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November 2022
Source: U of I Foundation - Planning & Policy Analysis. Reports are generated every October.
2951 New Business $000
Outright gifts, pledges, revocable & irrevocable deferred commitments and grant awards received. New Business is counted when a pledge or other promise to pay is documented, even if the money has not yet been received. Contract awards are excluded.
2952 Cash giving $000
Outright gifts, estate distributions, grant payments, pledge payments, irrevocable deferred commitments received. Cash is counted when money is received, rather than when a pledge or other promise to pay is documented.
Contract payments are excluded.
2953 Ugrad alumni giving part %
The number of cash donors with undergraduate degrees divided by the number of living, solicitable undergraduate degree holders. Donors are counted on the basis of all gift credit types, i.e., individuals with only spouse/partner, partner-owner, donor advised, or other indirect credit are counted as donors. Giving throughout the University of Illinois is counted, i.e., an Urbana campus graduate with giving exclusively to the Alumni Association, the Foundation, or another campus is included in the donor count. Deceased undergraduate degree holders who make an estate gift in a given year are added to both the numerator and the denominator.
2954 Grad alumni giving part %
The number of cash donors with graduate degrees divided by the number of living, solicitable graduate degree holders. Donors are counted on the basis of all gift credit types, i.e., individuals with only spouse/partner, partner-owner, donor advised, or other indirect credit are counted as donors. Giving throughout the University of Illinois is counted, i.e., an Urbana campus graduate with giving exclusively to the Alumni Association, the Foundation, or another campus is included in the donor count. Deceased graduate degree holders who make an estate gift in a given year are added to both the numerator and the denominator.
2955 All alumni giving part %
The number of cash donors with any degree (undergraduate and/or graduate) divided by the number of living, solicitable degree holders. Donors are counted on the basis of all gift credit types, i.e., individuals with only spouse/partner, partner-owner, donor advised, or other indirect credit are counted as donors. Giving throughout the University of Illinois is counted, i.e., an Urbana campus graduate with giving exclusively to the Alumni Association, the Foundation, or another campus is included in the donor count. Deceased degree holders who make an estate gift in a given year are added to both the numerator and the denominator.
2956 # new donors
The number of first-time-ever cash donors to the campus or a unit, using the same all-credit logic as alumni participation to define a donor. All individuals are included, as well as organizations. A donor may be counted as a new donor on the basis of spouse/partner, partner-owner, donor advised, or other indirect credit. A first-time donor to a unit may be an existing donor of another unit on campus or elsewhere at the University of Illinois. A first-time donor to multiple units will be counted in each unit. Duplication among units is eliminated at the campus level. The sum of new donors to the units will exceed the campus total.
2958 # major gift prospct donor
Major gift prospects are assigned a primary relationship manager, called a prospect manager, who may be a gift officer in a unit or in the OVCIA. Major gift prospects have been qualified by a gift officer as being capable and willing of making a gift of at least $25,000 over the next five years. Only prospect management assignments are counted; other types of assignments (leadership annual giving, staff) are not counted. Count is determined by distinct households.
2960 # principal gifts (>=5M)
The number of individual and organizational donors whose total new business giving in a year is equal to or greater than $5 million. Split giving among units may result in a donor being counted as a principal gifts donor campus-wide, but not in any single unit. The number of campus-wide principal gift donors may exceed the sum of college-level principal gift donors.
2962 # maj gift prpsls (>=100K)
Personal solicitations equal to or greater than $100,000 that are recorded in the Pipeline solicitation tracking system. Recorded solicitations in the following statuses are included: Planned, Decision Pending, Accepted-Not Booked, Accepted-Booked, and Declined. Assignment to a fiscal year is based on the ask date, not the commitment date. Asks made prior to the 5-year window are not included, even if booked within the window.
2964 # $1,000 or higher donors
The number of individual donors whose total cash giving in a year is equal to or greater than $1,000, using the same all-credit logic as participation and new donors. Split giving among units may result in a donor being counted as a $1,000 donor campus-wide, but not in any single unit. The number of campus-wide $1,000-plus donors may exceed the sum of college-level $1,000 donors.
2966 Dollars Raised for Financial Aid
Includes donations to funds with the purpose of Scholarships, Fellowships, Awards and Student Services/Support. The totals reported are as of June 30th.
2968 Dollars Raised for Endowed Faculty Positions
Dollars raised for endowed faculty through funds with the purpose of Chairs, Faculty Awards, Faculty Fellowships and Professorships. The totals reported are as of June 30th.
2970 Total Endowment
Includes endowment pool investment and any active endowment assets held outside the pool, such as beneficial interests in trust and endowment farms. Totals reported as of June 30th.
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