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November 2022
Source: EDW Financial Aid Tables and Office of Financial Aid annual report of financial aid for the IBHE.
Data from the IBHE report is marked with an asterisk (*) and is available only for the campus as a whole.
7001 Total Financial Aid* Thousands of dollars spent on financial aid by the campus during the fiscal year. Includes value of tuition waivers. Campus total only.
7010 Undergrad Financial Aid $000* Thousands of dollars spent on financial aid by the campus for undergraduates during the fiscah year. Includes the value of tuition waivers 7011 % UGrads with any aid* Percent of all undergraduates who have any kind of institutional financial aid during the year. Equals line 7019 divided by 7022.
7012 % Ugrads w need-based aid Percent of all degree-seeking undergraduates enrolled at any time during fall, spring, or summer of the year shown who were enrolled in at least six hours and received some need-based aid. Need-based aid includes all Federal aid, State aid, Private aid, and institutional grants, scholarships, waivers, loans, and work/study. "PLUS" loans and other unsubsidized loans are not included. Equals line 7020 divided by 7018.
7013 % Ugrads with need Percent of all degree-seeking undergraduates enrolled at any time during fall, spring, or summer of the year shown who were enrolled in at least six hours, applied for financial aid, and were judged to have some need for financial aid. Equals line 7021 divided by 7018.
7015 % Ugrads with a UI loan* Percent of all undergraduates who have an institutional loan.
7016 % Ugrads with Pell* Percent of all undergraduates who received Pell.
7018 FT Ugrad hdcount-annual The unduplicated headcount of all persons who were degree-seeking undergraduates enrolled at any time during fall, spring, or summer of the year shown who were enrolled in at least six hours. Because aid is awarded and accounted for on an annual basis (fall, spring, summer), we must calculate a denominator different from the census headcounts reported in lines 3600 - 3900, which are fall term 10th day of class only. Also note that this annual headcount is different from the one created for the IBHE Financial Aid report, which includes part-time students and non-degree students.
7019 UG hdct with any aid* The headcount of undergraduate students who received any form of financial aid during the year.
7020 UG hdct w need-based aid Unduplicated headcount of all degree-seeking undergraduates enrolled at any time during fall, spring, or summer of the year shown who were enrolled in at least six hours and received some need-based aid.
7021 UG hdct with need Unduplicated headcount of all degree-seeking undergraduates enrolled at any time during fall, spring, or summer of the year shown who were enrolled in at least six hours, applied for financial aid, and were judged to have some need for financial aid.
7022 UG annual undup hdcnt* The unduplicated headcount of undergraduates enrolled at any time during the year (Fall, Spring, Summer). Includes part time and non-degree students.
7025 UG hdct on gift aid* The number of undergraduates who received any gift aid during the year. Gift aid includes scholarships, fellowships, tuition waivers, and fee waivers
7026 UG hdct on UI loan aid* The number of undergraduates who received any loans through the campus during the year. Does not include private loans.
7027 UG hdct on employment* The number of undergraduates who were employed by the UI at any time during the year. Includes workstudy, student hourly, and undergraduate assistantship appointments but does not include undergraduates who hold civil service or academic staff appointments.
7030 Ugrad Gift Aid $000* Dollars (thousands) expended for undergraduate gift aid during the year. Gift aid includes scholarships, tuition waivers, and fee waivers
7031 Ugrad Loan $000* Dollars (thousands) expended for undergraduate loans during the year.
7032 Ugrad Employment $000* Dollars (thousands) expended for undergraduate student pay during the year.
7033 & 7066 Ugrad and Grad/Prof Federal Aid $000* Dollars (thousands) from US government programs expended for financial aid, e.g. Pell Grants, college workstudy grants
7034 & 7067 Ugrad and Grad/Prof State Aid $000* Dollars (thousands) from State of Illinois programs expended for financial aid, e.g. MAP grants, Illinois Veterans Scholarships
7035 & 7068 Ugrad and Grad/Prof Institl Aid $000* Dollars (thousands) from university sources expended for financial aid. Includes departmental, endowed, and campus scholarships 7036 & 7069 Ugrad and Grad/Prof Other Aid $000* Dollars (thousands) from all other sources expended for financial aid. Includes aid from foreign sources, corporate direct support of students, etc.
7040 UG Schlrshp & Grant Awd $000* Dollars (thousands) from Institutional grant and scholarship funds that are awarded by Colleges, Academic Units and Administrative units to undergraduate students. This includes funds received from the campus as well as the University of Illinois Foundation.
