Employees included in the count for Item 1603 for unit 1B1-KV-XXX-XXX in year 2023-24

All appointment information is frozen as of October 10.
Appointments must be active on Oct. 15, 2023 to be counted. Headcounts are by employee home department.
NOTE: headcount listings may show a person more than once if s/he holds an appointment in more than one employee group in this unit, and this will cause the totals at the bottom of the page to be larger than the headcounts shown in the Campus Profile

Note: Student employee names are not listed due to FERPA.

Current Home Org CodeHome Dept name NameProfile Group
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-241Anthropology Ambrose, Stanley FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-241Anthropology Bishop, Katelyn ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-241Anthropology Brinkworth, Jessica ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-241Anthropology Calhoun, Kendra ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-241Anthropology Clancy, Kathryn FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-241Anthropology David, LaKisha ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-241Anthropology Davis, Jennifer ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-241Anthropology Delfino, Jennifer ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-241Anthropology Desmond, Jane FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-241Anthropology Dominguez, Virginia FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-241Anthropology Farnell, Brenda FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-241Anthropology Fennell, Christopher FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-241Anthropology Greenberg, Jessica ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-241Anthropology Konigsberg, Lyle FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-241Anthropology Lucero, Lisa FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-241Anthropology Malhi, Ripan FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-241Anthropology Martin, Jeffrey ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-241Anthropology Moodie, Ellen ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-241Anthropology Orta, Andrew FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-241Anthropology Riggs, Erin ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-241Anthropology Ritchison, Brandon ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-241Anthropology Rosas, Gilberto ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-241Anthropology Shackelford, Laura FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-241Anthropology Silverman, Helaine FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-241Anthropology Smalls, Krystal ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-241Anthropology Stumpf, Rebecca FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-241Anthropology Telep, Suzie ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-257Mathematics Ahlgren, Scott FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-257Mathematics Albin, Pierre FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-257Mathematics Balogh, Jozsef FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-257Mathematics Baryshnikov, Yuliy FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-257Mathematics Berwick Evans, Danie ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-257Mathematics Bradlow, Steven FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-257Mathematics Bronski, Jared FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-257Mathematics Cooney, Daniel ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-257Mathematics DeVille, Lee FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-257Mathematics Dey, Partha ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-257Mathematics Di Francesco, Philip FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-257Mathematics Dodd, Christopher ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-257Mathematics Dunfield, Nathan FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-257Mathematics Dutta, Sankar FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-257Mathematics Erdogan, Mehmet FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-257Mathematics Fadina, Tolulope ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-257Mathematics Ford, Kevin FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-257Mathematics Haboush, William FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-257Mathematics Heller, Jeremiah ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-257Mathematics Hinkkanen, Aimo FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-257Mathematics Hirani, Anil FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-257Mathematics Hung, Pei Ken ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-257Mathematics Hur, Mi Kyoung FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-257Mathematics Ivanov, Sergei FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-257Mathematics Janda, Felix ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-257Mathematics Jing, Xiaochen ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-257Mathematics Junge, Marius FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-257Mathematics Katz, Sheldon FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-257Mathematics Kedem, Rinat FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-257Mathematics Kerman, Ely FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-257Mathematics Kirkpatrick, Kay FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-257Mathematics Kirr, Eduard-Wilhelm ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-257Mathematics Kostochka, Alexandr FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-257Mathematics Kutzarova-Ford, Denk FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-257Mathematics Laugesen, Richard FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-257Mathematics Leditzky, Felix ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-257Mathematics Lerman, Eugene FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-257Mathematics Li, Xiaochun FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-257Mathematics Liu, Yuan ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-257Mathematics Loja Fernandes, Rui FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-257Mathematics McCarthy, Randy FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-257Mathematics Mineyev, Igor FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-257Mathematics Nikolaev, Igor FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-257Mathematics Oikhberg, Timur FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-257Mathematics Pascaleff, James ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-257Mathematics Quan, Zhiyu ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-257Mathematics Rapti, Zoi FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-257Mathematics Rasmussen, Jacob FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-257Mathematics Rasmussen, Sarah ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-257Mathematics Rezk, Charles FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-257Mathematics Song, Renming FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-257Mathematics Stojanoska, Vesna ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-257Mathematics Thorner, Jesse ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-257Mathematics Tolman, Susan FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-257Mathematics Tumanov, Alexander FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-257Mathematics Tyson, Jeremy FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-257Mathematics Tzirakis, Nikolaos FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-257Mathematics Wei, Wei ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-257Mathematics Wu, Xuan ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-257Mathematics Yong, Alexander FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-257Mathematics Young, Amanda ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-257Mathematics Zaharescu, Alexandru FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-257Mathematics Zharnitsky, Vadim FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-299Psychology Beck, Diane FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-299Psychology Benjamin, Aaron FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-299Psychology Berenbaum, Howard FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-299Psychology Briley, Daniel ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-299Psychology Cervantes Botero, Vi ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-299Psychology Cohen, Dov FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-299Psychology Cohen, Joseph ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-299Psychology Cohen, Neal FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-299Psychology Derringer, Jaime ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-299Psychology Dolcos, Florin FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-299Psychology Fabiani, Monica FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-299Psychology Fairbairn, Catharine ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-299Psychology Federmeier, Kara FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-299Psychology Fisher, Cynthia FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-299Psychology Fraley, Robert FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-299Psychology Friberg, Sepideh ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-299Psychology Goense, Josina ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-299Psychology Gratton, Gabriele FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-299Psychology Gulley, Joshua FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-299Psychology Hankin, Benjamin FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-299Psychology Heller, Wendy FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-299Psychology Hinman, James ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-299Psychology Holden, LaTasha ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-299Psychology Hotaling, Jared ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-299Psychology Hummel, John FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-299Psychology Hunter, Carla ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-299Psychology Hyde, Daniel ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-299Psychology Juraska, Janice FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-299Psychology Koehn, Hans ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-299Psychology Kurdi, Benedek ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-299Psychology Kwapil, Thomas FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-299Psychology Liang, Nu-Chu ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-299Psychology Lleras, Alejandro FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-299Psychology Montag, Jessica ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-299Psychology Pomerantz, Eva FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-299Psychology Regenwetter, Michel FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-299Psychology Rhodes, Justin FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-299Psychology Rios, Kimberly FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-299Psychology Rizzo, Michael ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-299Psychology Roberts, Brent FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-299Psychology Rodriguez, Violeta ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-299Psychology Rudolph, Karen FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-299Psychology Sahakyan, Lili FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-299Psychology Simons, Daniel FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-299Psychology Stern, Chadly ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-299Psychology Todd, Nathan FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-299Psychology Wang, Ranxiao FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-299Psychology Willits, Jon ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-299Psychology Zhang, Susu ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-303African American Studies Bowen, Merle FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-303African American Studies Cha-Jua, Sundiata ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-303African American Studies Harrison, Faye FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-303African American Studies McDuffie, Erik ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-303African American Studies McKinnis, Leonard ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-303African American Studies Meyers, John ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-303African American Studies O'Byrn, Edward ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-303African American Studies Smith, Bobby ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-324Sociology Atiles Osoria, Jose ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-324Sociology Bayat, Asef FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-324Sociology Buckley, Cynthia FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-324Sociology Dill, Brian ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-324Sociology Gille, Zsuzsa FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-324Sociology Kimberly, Christina ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-324Sociology Ladegaard, Isak ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-324Sociology Leicht, Kevin FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-324Sociology Marshall, Anna-Maria ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-324Sociology May, Reuben FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-324Sociology Mendenhall, Ruby FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-324Sociology Miles, Brittney ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-324Sociology