Tuition and waivers by student program
Included in Campus Profile Item 7106

Unit: 1B1-KV-XXX-XXX
Year: 2020-21

Student program On-campus Tuition and Waivers
College Dept
Degree Major Net Tuition Tuition Assessed Tuition waived
AllResidentNonres AllResidentNonres AllResidentNonres
KV 1-241 10KV0340BALA BALAS Anthropology 760,999 654,879 106,120 827,874 721,754 106,120 66,875 66,875 0
KV 1-241 10KV0340NONE NONE Anthropology 477,057 351,842 125,215 534,818 409,603 125,215 57,761 57,761 0
KV 1-241 10KV5348BSLA BSLAS Computer Sci & Anthropolo 382,587 193,670 188,917 393,947 205,030 188,917 11,360 11,360 0
KV 1-241 10KV8037BALA BALAS Anthropology 58,946 44,868 14,078 63,842 49,764 14,078 4,896 4,896 0
KV 1-253 10KV0334BSLA BSLAS Atmospheric Sciences 779,377 524,148 255,229 811,973 550,815 261,158 32,596 26,667 5,929
KV 1-257 10KV0439BSLA BSLAS Mathematics 708,177 140,332 567,845 723,782 148,356 575,426 15,605 8,024 7,581
KV 1-257 10KV0439NONE NONE Mathematics 9,742,570 1,770,027 7,972,543 9,885,372 1,880,455 8,004,917 142,802 110,428 32,374
KV 1-257 10KV0461BSLA BSLAS Actuarial Science 3,644,727 1,833,342 1,811,385 3,756,560 1,934,108 1,822,452 111,833 100,766 11,067
KV 1-257 10KV1438BSLA BSLAS Math & Computer Science 7,323,862 1,291,078 6,032,784 7,497,530 1,395,890 6,101,640 173,668 104,812 68,856
KV 1-257 10KV3894BSLA BSLAS Mathematics 215,727 50,320 165,407 223,275 51,320 171,955 7,548 1,000 6,548
KV 1-257 10KV3895BSLA BSLAS Mathematics 553,356 48,099 505,257 564,146 51,108 513,038 10,790 3,009 7,781
KV 1-257 10KV3896BSLA BSLAS Mathematics 208,200 24,005 184,195 211,085 26,890 184,195 2,885 2,885 0
KV 1-257 10KV3897BSLA BSLAS Mathematics 210,603 199,073 11,530 226,553 212,250 14,303 15,950 13,177 2,773
KV 1-257 10KV8037BSLA BSLAS Mathematics 2,601,121 284,041 2,317,080 2,630,113 295,668 2,334,445 28,992 11,627 17,365
KV 1-257 10KV8037BSLA BSLAS Actuarial Science 1,191,745 276,846 914,899 1,203,124 280,971 922,153 11,379 4,125 7,254
KV 1-257 10KV8037BSLA BSLAS Math & Computer Science 410,271 34,280 375,991 410,271 34,280 375,991 0 0 0
KV 1-265 10KV5313BSLA BSLAS Earth, Soc, Env Sustainab 1,937,992 1,342,083 595,909 2,045,459 1,434,321 611,138 107,467 92,238 15,229
KV 1-265 10KV5313BSLU BSLAS Earth, Soc, Env Sustainab 270,569 246,522 24,047 302,067 274,611 27,456 31,498 28,089 3,409
KV 1-265 10KV8037BSLA BSLAS Earth, Soc, Env Sustainab 126,378 101,032 25,346 143,310 117,964 25,346 16,932 16,932 0
KV 1-299 10KV0338BSLA BSLAS Psychology 0 0 0 3,677 3,677 0 3,677 3,677 0
KV 1-299 10KV5535BSLA BSLAS Psychology 8,518,158 6,164,487 2,353,671 8,983,747 6,520,473 2,463,274 465,589 355,986 109,603
KV 1-299 10KV5535NONE NONE Psychology 14,668,718 9,347,116 5,321,602 15,196,519 9,797,388 5,399,131 527,801 450,272 77,529
KV 1-299 10KV5876BSLA BSLAS Brain and Cognitive Scien 180,128 105,906 74,222 182,346 108,124 74,222 2,218 2,218 0