7042 UG hdct with IL Commitment The number of undergraduates who received Illinois Commitment.
7050 Grad & Profl Fin Aid $000* Dollars (thousands) expended for graduate financial aid during the year.
7051 Grad/Prof hdct w any aid * The headcount of graduate and professional students who received any form of financial aid during the year.
7052 Grad/Prof annl undup hdct* The unduplicated headcount of graduate and professional students enrolled at any time during the year (Fall, Spring, Summer). Includes part time, off-campus, and non-degree students.
7053 & 7060 Grad/Prof hdct w gift aid* The number of graduate and professional students who received any gift aid during the year and the value of that gift aid in thousands of dollars. Gift aid includes scholarships, fellowships, tuition waivers, and fee waivers.
7054 & 7061 Grad/Prof hdct on UI loan* The number of graduate and professional students who received any loans through the campus during the year and the value of that loan aid in thousands of dollars. Does not include private loans.
7055 & 7065 Grad/Prof hdct employment* The number of graduate and professional students who were employed by the UI at any time during the year in a student position and the dollars paid to the students in these positions. Includes workstudy, student hourly, and graduate assistantship appointments but does not include appointments of graduate or professional students who were also civil service or academic staff
Source: EDW Financial Aid and Student Accounts Receivable Modules.
Prior to 2004-05, Register-By-Mail Student Billing System files maintained
by the Office of Admissions & Records.
Tuition charged and waivers granted to students majoring in this unit,
by student level and by term, with Summer 1 and Summer 2 terms combined.
Amounts listed are in thousands of dollars ($000). Drilldowns to the individual programs are available.
Note: 7100 has been replaced by 7102. These numbers will vary from the numbers found in the
Tuition, Waiver, and Appointments web site
because they are frozen at the time that tuition figures are pulled for the budget calculations.
Individual components are:
7102 Net tuition The sum of all on-campus and extramural tuition assessed minus the sum of all on-campus and extramural waivers granted.
7106,7200,7300 Net tuition These numbers are the sum of all on-campus tuition assessed minus the sum of all waivers granted at the undergraduate, graduate, professional levels. Lines 7106-7320 show totals for the fall, spring, summer (both summer 1 and summer2), and winter and lines 8010-8820 show breakouts by term.
7110,8010,8310,8610 Ugrad Base tuition In-state and out-of-state on-campus tuition charged to undergraduate students majoring in this unit, excluding program and international differentials.
7120,8020,8320,8620 Ugrad Differential All undergraduate students enrolled in Engineering and Engineering related, Chemical & Life Sciences, Fine & Applied Arts, Journalism, Advertising, Business, and certain curricula in the College of Agriculture, Consumer, & Environmental Sciences (ACES), College of Liberal Arts & Sciences (LAS) and Division of General Studies (DGS) are assessed a tuition differential. Some programs also assess a separate international program differential, which is included here.
7125 Ugrad Intl Differential The differential charged to international undergraduate students. This is separate from any program-based international differentials.
7130,8030,8330,8630 Ugrad College Waiver Tuition waiver totals for on-campus waivers granted by the college, e.g. for undergraduate assistantships. These are subtacted from a units' tuition earnings in the Budget Reform tuition calculations.
7140,8040,8340,8640 Ugrad Campus Waiver Tuition waiver totals for on-campus waivers granted by a campus-wide program or statutory waiver program. These are not counted against a unit in the Budget Reform tuition calculations.
7210,8110,8410,8710 Grad Tuition All on-campus tuition charged to graduate students in this unit, except for tuition charged for full-cost-recovery and self-supporting programs such as the Executive MBA program.
7220,8130,8430,8730 Grad Waivers All on-campus tuition waivers granted to graduate students in this unit.
7230,8140,8440,8740 Cost recovery tuition On-campus tuition charged to students in full-cost-recovery programs in this unit. Currently the cost recovery programs are all in the colleges of Business and LAS. The Graduate College website includes a list of programs.
7240 Self-Supporting tuition On-campus tuition charged to students in self-supporting programs in this unit. The Graduate College website includes a list of programs.
7310,8210,8510,8810 Profl Tuition All on-campus tuition charged to professional students in this unit.
7320,8220,8520,8820 Profl Waivers All tuition waivers granted to professional students in this unit.
8900-8998 Extramural Tuition and Waivers Tuition assessed and waivers granted to students enrolled in programs in this unit who are taking courses through the Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning (CITL). A breakdown is available by term. Please note that this may have no relation to the tuition earned by a unit for offering courses through CITL. For example, if a department offers an online course through CITL and enrolls students from other departments in that course, the tuition and waivers for each student enrolled will show up in that student's home department, not in the department that offered the course. Numbers are in thousands of dollars. Does not include tuition for Guided Individual Instruction courses (Self-paced courses).
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