Moussawi, Ghassan ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-324Sociology Redstone, Ilana ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-324Sociology Soener, Matthew ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-324Sociology Vogler, Stefan ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-404Asian American Studies Bui, Kevin ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-404Asian American Studies Kwon, Soo Ah ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-404Asian American Studies Rana, Junaid ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-405Economics Akresh, Richard ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-405Economics Albouy, David FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-405Economics Amir Ahmadi, Pooyan ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-405Economics Bartik, Alexander ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-405Economics Bera, Anil FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-405Economics Bernhardt, Mark FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-405Economics Borgschulte, Mark ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-405Economics Chung, Eun Yi ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-405Economics Cunha Medeiros, Marc FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-405Economics Deltas, George FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-405Economics Durandard, Theo ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-405Economics Hong, Seung-Hyun ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-405Economics Howard, Gregory ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-405Economics Kleemans, Maria ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-405Economics Krasa, Stefan FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-405Economics Lee, JiHyung ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-405Economics Lemus Encalada, Jorg ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-405Economics Marx, Benjamin ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-405Economics Osman, Adam ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-405Economics Parente, Stephen ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-405Economics Perry, Martin FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-405Economics Powers, Elizabeth ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-405Economics Shea, Joshua ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-405Economics Song, Lena ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-405Economics Xie, Shihan ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-430Astronomy Barrow, Kirk ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-430Astronomy Fields, Brian FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-430Astronomy French, Katheryn ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-430Astronomy Gammie, Charles FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-430Astronomy Kemball, Athol FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-430Astronomy Liu, Xin ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-430Astronomy Looney, Leslie FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-430Astronomy Mouschovias, Telemac FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-430Astronomy Narayan, Gautham ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-430Astronomy Ricker, Paul FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-430Astronomy Shen, Yue FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-430Astronomy Vieira, Joaquin FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-430Astronomy Wong, Tony FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-451History Asaka, Ikuko ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-451History Avrutin, Eugene FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-451History Barnes, Teresa FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-451History Barrett, Marsha ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-451History Beck, David FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-451History Brennan, James ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-451History Brosseder, Claudia ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-451History Burgos, Adrian FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-451History Burton, Antoinette FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-451History Chaplin, Tamara ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-451History Chettiar, Teri ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-451History Davila, Walter FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-451History Espiritu, Augusto ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-451History Fritzsche, Peter FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-451History Goffman, Laura ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-451History Hertzman, Marc ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-451History Hoganson, Kristin FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-451History Hogarth, Rana ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-451History Koslofsky, Craig FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-451History LaPier, Rosalyn FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-451History Mathisen, Ralph FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-451History Morrissey, Robert FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-451History Mumford, Kevin FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-451History Nobili, Mauro ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-451History Rabin, Dana FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-451History Ramirez, Yuridia ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-451History Randolph, John ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-451History Reagan, Leslie FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-451History Sepkoski, David FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-451History Symes, Carol FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-451History Whittington, Anna ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-451History Wilson, Roderick ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-489Communication Barbour, Joshua FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-489Communication Barley, William ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-489Communication Bigman-Galimore, Cab ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-489Communication Bigsby, Elisabeth ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-489Communication Caughlin, John FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-489Communication Cisneros, Josue ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-489Communication Coles, Stewart ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-489Communication Dixon, Travis FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-489Communication Finnegan, Cara FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-489Communication