KV 1-299 10KV8037BSLA BSLAS Psychology 2,110,509 1,229,066 881,443 2,201,291 1,262,589 938,702 90,782 33,523 57,259
KV 1-303 10KV1008BALA BALAS African American Studies 257,014 257,014 0 263,880 263,880 0 6,866 6,866 0
KV 1-303 10KV8037BALA BALAS African American Studies 32,084 32,084 0 38,520 38,520 0 6,436 6,436 0
KV 1-324 10KV0344BALA BALAS Sociology 2,973,462 1,815,285 1,158,177 3,159,421 1,970,730 1,188,691 185,959 155,445 30,514
KV 1-324 10KV8037BALA BALAS Sociology 214,232 149,119 65,113 221,160 150,029 71,131 6,928 910 6,018
KV 1-362 10KV0285BALA BALAS E Asian Languages & Cultu 605,820 408,813 197,007 653,927 451,075 202,852 48,107 42,262 5,845
KV 1-362 10KV8037BALA BALAS E Asian Languages & Cultu 85,366 32,502 52,864 95,366 32,502 62,864 10,000 0 10,000
KV 1-383 10KV0438BSLA BSLAS Integrative Biology 5,432,551 4,972,312 460,239 5,812,780 5,338,284 474,496 380,229 365,972 14,257
KV 1-383 10KV5028BSLA BSLAS Integrative Biology 753,090 670,773 82,317 808,556 725,206 83,350 55,466 54,433 1,033
KV 1-383 10KV8037BSLA BSLAS Integrative Biology 528,693 366,131 162,562 533,940 371,378 162,562 5,247 5,247 0
KV 1-397 10KV0314BSLA BSLAS Biology 4,009 4,009 0 5,345 5,345 0 1,336 1,336 0
KV 1-397 10KV0314NONE NONE Biology 8,766,489 7,385,540 1,380,949 9,132,608 7,724,975 1,407,633 366,119 339,435 26,684
KV 1-397 10KV3993BSLA BSLAS Biology 34,080 34,080 0 51,120 51,120 0 17,040 17,040 0
KV 1-404 10KV5526BALA BALAS Asian American Studies 56,166 24,072 32,094 56,384 24,290 32,094 218 218 0
KV 1-405 10KV0074BALA BALAS Economics 12,641,303 5,162,091 7,479,212 12,894,596 5,344,424 7,550,172 253,293 182,333 70,960
KV 1-405 10KV5321BSLA BSLAS Econometrics & Quant Econ 3,157,348 1,098,627 2,058,721 3,194,959 1,130,296 2,064,663 37,611 31,669 5,942
KV 1-405 10KV5667BSLA BSLAS Computer Science & Econom 2,166,385 576,120 1,590,265 2,200,015 597,494 1,602,521 33,630 21,374 12,256
KV 1-405 10KV8037BALA BALAS Economics 693,964 276,331 417,633 717,440 299,807 417,633 23,476 23,476 0
KV 1-405 10KV8037BSLA BSLAS Computer Science & Econom 52,472 27,264 25,208 55,273 27,264 28,009 2,801 0 2,801
KV 1-405 10KV8037BSLA BSLAS Economics 17,412 0 17,412 17,412 0 17,412 0 0 0
KV 1-405 10KV8037BSLA BSLAS Econometrics & Quant Econ 599,221 110,656 488,565 601,803 110,656 491,147 2,582 0 2,582
KV 1-413 10KV0335BS BS Chemistry 4,276,012 1,970,905 2,305,107 4,408,765 2,080,020 2,328,745 132,753 109,115 23,638
KV 1-413 10KV0335BSLA BSLAS Chemistry 4,254,305 2,943,026 1,311,279 4,435,523 3,099,292 1,336,231 181,218 156,266 24,952
KV 1-413 10KV3918BSLA BSLAS Chemistry 96,796 96,796 0 96,796 96,796 0 0 0 0
KV 1-413 10KV5023BS BS Chemistry 51,090 34,080 17,010 51,308 34,298 17,010 218 218 0
KV 1-413 10KV5350BSLA BSLAS Computer Sci & Chemistry 785,319 226,913 558,406 789,153 230,747 558,406 3,834 3,834 0
