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November 2022

3600-4118 STUDENTS
Source: Fall, 2004 and forward: EDW Registration Snapshot tables for 10th day of class and drop date. Other sources: Office of International Student Affairs database of international students.
Prior to Fall, 2004: Office of Admissions and Records 10-day Student Record Master.
All figures are from the tenth day of the Fall Semester.

Changes for Extramural Courses and Student Enrollments:
Prior to Spring 2017, many enrollment reports included students who took courses on-campus. On-campus student versus off-campus (extramural) student was determined by the classes in which a student was enrolled. A student taking at least one on-campus course was counted as on-campus, otherwise the student was counted as extramural. The program of study was not used to distinguish between on-campus and extramural.
Due to a change in course scheduling, beginning Spring 2017, there is no longer an on-campus versus extramural distinction. Instead, reports will include all students.
Until Fall 2017, Campus Profile included Items for On-campus Students, Extramural Students, All Students (the sum On-campus and Extramural). Because of the change in reporting, the On-Campus and Extramural Items are not applicable, therefore they are no longer included in the Campus Profile. The All Students Items will remain in the Campus Profile, and we have added additional items in the All Students section. The historical On-campus and Extramural sections will still be available in older years of the Profile.

4030 First Generation New Freshmen
Count of first generation newly enrolled beginning freshmen. First Generation is defined as Neither parent nor guardian have earned at least a bachelor degree.

4031 First Generation Undergrads
Total Count of first generation undergraduate students. First Generation is defined as Neither parent nor guardian have earned at least a bachelor degree.

4040 Other advisees - ugrad
Undergraduate majors in other units whose work is primarily supervised by faculty in this unit (includes parttime)

4042 Other advisees - grad
Graduate students in other units whose work is primarily supervised by faculty in this unit (includes parttime)

4043 Other advisees parttime - ugrad
Parttime undergraduates in other units whose work is primarily supervised by faculty in this unit

4044 Other advisees parttime - grad
Parttime graduates in other units whose work is primarily supervised by faculty in this unit

4045 Total Advisees - ugrad
Undergraduate students enrolled on campus in programs in this unit, plus other advisees enrolled in another unit but who are substantially advised by this unit. Equals the sum of lines 4100 and 4040.

4046 Total Advisees - grad & pr
Graduate and professional students enrolled on campus in programs in this unit, plus other advisees enrolled in another unit but who are substantially advised by this unit. Equals the sum of lines 3801 and 4042

4050-4053 Additional Thesis Students
Headcount of doctoral and master's level students who are enrolled in a thesis (599) course supervised by a faculty member in a unit other than the home department of the student. A drilldown provides detail on the numbers of students by student program and department and the teaching department.

4050 Additional Thesis Students: Doctoral and masters students whose home department is elsewhere but who are enrolled in a 599 taught by faculty in this unit minus the students whose home department is this unit but who are supervised by another unit. (lines 4052 plus 4053)
4052 Addl PhD stdts supervised: Doctoral students whose home department is elsewhere but who are enrolled in a 599 taught by faculty in this unit minus students who have a home dept here and are supervised elsewhere.
4053 Addl Master stdts suprvsd: Master's level students whose home department is elsewhere but who are enrolled in a 599 taught by faculty in this unit minus students who have a home dept here and are supervised elsewhere.

4068 Extramural students
Headcount of undergraduate, graduate, and professional students enrolled exclusively in credit-bearing courses offered through the Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning (CITL, formerly Academic Outreach) in this unit as of the last date to drop for the fall term. Students enrolled in both on-campus courses and off-campus courses as of the drop date will be counted as on-campus students and will not appear in this row. Note: non-degree students are all counted in CITL (Department 641). Prior to Banner (fall, 2004), students enrolled in on-campus "Community Credit" classes through Academic Outreach were counted as extramural. Since Banner, they are counted as on-campus students.

Extramural Courses and Student Enrollments:
Prior to Spring 2017, many enrollment reports included students who took courses on-campus. On-campus student versus off-campus (extramural) student was determined by the classes in which a student was enrolled. A student taking at least one on-campus course was counted as on-campus, otherwise the student was counted as extramural. The program of study was not used to distinguish between on-campus and extramural.
Due to a change in course scheduling, beginning Spring 2017, there is no longer an on-campus versus extramural distinction. Instead, reports will include all students.
Until Fall 2017, Campus Profile included Items for On-campus Students, Extramural Students, All Students (the sum On-campus and Extramural). Because of the change in reporting, the On-Campus and Extramural Items are not applicable, therefore they are no longer included in the Campus Profile. The All Students Items will remain in the Campus Profile, and we have added additional items in the All Students section. The historical On-campus and Extramural sections will still be available in older years of the Profile.