Gipson, Brooklyne ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-489Communication Guntzviller, Lisa ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-489Communication Kim, Min Kyung ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-489Communication Knobloch, Leanne FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-489Communication Koven, Michele FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-489Communication Murphy, John FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-489Communication O'Gorman, Thomas FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-489Communication Quick, Brian FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-489Communication Thompson, Charee ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-489Communication Van Duyn, Emily ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-489Communication Yang, JungHwan ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-499English Barrett, Robert ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-499English Basu, Anustup FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-499English Basu, Manisha ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-499English Capino, Jose FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-499English Cole, Lucinda ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-499English Courtemanche, Eleano ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-499English Dean, Timothy FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-499English Freeburg, Christophe FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-499English Gaedtke, Andrew ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-499English Gallagher, John ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-499English Garcia, Angel ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-499English Gray, Catharine ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-499English Hansen, James ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-499English Harrington, Janice FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-499English Hassinger, Amy ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-499English Hunt, Irvin ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-499English Hutner, Gordon FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-499English Jenkins, Candice FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-499English Jones, Jamie ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-499English Kempf, Christopher ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-499English Koshy, Susan ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-499English Littlefield, Melissa FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-499English Loughran, Patricia ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-499English Mack, Kimberly ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-499English Markley, Robert FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-499English McKinney, Charlesia ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-499English McNulty, Tess ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-499English Mortensen, Peter ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-499English Murison, Justine FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-499English Nazar, Hina ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-499English Newcomb, John FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-499English Newcomb, Lori ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-499English Oh, Rebecca ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-499English Parker, Robert FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-499English Perry, Curtis FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-499English Pollock, Anthony ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-499English Russell, Lindsay ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-499English Sanders, John ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-499English Shakar, Alexander ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-499English Somerville, Siobhan ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-499English Soto Crespo, Ramon FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-499English Stevens, Andrea ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-499English Trilling, Renee ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-499English Van Landingham, Core ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-499English Wood, Gillen FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-499English Wright, David FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-577American Indian Studies Prog Rand, Jacki ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-577American Indian Studies Prog Ryan Burchfield, Ren ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-577American Indian Studies Prog Rymhs, Deena FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-580Liberal Arts & Sci Admin Molina, Isabel FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-580Liberal Arts & Sci Admin Patton, Venetria OTHER TEN
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-583Statistics Chatterjee, Sabyasac ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-583Statistics Chen, Yuguo FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-583Statistics Culpepper, Steven FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-583Statistics Dayanikli, Gokce ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-583Statistics Douglas, Jeffrey FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-583Statistics Eck, Daniel ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-583Statistics Fellouris, Georgios ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-583Statistics Li, Bo FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-583Statistics Liang, Feng FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-583Statistics Liu, Jingbo ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-583Statistics Narisetty, Naveennai ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-583Statistics Shao, Xiaofeng FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-583Statistics Simpson, Douglas FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-583Statistics Wang, Michelle ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-583Statistics Wang, Shulei ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-583Statistics Wang, Yuexi ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-583Statistics Yang, Yun ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-583Statistics Yu, Ruoqi ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-583Statistics Zhao, Sihai ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-583Statistics Zhu, Ruoqing ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-680Gender & Women's Studies Beauchamp, Toby ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-680Gender & Women's Studies Flynn, Karen ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-680Gender & Women's Studies Kashani, Maryam ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-680Gender & Women's Studies McCoy, Melanie ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-680Gender & Women's Studies Nadeau, Chantal FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-680Gender & Women's Studies Nguyen, Mimi ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-680Gender & Women's Studies Velez, Emma ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-680Gender & Women's Studies Vergara Bracamontes, ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-710Political Science Althaus, Scott FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-710Political Science Bowers, Jacob ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-710Political Science Canache, Damarys FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-710Political Science Carroll, Robert ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-710Political Science Casler, Donald ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-710Political Science Cho, Wendy FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-710Political Science Dai, Xinyuan FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-710Political Science Frost, Samantha FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-710Political Science Gaines, Brian FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-710Political Science Khoury, Rana ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-710Political Science Ksiazkiewicz, Aleksa ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-710Political Science Livny, Avital ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-710Political Science Miller, Benjamin ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-710Political Science Mondak, Jeffery FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-710Political Science Pahre, Robert FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-710Political Science Prorok, Alyssa ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-710Political Science Rudolph, Thomas FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-710Political Science Seitz, Steven ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-710Political Science Sin, Gisela ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-710Political Science Uribe-McGuire, Alici ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-710Political Science Williams, Nora ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-710Political Science Winters, Matthew FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-710Political Science Wong, Cara ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-710Political Science Yang, Yujeong ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-715Philosophy Ben Moshe, Nir ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-715Philosophy Bojanowski, Jochen ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-715Philosophy Kerr, Alison ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-715Philosophy Kishida, Kohei ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-715Philosophy Levinstein, Benjamin ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-715Philosophy Livengood, Jonathan ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-715Philosophy Saenz, Noel ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-715Philosophy Scharp, Kevin FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-715Philosophy Schwenkler, John FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-715Philosophy Varden, Helga FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-715Philosophy Weaver, Christopher ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-715Philosophy Weinberg, Shelley ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-982Latina/Latino Studies Barragan Miranda, Ja ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-982Latina/Latino Studies de la Garza, Jose ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-982Latina/Latino Studies Flores, Nicholas ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-982Latina/Latino Studies Lira, Natalie ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-982Latina/Latino Studies Velasquez Estrada, R ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV0-982Latina/Latino Studies Velazquez, Mirelsie ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV1-413Chemistry Backlund, Mikael ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV1-413Chemistry Burke, Martin FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV1-413Chemistry Chan, Jefferson ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV1-413Chemistry Denmark, Scott FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV1-413Chemistry Fataftah, Majed ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV1-413Chemistry Gewirth, Andrew FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV1-413Chemistry Girolami, Gregory FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV1-413Chemistry Gruebele, Martin FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV1-413Chemistry Han, Hee Sun ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV1-413Chemistry Hergenrother, Paul FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV1-413Chemistry Hirata, So FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV1-413Chemistry Jackson, Nicholas ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV1-413Chemistry Jain, Prashant FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV1-413Chemistry Landes, Christy FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV1-413Chemistry Luthey-Schulten, Zai FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV1-413Chemistry Makri, Nancy FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV1-413Chemistry Manesis, Anastasia ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV1-413Chemistry Mehta, Angad ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV1-413Chemistry Mirica, Liviu FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV1-413Chemistry Mitchell, Douglas FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV1-413Chemistry Murphy, Catherine FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV1-413Chemistry Oldfield, Eric FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV1-413Chemistry Olshansky, Lisa ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV1-413Chemistry Rodriguez Lopez, Joa FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV1-413Chemistry Sarlah, David ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV1-413Chemistry Shen, Mei ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV1-413Chemistry Silverman, Scott FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV1-413Chemistry Snyder, Benjamin ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV1-413Chemistry Sweedler, Jonathan FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV1-413Chemistry Vura-Weis, Joshua ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV1-413Chemistry White, M FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV1-687Chemical & Biomolecular Engr Diao, Ying ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV1-687Chemical & Biomolecular Engr Guironnet, Damien ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV1-687Chemical & Biomolecular Engr Hammack, William FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV1-687Chemical & Biomolecular Engr Harley, Brendan FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV1-687Chemical & Biomolecular Engr Higdon, Jonathan FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV1-687Chemical & Biomolecular Engr Kenis, Paul FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV1-687Chemical & Biomolecular Engr Kong, Hyun Joon FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV1-687Chemical & Biomolecular Engr Kraft, Mary FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV1-687Chemical & Biomolecular Engr Kuenstler, Alexa ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV1-687Chemical & Biomolecular Engr Leckband, Deborah FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV1-687Chemical & Biomolecular Engr Mironenko, Alexander ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV1-687Chemical & Biomolecular Engr Peters, Baron FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV1-687Chemical & Biomolecular Engr Rao, Christopher FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV1-687Chemical & Biomolecular Engr Rogers, Simon ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV1-687Chemical & Biomolecular Engr Shukla, Diwakar ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV1-687Chemical & Biomolecular Engr Sing, Charles ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV1-687Chemical & Biomolecular Engr Su, Xiao ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV1-687Chemical & Biomolecular Engr Yang, Hong FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV1-687Chemical & Biomolecular Engr Zhao, Huimin FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV2-292Evolution Ecology Behavior Anderson, Philip ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV2-292Evolution Ecology Behavior Bell, Alison FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV2-292Evolution Ecology Behavior Caceres, Carla FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV2-292Evolution Ecology Behavior Catchen, Julian ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV2-292Evolution Ecology Behavior Cheng-De Vries, Chi- FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV2-292Evolution Ecology Behavior Fischer, Eva ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV2-292Evolution Ecology Behavior Fuller, Becky FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV2-292Evolution Ecology Behavior Miller, Daniel ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV2-292Evolution Ecology Behavior Paige, Ken FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV2-292Evolution Ecology Behavior Roseman, Charles ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV2-292Evolution Ecology Behavior Suarez, Andrew FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV2-361Entomology Allan, Brian FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV2-361Entomology Alleyne, Marianne ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV2-361Entomology Berenbaum, May FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV2-361Entomology Dolezal, Adam ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV2-361Entomology Evangelista-Huaman, ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV2-361Entomology Hanks, Lawrence FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV2-361Entomology Harmon-Threatt, Alex ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV2-361Entomology Ngumbi, Esther ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV2-361Entomology Robinson, Gene FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV2-377Plant Biology Burgess, Steven Jame ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV2-377Plant Biology Chen, Liqing ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV2-377Plant Biology Dalling, James FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV2-377Plant Biology Downie, Stephen FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV2-377Plant Biology Heath, Katy FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV2-377Plant Biology Lara, Mark ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV2-377Plant Biology Leakey, Andrew FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV2-377Plant Biology Long, Stephen FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV2-377Plant Biology Marshall-Colon, Amy ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV2-377Plant Biology O'Dwyer, James ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV2-377Plant Biology Ort, Donald FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV2-377Plant Biology Punyasena, Surangi ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV2-377Plant Biology Yang, Wendy FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV3-438Biochemistry Chen, Lin-Feng FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV3-438Biochemistry Cui, Chang ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV3-438Biochemistry Fratti, Rutilio FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV3-438Biochemistry Huang, Raven FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV3-438Biochemistry Jin, Hong ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV3-438Biochemistry Kalsotra, Auinash ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV3-438Biochemistry Kim, Chu-Young FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV3-438Biochemistry Nair, Satish FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV3-438Biochemistry Sanfilippo, Joseph ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV3-438Biochemistry Shapiro, David FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV3-438Biochemistry Stadtmueller, Beth ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV3-438Biochemistry Tajkhorshid, Emad FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV3-438Biochemistry Wu, Nicholas Ching H ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV3-438Biochemistry Zhang, Kai ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV3-584Cell & Developmental Biology Belmont, Andrew FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV3-584Cell & Developmental Biology Brieher, William FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV3-584Cell & Developmental Biology Ceman, Stephanie FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV3-584Cell & Developmental Biology Chen, Jie FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV3-584Cell & Developmental Biology Freeman, Brian FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV3-584Cell & Developmental Biology Gillette, Martha FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV3-584Cell & Developmental Biology Kannanganattu, Prasa FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV3-584Cell & Developmental Biology Li, Xin ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV3-584Cell & Developmental Biology Prasanth, Supriya FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV3-584Cell & Developmental Biology Rivier, David ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV3-584Cell & Developmental