487  2058.8904457        -3.224        0.0014    0.00000000
CDPTS      1  -1021.668404  743.36336091        -1.374        0.1704   -0.02441481
CPHD       1   1168.641666  1255.6133851         0.931        0.3528    0.02140852
CLIB       1    850.599029  1720.6134761         0.494        0.6214    0.01096285
CYRSDEGR   1    226.510355   97.92668514         2.313        0.0214    0.04203429
CR3        1   2740.065539  1507.1068821         1.818        0.0701    0.03202755
CR4        1   -212.918350  1026.4948762        -0.207        0.8358   -0.00369142
CR5        1    953.187510  1695.0770039         0.562        0.5743    0.00981211
CSEX       1   -105.237700  778.33229352        -0.135        0.8925   -0.00239547
ASSTSAL    1      1.139576    0.02333133        48.843        0.0001    0.95999023