Sorry, we did not find any tuition/waiver information for that unit for that year.

Possible reasons:
This feature is available only for college-, school-, and department-level organizations. Do not attempt to pull these data for campus totals.


Information for graduate and professional students is available back to Fall, 1997.
Undergraduate information is available only back to Fall, 2003.

All amounts are rounded and totals may differ from the Campus Profile by small amounts due to the rounding.

Degree and major name not available prior to Fall, 2004.

Rarely, a student will have both extramural tuition and on-campus tuition in one term. If such a student has a waiver, the waiver amount is prorated between on-campus and extramural based on the tuition assessed.

Student programs with a program/curriculum code that end with a "U" are typically online programs. Codes that end with a "X" or "NDEJ" are typically extramural programs.

Created: 7/15/2024

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