Biology Schuler, Mary FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV3-584Cell & Developmental Biology Smith-Bolton, Rachel ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV3-584Cell & Developmental Biology Sokac, Anna ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV3-584Cell & Developmental Biology VanBortle, Kevin ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV3-604Molecular & Integrative Phys Anakk, Sayeepriyadar ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV3-604Molecular & Integrative Phys Auerbach, Benjamin ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV3-604Molecular & Integrative Phys Bagchi, Milan FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV3-604Molecular & Integrative Phys Bolton, Eric ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV3-604Molecular & Integrative Phys Christian-Hinman, Ca ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV3-604Molecular & Integrative Phys Chung, Hee Jung ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV3-604Molecular & Integrative Phys Grosman, Claudio FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV3-604Molecular & Integrative Phys Llano, Daniel FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV3-604Molecular & Integrative Phys Nelson, Erik ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV3-604Molecular & Integrative Phys Raetzman, Lori ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV3-604Molecular & Integrative Phys Sweeney, Patrick ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV3-604Molecular & Integrative Phys Tsai, Nien-Pei ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV3-604Molecular & Integrative Phys Yu, Xinzhu ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV3-948Microbiology Blanke, Steven FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV3-948Microbiology Brooke, Christopher ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV3-948Microbiology Cronan, John FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV3-948Microbiology Hatoum, Asma ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV3-948Microbiology Imlay, James FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV3-948Microbiology Kehl-Fie, Thomas ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV3-948Microbiology Kieffer, Collin ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV3-948Microbiology Kuzminov, Andrei FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV3-948Microbiology Martinez Vargas, Pam ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV3-948Microbiology Mera, Paola ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV3-948Microbiology Metcalf, William FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV3-948Microbiology Olsen, Gary FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV3-948Microbiology Slauch, James FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV3-948Microbiology Vanderpool, Carin FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV3-948Microbiology Whitaker, Rachel FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV3-948Microbiology Wilson, Brenda FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV4-362E. Asian Lang & Cultures Chen, Jingling ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV4-362E. Asian Lang & Cultures Chow, Kai-Wing FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV4-362E. Asian Lang & Cultures Gunji, Naoko ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV4-362E. Asian Lang & Cultures Mayer, Alexander ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV4-362E. Asian Lang & Cultures Persiani, Gian Piero ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV4-362E. Asian Lang & Cultures Sadler, Misumi ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV4-362E. Asian Lang & Cultures Shao, Dan ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV4-362E. Asian Lang & Cultures Shih, Chilin FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV4-362E. Asian Lang & Cultures Song, Myoung-Sun ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV4-362E. Asian Lang & Cultures Su, Yunwen ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV4-362E. Asian Lang & Cultures Tierney, Robert FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV4-490Religious Studies Ali, Mukhtar ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV4-490Religious Studies Ebel, Jonathan FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV4-490Religious Studies Layton, Richard ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV4-490Religious Studies Newman, Adam ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV4-490Religious Studies Thurston, Stephanie ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV4-490Religious Studies Weiss, Dov ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV4-490Religious Studies Williams, Alexia ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV4-514Classics Augoustakis, Antonio FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV4-514Classics Bosak-Schroeder, Cla ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV4-514Classics Kaufman, Brett ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV4-514Classics Leon Ruiz, Daniel ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV4-514Classics Sanders, Kirk ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV4-514Classics Solomon, Jon FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV4-514Classics Traill, Ariana ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV4-514Classics Tzanetou, Angeliki ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV4-514Classics Walters, Brian ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV4-514Classics Williams, Craig FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV4-585Spanish & Portugese Bowles, Melissa FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV4-585Spanish & Portugese Callesano, Salvatore ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV4-585Spanish & Portugese Cervantes-Gomez, Xio ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV4-585Spanish & Portugese Delgado, Luisa-Elena FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV4-585Spanish & Portugese Delgado, Rodrigo ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV4-585Spanish & Portugese Garcia - Blizzard, M ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV4-585Spanish & Portugese Hualde, Jose FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV4-585Spanish & Portugese Irigoyen Garcia, Jav FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV4-585Spanish & Portugese Jegerski, Jill ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV4-585Spanish & Portugese Karam, John FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV4-585Spanish & Portugese Ledesma, Eduardo ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV4-585Spanish & Portugese Melendez, Mariselle FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV4-585Spanish & Portugese Montrul, Silvina FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV4-585Spanish & Portugese Ramirez Mendez, Alej ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV4-585Spanish & Portugese