SIL processing
Management Information
Run one full year at a time. We start up in Fall, and then add spring and summer terms as we go.
Term startup
- Create a new directory in h:\data\sil with the term year (e.g. su05)
- Run h:\sas\sil\
- Modify filename for output file
- Modify checkterm
- Load output to SQL server using package crs_xlist (Modify connection 1 name.)
- Run h:\sas\sil\
- Update the file manually with any missing data.
- (Easiest is to look at last term’s subject file.
- Copy current term
- update input/output files for new term.
- Add new term dates
- Update
- add new term to input crnsum file (will come from getcrstape)
- if needed, modify session, instr, sil to hit multiple years
- Update to have new term, remove old term
- For class rosters: Update to have new term, remove old term
- Update batch file that runs daily to include the new term you are running (actually, once we have done a full year, no need to update this, it will just keep going for fall, spring summer terms )
- After first run next morning, check output logs, Instructor Class roster site, and SIL site. New term should be added to the drop downs automatically.
- At the end of the current term, after grades are in, you should change the default term in j:\sil\roster.asp and j:\sil\default.asp to be the new term.
Data flow diagrams of the programs