KV 1-413 10KV8037BSLA BSLAS Chemistry 570,185 220,072 350,113 594,168 238,910 355,258 23,983 18,838 5,145
KV 1-415 10KL0049BS BS Human Development & Famil 4,800 4,800 0 4,800 4,800 0 0 0 0
KV 1-415 10KL0050BS BS Human Development & Famil 600 600 0 600 600 0 0 0 0
KV 1-415 10KV0067NDEG NDEG Nondegree -2,612 0 -2,612 -2,612 0 -2,612 0 0 0
KV 1-415 10KV0074BALA BALAS Economics 1,800 1,800 0 1,800 1,800 0 0 0 0
KV 1-415 10KV0286BALA BALAS Latin American Studies 300 300 0 300 300 0 0 0 0
KV 1-415 10KV0307BALA BALAS Spanish 300 300 0 300 300 0 0 0 0
KV 1-415 10KV0311BALA BALAS English 600 600 0 600 600 0 0 0 0
KV 1-415 10KV0329BSLA BSLAS Statistics 300 300 0 300 300 0 0 0 0
KV 1-415 10KV0332BALA BALAS Philosophy 600 600 0 600 600 0 0 0 0
KV 1-415 10KV0340BALA BALAS Anthropology 660 660 0 660 660 0 0 0 0
KV 1-415 10KV0342BALA BALAS History 300 300 0 300 300 0 0 0 0
KV 1-415 10KV0343BALA BALAS Political Science 300 300 0 300 300 0 0 0 0
KV 1-415 10KV0343NONE NONE Political Science 1,200 1,200 0 1,200 1,200 0 0 0 0
KV 1-415 10KV0344BALA BALAS Sociology 300 300 0 300 300 0 0 0 0
KV 1-415 10KV0390NONE NONE General Curriculum 3,600 2,700 900 3,600 2,700 900 0 0 0
KV 1-415 10KV0433BSLA BSLAS Molecular and Cellular Bi 14,988,733 12,054,706 2,934,027 15,870,847 12,853,778 3,017,069 882,114 799,072 83,042
KV 1-415 10KV0439NONE NONE Mathematics 300 300 0 300 300 0 0 0 0
KV 1-415 10KV5164BALA BALAS Communication 300 0 300 300 0 300 0 0 0
KV 1-415 10KV5167BALA BALAS Latina/Latino Studies 300 300 0 300 300 0 0 0 0
KV 1-415 10KV5215BALA BALAS Global Studies 300 300 0 300 300 0 0 0 0
KV 1-415 10KV5246NONE NONE LAS - Undeclared 3,000 2,100 900 3,600 2,700 900 600 600 0
KV 1-415 10KV5347BALA BALAS Creative Writing 1,200 600 600 1,200 600 600 0 0 0
KV 1-415 10KV5535BSLA BSLAS Psychology 15,450 14,850 600 15,450 14,850 600 0 0 0
KV 1-415 10KV5535NONE NONE Psychology 19,360 17,860 1,500 20,160 18,660 1,500 800 800 0
KV 1-415 10KV5735BALA BALAS English 0 0 0 300 300 0 300 300 0
KV 1-415 10KV5876BSLA BSLAS Brain and Cognitive Scien 600 600 0 600 600 0 0 0 0
KV 1-415 10KV8037BALA BALAS Economics 300 300 0 300 300 0 0 0 0
KV 1-415 10KV8037BSLA BSLAS Molecular and Cellular Bi 1,160,787 871,072 289,715 1,244,832 952,282 292,550 84,045 81,210 2,835
KV 1-415 10KV8037BSLA BSLAS Mathematics 600 0 600 600 0 600 0 0 0
KV 1-415 10KV8037BSLA BSLAS Psychology 600 600 0 600 600 0 0 0 0
KV 1-415 10KW5083NONE NONE Undeclared 14,400 13,500 900 14,400 13,500 900 0 0 0
KV 1-415 10KY0351BS BS Kinesiology 9,900 8,700 1,200 9,900 8,700 1,200 0 0 0
KV 1-415 10KY0473BS BS Community Health 3,000 3,000 0 3,000 3,000 0 0 0 0
KV 1-415 10KY0474BS BS Community Health 3,900 3,900 0 3,900 3,900 0 0 0 0
KV 1-415 10KY0495BS BS Community Health 1,500 1,500 0 1,500 1,500 0 0 0 0
KV 1-415 10KY5460BS BS Interdisciplinary Health 13,391 13,091 300 14,400 14,100 300 1,009 1,009 0
