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November 2022

Source: DMI Course Reporting System.
One instructional unit (IU) equals one student credit hour. Prior to 2004-2005 one credit hour for graduate students was one-fourth of a graduate unit. IUs are determined by the student registrations on the tenth day of class. From Fall 1997 to Fall 2003, IUs for classes meeting during the second eight weeks of the fall or spring term were counted on the tenth day after midterm. Effective Fall 2004, IUs for classes meeting during the second eight weeks of the fall or spring term are counted on the last day to drop a 16-week course.

Instructional units can be counted by the unit offering the course or by the unit paying the instructor. Both ways of counting IUs are used in the Campus Profile because there are valid uses for each.

Generally, IUs by offering department are useful for looking at courses in a discipline (e.g. all Math courses). The breadth of courses offered, the course formats, the use of faculty v. TAs: these are all areas of inquiry where we are interested in counting IUs by "offering" department.

On the other hand, whenever we want to use IUs as a measure of productivity, comparing IUs to budget or staffing levels, it is important to count the IUs by the department which paid the instructor. The IUs used in the Budget Reform formulae are all IUs by paying department for this reason.

Extramural Courses and Student Enrollments:
Prior to Spring 2017, many reports distinguished between on-campus and extramural courses/IUs.
Due to a change in course scheduling, beginning Spring 2017, there is no longer an on-campus versus extramural distinction.


5200-5299 Total Instructional Units
All instructional units, including fall, winter, spring, summer 1 (intersession), summer 2, correspondence, and extramural (on- and off-load courses), and Global Campus courses, in courses offered by this unit. The total is shown, and the subtotals by course level (100-500). Note: courses were renumbered starting Fall, 2004 and additional course levels 500 and over were added. We have not made any attempt to realign older data by course level to match the new course numbering scheme as there was no standard algorithm that works for all units.

5294, 5295 IUs offered Online In 2020-21, online courses and IUs were impacted by COVID.
The number and percent of instructional units including fall, winter, spring, summer 1 (intersession), summer 2, correspondence, and extramural (on- and off-load courses), and Global Campus courses offered in an online format. Sections with a schedule type of "ONL" are counted; IUs taught to students enrolled in exclusively online programs were also included.

5296, 5297 Undergraduate IUs offered Online
The number and percent of instructional units from the totals in 5294/5295 offered in undergraduate classes (100, 200, 300 and 400 levels).

5298, 5299 Graduate/professional IUs offered Online
The number and percent of instructional units from the totals in 5294/5295 offered in graduate/professional classes (500+ levels).

5300 Academic year IUs
IUs generated by courses offered by the unit during fall and spring semesters only. Excludes summer sessions 1 and 2, winter, extramural, and correspondence IUs.

5320 Organized Classes
Fall and spring term IUs in organized classes -- classes where students meet on a regular basis with an instructor. Excludes any organized classes that are identified as thesis (599).

5340 Thesis
All IUs generated in courses numbered 599 in the fall and spring terms. Most of these are independent study, but some are organized classes.

5360 Other Independent Study
Fall and spring term IUs from independent study courses offered by this unit, excluding thesis courses.

5380 Summer 1 & 2
IUs in on-campus courses offered by this unit in summer 1 and summer 2 terms.

5385 Winter
IUs in courses offered by this unit in winter terms.

5390 Extramural IUs
Sum of lines 5400 and 5420.

5400 Extramural, on-load
IUs from extramural and correspondence courses that were funded by the unit's state budget. Includes courses where the instructor was unpaid.

5420 Extramural, off-load IUs
IUs from extramural and correspondence courses that were funded by Continuing Education.

5440-5520 AY IUs by section type
The percent of academic year (fall and spring) IUs by the type of section. When a course has more than one section, the IUs are distributed among the sections using the section contact hours as the prorating factor. "Other" section types are conference, practicum, and flight. Includes on-campus, organized class sections only.


Source: Management Information Course Tapes. Percent of total academic year IUs generated by the following student categories. When a department splits, merges, or moves to another college, some lines may show anomalies during the transition.

5610 AY IUs by type of student taught
IUs offered by this unit were subdivided by the type of student generating the IUs

5620,5730 % IUs taught to undergrads
Percent of IUs generated by undergraduate students.

5630,5740 % Ugrad in this dept
Percent of IUs generated by undergraduate students whose curriculum is assigned to the same department offering the course.

5640,5750 % Ugrad other dept in coll
Percent of IUs generated by undergraduate students whose curriculum is assigned to the same college but not the same department offering the course.

5650,5760 % Ugrad other college
Percent of IUs generated by undergraduate students whose curriculum is assigned to a college different than the one offering the course.

5660,5770 % IUs Grad/prof students
Percent of IUs generated by graduate or professional students

5670,5780 % Gr/prof in dept
Percent of IUs generated by graduate and professional students whose curriculum is assigned to the same department offering the course. These are all students enrolled in the Graduate College, the College of Law, the College of Veterinary Medicine, and the College of Basic Medical Sciences.

5680,5790 % Gr/prof other dept in coll
Percent of IUs generated by graduate and professional students whose curriculum is assigned to the same college but not the same department offering the course.

