Notes -- Tuition spreadsheets used for Budget Reform Calculations
These numbers are used to determine each college's tuition earnings under budget reform.
Undergraduate tuition distribution:
Differential tuition is taken off the top and distributed to
each college. Then all campus-level waivers are subtracted. The remaining amount is split into
two equal portions. One half is distributed using each college's share of IUs (see IUs spreadsheets)
and the other half is distributed using each college's proportion of regular tuition less college-granted
Graduate and Professional tuition distribution:
All tuition assessed, less waivers granted, is
assigned to the college of enrollment.
Data source
Tuition assessments and waivers are extracted from the end-of-term Register-By-Mail files for
all students with any non-zero assessment that term. Up through Spring, 2000, we used two years ending in Spring for the calculations.
This means that for spring terms up to SP00, the file was not final at the time we typically had
to make these calculations, so we used the current working file. Starting Sp01, we used two calendar years, ending in the previous fall,
so the fall data might be the term not quite final.
The program used to extract the data is DMI PN97106
Assignment of students to a department and college
Each student is assigned a curriculum code which, in turn, is mapped to a department code
for the department supervising the degree program. All LAS-Econ students, for example, are
mapped to 3201, LAS Admin. All Agr Engineering students are mapped to 2201, Engr Admin.
Undergraduate Regular Tuition
The base tuition that is charged to each student, depending on tuition range (I,II,III,IV), residency status,
and (starting Fall, 2001) whether the student was enrolled prior to May, 2001. Prior to Fall, 2001, tuition varied for students in different classes
as the tuition increase rolled through starting with freshmen in FA96, freshmen & sophomores in FA97, freshmen, sophomores, and juniors in FA98, and
all classes in FA99. Base tuition does not vary with curriculum.
Undergraduate Differential Tuition
Certain curricula -- engineering, art, architecture & music, and chem/life sciences -- are permitted to
charge tuition above the base rate. The numbers in this column are each student's total tuition minus the
Regular Tuition in the first column. All differential tuition is returned directly to the college of enrollment
under Budget Reform.
Note: occasionally, differentials appear in departments other than the ones above. This is generally due to students in interdisciplinary programs or cross-college joint degrees. For example, students in the Math and Computer Science program are charged the Engineering tuition rate, even though they are enrolled in the Math department. Other examples are students in the 5-year LAS/Engineering program, the Agr Engineering program, and the LAS -Physics program. These students are charged the Engineering rate the entire time, even when registered in LAS or ACES.
Undergraduate Waivers from Campus
The value of waivers granted to students on the basis of campus-wide programs. Examples are
child of employee waivers, general assembly waivers, military waivers, child of veteran waivers.
The college is not charged directly for these waivers.
Undergraduate Waivers from College
The value of waivers that are granted at the college's discretion. These include only undergraduate
assistantships at this time.
Professional Regular Tuition
The base tuition that is charged to each professional student, depending on tuition range (I,II,III,IV), residency status,
and (starting in Fall, 2001 whether the student was enrolled prior to May, 2001. Does not vary with curriculum.
Professional Differential Tuition
The difference between the base tuition rate charged to each professional student and the base professional tuition.
Currently, all the professional programs have tuition differentials.
Waivers from College
All waivers granted to professional students in this unit. Includes waivers due to appointments in other units.
Graduate Regular Tuition
The base tuition that is charged to each graduate student, depending on tuition range (I,II,III,IV), residency status,
and (starting in Fall, 2001 whether the student was enrolled prior to May, 2001.
Does not vary with curriculum. Excludes all tuition charged to students enrolled in cost-recovery
Graduate Differential Tuition
The difference between the base tuition rate charged to each graduate student and the amount charged to
the students in this college or departments. Differentials are currently approved for art, architecture, and
music, chem/life sciences, MBA programs, engineering (including Agr Engineering and Teaching of Computer
Science), Library & Info Science, and Law.
Graduate Cost-Recovery Tuition
Several programs in Commerce and Business Administration are designated by the Board of Higher Education
as "full cost recovery" programs. They receive no subsidy of state funds and may charge a tuition rate designed
to recover the full cost of the program. All tuition charged to these students is shown here, and it is not included
in the Graduate Regular Tuition or Graduate Differential Tuition columns.
Waivers from College
All waivers granted to graduate students in this unit. Includes waivers due to appointments in other units.
Last Updated on 8/18/02