KV 1-430 10KV0333BSLA BSLAS Astronomy 1,538,240 645,212 893,028 1,609,579 706,862 902,717 71,339 61,650 9,689
KV 1-430 10KV5349BSLA BSLAS Computer Sci & Astronomy 1,078,191 200,415 877,776 1,098,027 202,451 895,576 19,836 2,036 17,800
KV 1-430 10KV8037BSLA BSLAS Astronomy 10,854 6,018 4,836 10,963 6,127 4,836 109 109 0
KV 1-438 10KV0318BS BS Biochemistry 4,082,451 2,961,934 1,120,517 4,290,699 3,169,089 1,121,610 208,248 207,155 1,093
KV 1-451 10KV0342BALA BALAS History 3,133,716 2,726,286 407,430 3,493,677 3,058,313 435,364 359,961 332,027 27,934
KV 1-451 10KV8037BALA BALAS History 421,244 357,050 64,194 440,529 376,335 64,194 19,285 19,285 0
KV 1-489 10KV0313BALA BALAS Speech Communication 5,515 5,515 0 5,515 5,515 0 0 0 0
KV 1-489 10KV5164BALA BALAS Communication 9,366,295 6,981,920 2,384,375 9,818,701 7,364,261 2,454,440 452,406 382,341 70,065
KV 1-489 10KV8037BALA BALAS Communication 282,430 166,073 116,357 286,079 169,722 116,357 3,649 3,649 0
KV 1-490 10KV5197BALA BALAS Religion 59,106 30,090 29,016 59,106 30,090 29,016 0 0 0
KV 1-499 10KV0311BALA BALAS English 2,141,355 2,075,515 65,840 2,260,576 2,189,736 70,840 119,221 114,221 5,000
KV 1-499 10KV0311NONE NONE English 684,719 634,444 50,275 726,570 676,295 50,275 41,851 41,851 0
KV 1-499 10KV3916BALA BALAS English 518,106 518,106 0 532,162 532,162 0 14,056 14,056 0
KV 1-499 10KV5347BALA BALAS Creative Writing 1,067,267 877,792 189,475 1,148,472 947,661 200,811 81,205 69,869 11,336
KV 1-499 10KV5735BALA BALAS English 20,466 20,466 0 32,502 32,502 0 12,036 12,036 0
KV 1-499 10KV8037BALA BALAS English 368,321 292,993 75,328 402,499 317,171 85,328 34,178 24,178 10,000
KV 1-499 10KV8037BALA BALAS Creative Writing 105,424 105,424 0 124,590 124,590 0 19,166 19,166 0
KV 1-514 10KV0308BALA BALAS Classics 92,716 78,127 14,589 115,107 100,518 14,589 22,391 22,391 0
KV 1-514 10KV0308NONE NONE Classics 6,018 6,018 0 6,018 6,018 0 0 0 0
KV 1-514 10KV0310BALA BALAS Classics 24,163 8,028 16,135 26,468 8,028 18,440 2,305 0 2,305
KV 1-514 10KV3878BALA BALAS Classics 26,882 26,882 0 30,090 30,090 0 3,208 3,208 0
KV 1-514 10KV8037BALA BALAS Classics 9,260 9,260 0 19,260 19,260 0 10,000 10,000 0
KV 1-553 10KV0287BALA BALAS Russian & E European Stud 1,839 1,839 0 1,839 1,839 0 0 0 0
KV 1-553 10KV4097BALA BALAS Russian, E Eur, Eurasian 48,970 48,970 0 54,707 54,707 0 5,737 5,737 0
KV 1-580 10KV0067NDEG NDEG Nondegree 80,274 76,244 4,030 302,763 174,679 128,084 222,489 98,435 124,054
KV 1-580 10KV0074BALA BALAS Economics 6,619 6,619 0 6,619 6,619 0 0 0 0
KV 1-580 10KV0150BALA BALAS History of Art 104,514 98,496 6,018 115,256 109,238 6,018 10,742 10,742 0
KV 1-580 10KV0240BS BS Physics 4,322,659 1,354,823 2,967,836 4,452,767 1,469,930 2,982,837 130,108 115,107 15,001
KV 1-580 10KV0240BSLA BSLAS Physics 1,087,366 275,795 811,571 1,106,662 290,981 815,681 19,296 15,186 4,110