4070 Extramural undergraduates
Headcount of undergraduate students enrolled in exclusively in credit-bearing courses offered through CITL in this unit as of the last date to drop for the fall term. (See note on line 4068).

4071 Extramural grad & prof women
Headcount of graduate and professional students enrolled exclusively in credit-bearing courses offered through CITL who self-identify as women.

4072 Extramural graduate & professional students
Headcount of graduate and professional students enrolled exclusively in credit-bearning courses offered through CITL as of the last date to drop courses in Fall. (See note on line 4068).

4073 Extramural grad/prf underrep
Headcount of extramural graduate and professional students who self-identify as a member of an underrepresented minority group (American Indian & Alaskan Native, Native Hawaiian & Pacific Islander, African American, and Hispanic/Latino) racial/ethnic group. As of 2011-12, we include multi-racial persons if one of the races selected was in one of the groups above.

4074 Global Campus Students
Headcount of all students enrolled exclusively in credit-bearing courses offered through Global Campus as of the last date to drop courses in Fall. Includes nondegree students. Note: Global Campus ceased operations as of Fall, 2010. Only graduate students were enrolled through Urbana's Global Campus programs, so previous Campus Profile entries anticipating undergraduates and professional students have been eliminated.

4075 Global Campus underrep
Headcount of Global Campus students who self-identify as a member of an underrepresented minority group (American Indian & Alaskan Native, Native Hawaiian & Pacific Islander, African American, and Hispanic/Latino) racial/ethnic group. Non-Hispanic persons who identify with more than one racial group are counted by the Federal Government as Multi-Racial and are not included in the underrepresented counts.

4076 Global Campus women
Headcount of Global Campus students who self-identify as women

4080-4087 Double Degree/Double Majors
Headcount of students enrolled in two programs or pursuing two majors within one degree program where the secondary major is in this unit. These students will be counted as majors in both units for the purpose of budget reform tuition calculations. The students are broken out by student level. Total counts (4081-4083) equal the sum of full-time double degree students plus part-time double degree students (4084-4087).

4088-4089 Minors
Headcount of students pursuing a minor in this unit. The students are broken out by student level.

4090-4118 All Students - On and Off-Campus
Students enrolled in this unit both on-campus and off-campus, by level. Equals the sum of on-campus students, extramural students, and global campus students. (lines 3660,4070,4076 for undergraduates, lines 3840, 4072, and 4078 for graduate students, and 3960 for professional). Currently, professional programs have no off-campus versions. Note: this does not include "other advisees", students who are enrolled in another unit but are advised in this unit.

4091 FTE All Students
Full-time equivalents of all students on and off-campus. Equals the count of full-time students plus 1/3 the count of part time students. (line 4090 minus 2/3 * line 4096)

4092 All Students - Underrepresented
Headcount of all students who self-identify as a member of an underrepresented minority group (American Indian & Alaskan Native, Native Hawaiian & Pacific Islander, African American, and Hispanic/Latino) racial/ethnic group. As of 2011-12, we include multi-racial persons if one of the races selected was in one of the groups above.

4093 All Students- Women

4094 All Students- % Underrepresented
Line 4092 divided by line 4090

4095 All Students- % Women
Line 4093 divided by line 4090

4096 All Students- Part time
On-campus, Extramural, and Global Campus part time students. Part time is defined as less than 12 hours for professional and undergraduate students, 9 hours or enrollment in thesis class for graduate students

4097 All Students- % Part time
On-campus, Extramural, and Global Campus parttime students as a percent of all students (line 4096/line 4090)

4100 All Undergraduates
All undergraduates, including on-campus, extramural, and Global Campus.

4105 All Professional
All professional students, including on-campus, extramural, and Global Campus.

4106 All Graduate students
All graduate students, including on-campus, extramural, and Global Campus.

4109, 4114 Underrepresented - All graduates
All underrepresented (American Indian & Alaskan Native, Native Hawaiian & Pacific Islander, African American, and Hispanic/Latino) graduate students, including on-campus, extramural, and Global Campus.

4110, 4115 International - All graduates
All graduate students studying in the US on a visa, including on-campus, extramural, and Global Campus. Does not include international students studying at a location outside the US, per Federal IPEDS definitions.

4111, 4116 Women - All graduates
All women graduate students, including on-campus, extramural, and Global Campus.

4112, 4117 Nonresident - All graduates
All graduate students who are charged out-of-state tuition, including on-campus, extramural, and Global Campus.

4113, 4118 Parttime - All graduates
All graduate students enrolled in less than 9 hours (2.0 units prior to 2004) and not enrolled in 0 hours of thesis).
Prior to Fall, 2004, students enrolled in fewer than 8 hours were counted as part time regardless of whether they were enrolled in a thesis (599) course. Includes on-campus, extramural, and Global Campus.

Campus Profile Glossary

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