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November 2024


2820 % Group Budget/% Group Acad FTE
State budget as a percent of group state budget divided by FTE academic staff on state funds as a percent of group FTE academic staff. Equals item 200 divided by item 102, divided by the same ratio for the group.

2840 % Group budget/% Group IU
State budget as a percent of group state budget divided by Total IUs as a percent of group Total IUs. Equals item 2000 divided by item 6140 divided by the same ratio for the group.

2860 % Group Acad FTE/% Group IU
State academic FTE divided by total IUs supported by the budget of the unit, divided by the same ratio for the group. Equals the item 1020 divided by item 6140 divided by the same ratio for the group.

2890 Deflated state budget/IU paid
State budget (item 2000) divided by the Consumer Price Index divided by the Total IUs (item 6140). The resulting figure is in constant 1982-84 dollars per IU. The CPI used is the monthly, all items, urban consumers CPI based on 1982-84 prices, averaged for the months July-June of each fiscal year. CPI for current year is estimated. To see the Consumer Price Indices (1982-84 base and the 1967 base), click here

2900 State Exp $/student
Dollars spent from state accounts divided by the number of students enrolled in this unit. Equals (item 2500 times item 2620) divided by item 3600.

2910 State Instr Exp $/student
Same as 2900, but state expenses for the following non-instructional units are excluded:

2911 Deflated State Instr$/stdt
Same as 2910, but ratio is shown in constant 1982-84 dollars after adjusting by the Consumer Price Index

2920 State Instr Exp $/IU paid
State expenditures of units except those listed above divided by the total instructional units on unit funds (Item 6140)

2921 Deflated State Instr $/IU
Same as 2920, but ratio is shown in constant 1982-84 dollars after adjusting by the Consumer Price Index

2923 Exclusions from state exp
State expenditures of units listed above. Shown in thousands of dollars. (This item was originally item 2921 in 2007-08 Profile);

2925 Deflated State Instr Exp
State expenditures minus expenditures of non-instructional units adjusted by the Consumer Price Index to constant 1982-84 dollars. Shown in thousands of dollars.


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