KV 1-580 10KV0390NONE NONE General Curriculum 2,510,801 1,764,878 745,923 2,608,296 1,857,377 750,919 97,495 92,499 4,996
KV 1-580 10KV0463BSLA BSLAS Individual Plans of Study 26,078 26,078 0 38,114 38,114 0 12,036 12,036 0
KV 1-580 10KV3919BSLA BSLAS Physics 47,524 47,524 0 53,960 53,960 0 6,436 6,436 0
KV 1-580 10KV4042NDEG NDEG Nondegree 1,839 1,839 0 1,839 1,839 0 0 0 0
KV 1-580 10KV5215BALA BALAS Global Studies 1,611,301 1,154,449 456,852 1,706,730 1,227,480 479,250 95,429 73,031 22,398
KV 1-580 10KV5246NONE NONE LAS - Undeclared 1,874,522 1,839,814 34,708 1,942,126 1,907,418 34,708 67,604 67,604 0
KV 1-580 10KV8037BALA BALAS Interdisciplinary 12,036 12,036 0 12,036 12,036 0 0 0 0
KV 1-580 10KV8037BALA BALAS History of Art 15,648 15,648 0 19,260 19,260 0 3,612 3,612 0
KV 1-580 10KV8037BALA BALAS Global Studies 316,952 280,043 36,909 349,727 300,773 48,954 32,775 20,730 12,045
KV 1-580 10KV8037BSLA BSLAS Physics 423,763 90,342 333,421 431,567 91,762 339,805 7,804 1,420 6,384
KV 1-580 10KV8037BSLA BSLAS Individual Plans of Study 12,036 12,036 0 12,036 12,036 0 0 0 0
KV 1-583 10KV0329BSLA BSLAS Statistics 7,079,175 2,239,655 4,839,520 7,223,421 2,327,430 4,895,991 144,246 87,775 56,471
KV 1-583 10KV0464BSLA BSLAS Statistics & Computer Sci 8,540,893 1,592,514 6,948,379 8,714,534 1,712,147 7,002,387 173,641 119,633 54,008
KV 1-583 10KV8037BSLA BSLAS Statistics 2,058,570 327,069 1,731,501 2,087,839 353,920 1,733,919 29,269 26,851 2,418
KV 1-583 10KV8037BSLA BSLAS Statistics & Computer Sci 330,551 8,720 321,831 333,743 8,720 325,023 3,192 0 3,192
KV 1-585 10KV0297BA BA Teaching of Spanish 24,072 24,072 0 24,072 24,072 0 0 0 0
KV 1-585 10KV0307BALA BALAS Spanish 575,122 546,516 28,606 616,013 587,407 28,606 40,891 40,891 0
KV 1-585 10KV8037BALA BALAS Spanish 45,566 45,566 0 54,162 54,162 0 8,596 8,596 0
KV 1-655 10KV0336BS BS Geology 345,709 228,136 117,573 373,178 255,605 117,573 27,469 27,469 0
KV 1-655 10KV0336BSLA BSLAS Geology 86,401 86,401 0 95,356 95,356 0 8,955 8,955 0
KV 1-655 10KV3879BSLA BSLAS Geology 24,608 24,608 0 25,680 25,680 0 1,072 1,072 0
KV 1-655 10KV3880BS BS Geology 40,680 40,680 0 44,689 44,689 0 4,009 4,009 0
KV 1-655 10KV3881BS BS Geology 27,132 13,054 14,078 32,132 18,054 14,078 5,000 5,000 0
KV 1-655 10KV3882BSLA BSLAS Geology 91,864 31,296 60,568 101,559 40,991 60,568 9,695 9,695 0
KV 1-655 10KV8037BSLA BSLAS Geology 9,636 9,636 0 9,636 9,636 0 0 0 0
KV 1-680 10KV1279BALA BALAS Gender and Women's Studie 171,544 98,530 73,014 176,526 103,512 73,014 4,982 4,982 0
KV 1-687 10KV0300BS BS Chemical Engineering 11,881,666 6,760,334 5,121,332 12,225,964 7,057,958 5,168,006 344,298 297,624 46,674
KV 1-687 10KV5029BS BS Chemical Engineering 328,408 149,664 178,744 350,108 166,704 183,404 21,700 17,040 4,660
KV 1-710 10KV0343BALA BALAS Political Science 4,730,023 4,180,965 549,058 5,005,009 4,420,976 584,033 274,986 240,011 34,975
