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November 2012
Source: Instructor-course evaluation system (ICES) files maintained
by the Center for Teaching Excellence
9520 % of Fall & Spring on-campus sections using ICES
The number of class sections offered by this unit for which instructor-course evaluation forms were submitted divided by the number of class sections offered by the unit. The denominator does not include off-campus or individual instruction sections. Occasionally the percent may exceed 100% when multiple instructors for one course request evaluations or when the department is incorrectly identified on the instructor's ICES request form. For example, if a course is crosslisted, the instructor may identify it as being offered by one department when it was recorded as being offered by another.Note for academic years 2007-08 and beyond: On-line ICES questionnaires were being piloted for a select group of departments. Until questions about equivalency between on-line and paper-based ICES questionnaires are resolved, their data will not be included. The following departments were either wholely or partially involved with the pilot (listed by academic year):
2007-2008 Chemistry, Library and Information Science, Mathematics, Physics, Social Work, and Statistics 2008-2009 Astronomy, Computer Science, Chemistry, French, Integrative Biology, Labor and Employee Relations, Library and Information Science, Physics, Social Work, and Statistics 2009-2010 Astronomy, Computer Science, Chemistry, Integrative Biology, Labor and Employee Relations, Library and Information Science, Physics, Social Work, and Statistics
9560-9760 Faculty and TA ratings
Students are asked to "Rate the instructor" on a 5-point scale, excellent to poor. The average score (1-5) is computed for each section. The average section scores are divided into groups (top 10%, next 20%, etc.) and the percent of this unit's sections in each group is shown. The instructors self- identify themselves as faculty or TAs. This means that "faculty" includes tenure-system and non-tenure system faculty. The ICES data is for each academic year, excluding summer sessions.
Please call Chris Migotsky at 333-3490 for further information.9770-9860 Percent of sections ranked 4 or 5
The percentage reported is the average proportion of students in a course assigning an ICES rating of 4 or 5 to the instructor. The percent of 4s and 5s received in each course is averaged across the entire unit. (This is a course-level statistic).
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