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November 2024

Sources: Management Information Course Tapes, EDW Class Schedule and Student Enrollment Tables.

6500 Undergraduate Class Section Size Data
The statistics in 6500-6522 are reported to US News and World Report; definitions are dictated by the national Common Dataset project (see the
UIUC common dataset) and are not chosen by the campus. Enrollments in 000- to 400-level sections offered Fall term are counted on the 10th day of class. Crosslisted sections are aggregated. When a course is crosslisted with one offering at the 400-level and the other at the 500-level, we aggregate enrollments in both offerings and include the section in these counts. Individual instruction sections are excluded.

6508 Fall Undergraduate Main Sections
All 000- through 400-level lecture and lecture-discussion sections plus discussion, lab, lab-discussion, flight, and conference sections for courses with no lecture or lecture-discussion component offered in the fall semester only. When a course has no lecture or lecture-discussion section, we count as the "main" class section the first section found with a schedule type of discussion, lab, lab-discussion, flight, or conference, in that order. So, for a course with only discussion and lab sections, we count the discussion sections as "class sections" and the labs as "class subsections". As explicitly required by US News and World Report, Music conference sections are always counted as subsections, even when there is no other section type.

6509 Fall Undergraduate SubSections
All other 100-400 level sections as defined in 6500 that are not counted as main sections.

6510 and 6520 Fall Undergraduate Main Sections under 20

The number and percent of undergraduate main sections (see item 6508) with total student enrollment under 20 in all crosslistings.

6512 and 6522 Undergraduate Main Sections over 50

The number and percent of undergraduate main sections (see item 6508) with total student enrollment over 50 in all crosslistings.

6535-6680 Class Sections offered
The number of organized class sections offered by this unit during the Academic Year. Crosslisted sections are counted once. Independent studies are excluded. These are shown by class level. In addition, Honors sections are shown.

6690 Faculty-taught class sections
Sections taught by a tenure-system faculty member.

6700-6780 Section size - mean
The average size of class sections offered by this unit, by class level.

6800-6880 Section size - Std Deviation
The standard deviation of the class section sizes offered by this unit, by class level.


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