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November 2012
Source: Archibus/FM, a Computer Aided Facility Management System
from Planning Resources at Facilities & Services.
Total square footage is updated periodically in Archibus/FM, and
extracted yearly in October/November for the Campus Profile.
The information is based on standards published in the most recent Postsecondary Education Facilities Inventory
and Classification Manual issued by the U.S Department of Education Office of Educational Research
and Improvement.
Net Assignable Square Footage (NASF) is determined by drawing a line around the interior walls of a
particular room or space such as classroom, office, lab or work rooms and
then assigning the resulting square footage to a department. NASF is maintained at the room level
by department.
Over the years, space has increased due to both the addition of new buildings and a more complete
inventory of existing buildings (e.g., adding leased space, South Farm space, CITES network
closets, and data centers).
3410 Total Net Assignable Sq Ft
Total "net assignable square feet" of space under the control of
this unit, including leased space. This total may not equal the sum of the categories below because the categories
may not account for all of the uses. Common examples of exclusions are space in the process of alterations,
unfinished space, and inactive space.
3430 Class NASF: Classroom Facilities, Room Use Codes: 100s, selected 210-215
This category aggregates classroom facilities as an institution-wide resource, even though these areas may fall under different levels of organizational control. The term "classroom" includes not only general purpose classrooms, but also lecture halls, recitation rooms, seminar rooms, and other rooms used primarily for scheduled non-laboratory instruction. This area may contain various types of instructional aids or equipment as long as these do not tie the room to instruction in a specific subject or discipline.
3450 Teaching Lab NASF: Class Laboratory, Room Use Codes: 210-215
A room used primarily for formally or regularly scheduled classes that require special purpose equipment or a specific room configuration for student participation, experimentation, observations, or practice in an academic discipline. May also represent rooms that directly serve one or more class laboratories as an extension of the activities in those rooms.
3470 Open Lab NASF: Room Use Codes: 220-225
A laboratory used primarily for individual or group instruction that is informally scheduled, unscheduled, or open. To specify, a laboratory designed for or furnished with equipment that serves the needs of a particular discipline or discipline group for individual or group instruction where 1) use of the room is not formally or regularly scheduled, or 2) access is limited to specific groups of students. May also include rooms that directly serve one or more open laboratories as an extension of the activities in those rooms.
3490 Research Lab NASF: Research Laboratory, Room Use Codes: 250-255 and Animal Quarters, Room Use Codes: 570-575
Research Laboratory: A room used primarily for laboratory experimentation, research or training in research methods; or professional research and observation; or structured creative activity within a specific program; or support rooms for these functions.
Animal Quarters: Rooms that house laboratory animals or directly serve as an extension of activities in such rooms.
3510 Office NASF: Office Facilities, Room Use Codes: 300-400
Office facilities are individual, multi-person, or workstation space specifically assigned to academic, administrative, and service functions of a college or university.
3520 Study: Study Facilities, Room Use Codes: 400-500
Study space is classified into five categories: study room, stack, open-stack study room, processing room, and study service. Primarily rooms used for library activities.
3530 Special NASF: Special Use Facilities: 500-600, excluding codes 570 and 575
This category includes several room use categories that are sufficiently specialized in their primary activity or function to merit a unique room code. Areas and rooms for military training, athletic activity, media production, clinical activities (outside of separately organized healthcare facilities), demonstration, agricultural field activities, and animal and plant shelters are included here.
3540 General NASF: General Use Facilities, Room Use Codes: 600-700
General use facilities are characterized by a broader availability to faculty, students, staff, or the public than are Special Use Facilities, which are typically limited to a small group or special population. General use facilities comprise a campus general service or functional support system (assembly, exhibition, dining, relaxation, merchandising, recreation, general meetings, day care) for the institutional and participant community populations.
3550 Support NASF: Support Facilities, Room Use Codes: 700-800
Support facilities, which provide centralized space for various auxiliary support systems and services of a campus, help keep all institutional programs and activities operational. While not as directly accessible to institutional and community members as general use facilities, these areas provide a continuous, indirect support system to faculty, staff, students, and the public. Included are centralized areas for computer-based data processing and telecommunications, shop services, general storage and supply, vehicle storage, central services, and hazardous material areas.
3560 Health & Residential NASF: Health Care & Residential Facilities: 800-999
Health Care Facilities: Room use classifications for patient care rooms that are located in separately organized health care facilities: student infirmaries, teaching hospitals and clinics, and veterinary and medical schools. Room codes and definitions apply to both human and animal healthcare areas.
Residential Facilities: Housing for students, faculty, staff, and visitors to the institution. Hotel or motel and other guest facilities are included in this series if they are owned or controlled by the institution and used for purposes associated with defined institutional missions.
Please call Rick Gallivan at 333-0146 for further information.
Source: Doris Reeser of Facilities and Services.
Thousands of dollars of deferred maintanence for space assigned to this unit. This item is not available by department, and is not available prior to 2007-08.
Source: Energy Utilization Office, Mike Marquissee, Director of Energy Conservation. See http://www.energymanagement.uiuc.edu
Note: Campus total only, and the total includes UA (university system) units located in Urbana. Does not include costs for rental space or off-campus space.
Note: Up to FY09, period covered was from October through September; starting FY10, the period covered is a fiscal year (July -July).
3580 Energy Utilization Index (000) Campus total energy usage for the fiscal year. Measured in thousands of British Thermal Units (BTU) per gross square foot per year Includes heating, cooling, and electrical costs converted to BTU.
3590 Utilities Expenses (000) Dollars spent on all utilities (steam, electricity, gas, chilled water, potable water, sewer) per year.