5690,5800 % Gr/prof other coll
Percent of IUs generated by graduate and professional students whose curriculum is assigned to a college different than the one offering the course.

5700,5810 % IUs students in this dept
Percent of IUs generated by all students whose curriculum is assigned to the same department offering the course.

5710,5820 % IUs students other dept in coll
Percent of IUs generated by students whose curriculum is assigned to the same college but not the same department offering the course.

5720,5830 % IUs students other colleges
Percent of generated by students whose curriculum is assigned to a college other than the one offering the course.



These lines provide details on the IUs funded by this unit. For budget purposes or for various performance ratios, these numbers are the ones to use.

5900-5960 IU SUBSIDIES

When a course is cross-listed, any of the crosslisting units can be designated as the "offering" unit, and, generally, departments designate the unit supplying the instructor as the "offering" unit. However, if a course is not crosslisted with the instructor's paying department, the paying department may not be designated as the "offering" department. This is considered a subsidy. For units above the department level, the subsidies contain inter-college subsidies.

Courses which are taught by instructors who are not paid for teaching ("courtesy" instructors) are attributed to the department offering the course.

5920 IUs offered by this unit but instructor paid elsewhere
IUs from sections offered by this unit which were taught by an instructor paid by another unit. This includes all Extramural and Guided Individual Study (correspondence) IUs that were off-load (paid by Continuing Education).

5940 IUs offered by another unit with instructor pd by this unit
IUs from sections offered by another unit where this unit paid the instructor

5960 Net addl IUs on unit funds
Line 594 minus line 592. A negative number implies that the unit is receiving more assistance in teaching its courses than it is donating to other units.

6000-6135 On-Campus IUs on unit funds

Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer 1 & Summer 2 on-campus IUs where this unit paid the instructor. Excludes Extramural and Guided Individual Study courses. Also excludes IUs funded by administrative units which do not participate in the distribution of tuition revenues. These IUs are the ones to be used for the distribution of on-campus tuition under the Budget Reform formulae.

The IUs are broken out by term (with summer 1 & 2 combined), and by student level in order to allow the calculation of tuition revenue by term and by type of student.

6010-6035 Undergrad IUs
IUs funded by this unit and taught on-campus to undergraduate students are listed by term.

6050-6075 % Group Ugrad IUs
The percent of the group's undergraduate IUs is given, by term, to allow calculation of the percent of undergraduate tuition earned by this unit.

6080-6105 Graduate IUs
IUs funded by this unit and taught on-campus to graduate students are listed by term.

6110-6135 Professional IUs
IUs funded by this unit and taught on-campus to professional students (Law, Vet Med, and Medicine) are listed by term.

6140-6170 Total IUs by Paying Unit
All IUs, including on-campus, extramural, Global Campus, and Guided Individual Study courses.

6140 Total IUs on this unit's funds
All student levels combined. Line 5960 plus line 5200. (Small differences due to rounding may appear in larger colleges and the campus totals.)

6150 % Grp IUs on this unit's funds
Line 6140 divided by the group's line 6140.

6160 Undergrad IUs
The total IUs taught to undergraduates where the instructor was paid by funds from this unit.

6170 Grad/prof IUs
Total IUs supported by this unit's funds which were taught to graduate and professional students.


6180 Paid IUs/Faculty FTE
Total IUs supported by this unit's budget divided by FTE tenure system faculty on state funds. Equals item 6140/item 1030.

6190 Paid IUs/Fac Instructnl FTE
Total IUs supported by this unit's budget divided by faculty instructional FTE on state funds. Instructional FTE for faculty is determined by the percent of each faculty member's time devoted to instructional activities, as reported on the Activity Effort Plan submitted by the department.

6200-6400 Who is teaching?
(% and number of total IUs by offering unit)

The IUs offered by this unit were subdivided by the type of instructor. When a section has multiple instructors, the IUs for that section are divided among instructors. Through 1994-95, the IUs were divided evenly among instructors. From 1995-96 on, the IUs were divided among the instructors for a section using a percent supplied by each department. The breakdown by instructor type is given for the total IUs offered by the unit, and for each class level (100-500+). Note: these definitions were changed between the production of the 1998-99 Profile and the 1999-2000 Profile, and again in the 2020-21 Profile. Also remember that courses were renumbered starting Fall, 2004 so course levels prior to 2004-05 will not match course levels starting that year. Percent and number of IUs offered are provided by course level and by type of instructor as follows:

Anyone who was paid on any tenured or a tenure-track appointment (tenure code= A, 1-7, or Q) during the year or who held a paid, non-tenured endowed professorship. Includes professors, associate professors, and assistant professors.

Grad asst
All instructors not included in the faculty group who are paid from employee group G.

Spec Faculty
All instructors classified as "Specialized" (teaching or research) faculty. Includes any combination of title modifiers of visiting, clinical, teaching, research, instructor, lecturer, adjunct. Instructors with non-faculty positions, such as administrators, are also included. (NOTE: Prior to the 2020-21 Profile, visitors were counted separately and not included in this group.)


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