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November 2012
Source: Management Information Concatenated Degree file, Office of Admissions and Records Degree Tapes
4410 Degrees Granted
Total degrees conferred on graduates in curricula assigned to this unit. The figures include August and October graduations of the previous year and January and May graduations in the year listed.
NOTE: These figures include double degrees, and so are not identical to headcounts of students receiving degrees.
4420 Bachelor
Number of baccalaureate degrees granted to students enrolled in this unit.
4430 Master
Number of masters degrees granted.
4440 Advanced Certificate
Number of advanced certificates granted (e.g. C.A.S. in Education, LIS, etc)
4450 Professional
Number of JD and DVM degrees awarded.
4460 Doctoral
Number of doctorates (Ph.D., Ed.D., Au.D., AMUSD, or JSD) awarded.
4480-4510 % Group Degrees
Number of degrees and certificates awarded to students in this unit as a percent of degrees and certificates awarded to students in all units of the group.
4550-4556 Minors awarded
Number of students graduating with a minor in this unit. Minors attached to any awarded degree were counted and assigned to the unit supervising the minor.4550 Minors awarded
Total minors awarded these degree periods.4552 Undergraduate Minors
Minors awarded to students receiving an undergraduate degree.4556 Graduate/Professional Minors
Minors awarded to students receiving a graduate or professional degree.
4560 Second majors-undergraduate
The number of students who graduated with a second major in this unit. If an undergraduate student receives a single degree with two majors, the first major is counted in line 4420 and the second major will be counted in 4560. Currently, only LAS and Business allow students to double major.
4570-4598 Freshman Retention Rate
Source: University Office of Planning and Budgeting
The percent of new beginning freshman from the previous year who were still enrolled as of the tenth day of class in the current fall term. A new beginning freshman is a student who never enrolled in a degree program at another college or university.The 2007-08 column in the Profile shows the percent of new beginning freshman who enrolled for the first time in Fall, 2006 and who were still enrolled as of Fall, 2007.
The number of freshmen in the starting cohort and the number persisting for a year are also shown, with a breakdown for underrepresented minorities (African American, Native American, and Hispanic/Latino) and by gender. A student is counted as being retained even if the student has switched to a different college at Illinois. Students who are called to military service, enter church missionary service, or die are removed from the cohort and are not counted in the denominator.
This item is not available by department; college totals were added to the college administrative unit. Data is available from 2002-03.
4620-4648 Six-year graduation rate
Source: University Office of Planning and Budgeting
The percent of the new beginning freshman cohort six years prior who have graduated. For the 2006-2007 column in the Profile, we list the graduation rates of students who started in this college in Summer or Fall, 2000 and graduated by August, 2006. The number of students in the freshman cohort is listed, as well as the number who graduated within six years. The graduation rate, number in the cohort, and number graduated are also provided separatelyStudents who are called to military service, enter church missionary service, or die are removed from the cohort and are not counted in the denominator.
- for students who graduated from the same college as they started (Note: students who enter in DGS are recoded and counted in the first academic college to which they transfer.
- for students who graduated from a different college from the college in which they started
- for students in underrepresented minority groups (African American, Native American, Hispanic/Latino)
- for students by gender
This item is not available by department; college totals were added to the college administrative unit. Data is available from 2000-01.
4706-4708 BA/BS % grad fr orig curric
Percent of baccalaureate graduates this year who started out as new freshmen in the same department from which they graduated. Starting in 2004-05, we count students who start out in a "general" or unassigned curriculum, e.g. LAS General, provided they graduate in the same college as the one in which they started. Students who transferred from other institutions are not included in the analysis.
4700-4760 Mean terms to degree
The average number of terms of enrollment for students graduating this year. Fall and Spring terms are counted as one term each, summer 1 (intersession) is counted as 1/4 term, and summer 2 is counted as 1/2 term. A student is considered enrolled for a term if the student's registration status is "registered" or "late registered" by the end of the term.
4800-4840 Degrees/Faculty FTE
Degrees by level (bachelor, master/prof/certificate, doctoral) divided by the faculty FTE on state funds.