Tolliver, Joyce ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV4-585Spanish & Portugese Torres-Cacoullos, An ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV4-771Comparative & World Literatur Barnard, John ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV4-771Comparative & World Literatur Calderwood, Eric ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV4-771Comparative & World Literatur Hassan, Wail FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV4-771Comparative & World Literatur Kaplan, Brett FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV4-771Comparative & World Literatur Mehta, Rini ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV4-771Comparative & World Literatur Murav, Harriet FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV4-864Linguistics Bhatt, Rakesh FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV4-864Linguistics Ionin, Tania FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV4-864Linguistics Lasersohn, Peter FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV4-864Linguistics MacDonald, Jonathan ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV4-864Linguistics Mendoza, Anna ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV4-864Linguistics Sadler, Randall FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV4-864Linguistics Shosted, Ryan FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV4-864Linguistics Talic, Aida ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV4-864Linguistics Tang, Yan ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV4-864Linguistics Yan, Xun ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV4-864Linguistics Yoon, Hye Suk FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV4-927Germanic Languages & Lit Hilger, Stephanie FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV4-927Germanic Languages & Lit Horsfall, Walker ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV4-927Germanic Languages & Lit Hunt, Anna ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV4-927Germanic Languages & Lit Johnson, Laurie FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV4-927Germanic Languages & Lit Niekerk, Carl FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV4-927Germanic Languages & Lit Pinkert, Anke ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV4-958Slavic Languages & Literature Cooper, David ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV4-958Slavic Languages & Literature Gasyna, George ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV4-958Slavic Languages & Literature Sobol, Valeria FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV4-958Slavic Languages & Literature Tempest, Richard FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV4-958Slavic Languages & Literature Wright, Peter ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV4-985French and Italian Fagyal, Zsuzsanna FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV4-985French and Italian Gaillard, Julie ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV4-985French and Italian Keller, Marcus ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV4-985French and Italian Mall, Laurence ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV4-985French and Italian Maroun, Daniel ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV4-985French and Italian Mroz, Aurore ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV4-985French and Italian Proulx, Francois ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV4-985French and Italian Reynolds, Felisa ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV4-985French and Italian Rota, Emanuel ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV4-985French and Italian Stoppino, Eleonora ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV5-253Atmospheric Sciences Di Girolamo, Larry FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV5-253Atmospheric Sciences Dominguez, Francina FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV5-253Atmospheric Sciences Droegemeier, Kelvin FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV5-253Atmospheric Sciences Hence, Deanna ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV5-253Atmospheric Sciences Jain, Atul FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV5-253Atmospheric Sciences Lasher-Trapp, Sonia FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV5-253Atmospheric Sciences Nesbitt, Stephen FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV5-253Atmospheric Sciences Proistosescu, Cristi ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV5-253Atmospheric Sciences Riemer, Nicole FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV5-253Atmospheric Sciences Sriver, Ryan ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV5-253Atmospheric Sciences Trapp, Robert FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV5-253Atmospheric Sciences Wang, Zhuo FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV5-253Atmospheric Sciences Zhang, Gan ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV5-655Earth Sci & Environmental Chng Anders, Alison ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV5-655Earth Sci & Environmental Chng Best, James FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV5-655Earth Sci & Environmental Chng Conroy, Jessica ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV5-655Earth Sci & Environmental Chng Druhan, Jennifer ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV5-655Earth Sci & Environmental Chng Fouke, Bruce FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV5-655Earth Sci & Environmental Chng Gregg, Patricia ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV5-655Earth Sci & Environmental Chng Guenthner, William ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV5-655Earth Sci & Environmental Chng Johnson, Thomas FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV5-655Earth Sci & Environmental Chng Lundstrom, Craig FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV5-655Earth Sci & Environmental Chng Maguire, Ross ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV5-872Geography & GIS Alvarado, Nikolai ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV5-872Geography & GIS Butcher, Sian ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV5-872Geography & GIS Cidell, Julie FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV5-872Geography & GIS Diao, Chunyuan ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV5-872Geography & GIS Jefferson, Brian ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV5-872Geography & GIS Kolak, Marynia ASST PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV5-872Geography & GIS Rhoads, Bruce FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV5-872Geography & GIS Sivapalan, Murugesu FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV5-872Geography & GIS Wang, Jida ASSOC PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV5-872Geography & GIS Wang, Shaowen FULL PRF
FY24 1B1-KV-KV5-872Geography & GIS Wilson, David FULL PRF
Total headcount633

Created: 7/15/2024

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