KV 1-710 10KV0343NONE NONE Political Science 4,272,021 3,573,628 698,393 4,524,687 3,821,294 703,393 252,666 247,666 5,000
KV 1-710 10KV8037BALA BALAS Political Science 1,144,431 1,063,525 80,906 1,244,480 1,149,093 95,387 100,049 85,568 14,481
KV 1-715 10KV0332BALA BALAS Philosophy 980,860 567,608 413,252 1,022,557 605,182 417,375 41,697 37,574 4,123
KV 1-715 10KV5679BSLA BSLAS Computer Science & Philos 898,917 182,878 716,039 910,538 194,499 716,039 11,621 11,621 0
KV 1-715 10KV8037BALA BALAS Philosophy 39,461 24,953 14,508 40,891 26,383 14,508 1,430 1,430 0
KV 1-715 10KV8037BSLA BSLAS Philosophy 6,018 6,018 0 6,018 6,018 0 0 0 0
KV 1-729 10KV0286BALA BALAS Latin American Studies 42,562 42,562 0 42,562 42,562 0 0 0 0
KV 1-771 10KV1120BALA BALAS Comparative Literature 10,536 10,536 0 12,036 12,036 0 1,500 1,500 0
KV 1-771 10KV3905BALA BALAS Comparative Literature 33,153 12,036 21,117 35,500 12,036 23,464 2,347 0 2,347
KV 1-771 10KV5868BALA BALAS Comparative & World Liter 24,235 24,235 0 24,235 24,235 0 0 0 0
KV 1-771 10KV8037BALA BALAS Comparative Literature 6,018 6,018 0 18,054 18,054 0 12,036 12,036 0
KV 1-771 10KV8037BALA BALAS Comparative & World Liter 6,018 6,018 0 6,018 6,018 0 0 0 0
KV 1-864 10KV0301BALA BALAS Linguistics 1,080,592 720,885 359,707 1,204,172 837,702 366,470 123,580 116,817 6,763
KV 1-864 10KV5351BSLA BSLAS Computer Sci & Linguistic 2,362,210 530,779 1,831,431 2,414,171 558,270 1,855,901 51,961 27,491 24,470
KV 1-864 10KV8037BALA BALAS Linguistics 38,065 38,065 0 47,111 47,111 0 9,046 9,046 0
KV 1-864 10KV8037BSLA BSLAS Computer Sci & Linguistic 38,296 0 38,296 38,296 0 38,296 0 0 0
KV 1-872 10KV5330BALA BALAS Geography & Geographic In 193,891 108,029 85,862 219,012 127,692 91,320 25,121 19,663 5,458
KV 1-872 10KV5330NONE NONE Geography & Geographic In 58,078 21,170 36,908 67,543 30,635 36,908 9,465 9,465 0
KV 1-872 10KV5676BSLA BSLAS Computer Science & Geog & 232,252 118,566 113,686 242,603 128,917 113,686 10,351 10,351 0
KV 1-872 10KV5694BSLA BSLAS Geography & Geographic In 434,826 252,346 182,480 449,146 266,666 182,480 14,320 14,320 0
KV 1-872 10KV8037BALA BALAS Geography & Geographic In 12,036 12,036 0 12,036 12,036 0 0 0 0
KV 1-872 10KV8037BSLA BSLAS Geography & Geographic In 48,394 32,904 15,490 48,394 32,904 15,490 0 0 0
KV 1-927 10KV1292BALA BALAS Germanic Studies 91,906 82,520 9,386 103,342 93,956 9,386 11,436 11,436 0
KV 1-927 10KV8037BALA BALAS Germanic Studies 18,054 18,054 0 18,054 18,054 0 0 0 0
KV 1-958 10KV5459BALA BALAS Slavic Studies 18,272 18,272 0 18,272 18,272 0 0 0 0
KV 1-982 10KV5167BALA BALAS Latina/Latino Studies 172,860 172,860 0 193,153 193,153 0 20,293 20,293 0
KV 1-982 10KV8037BALA BALAS Latina/Latino Studies 20,617 20,617 0 20,617 20,617 0 0 0 0
KV 1-985 10KV0304BALA BALAS French 63,898 63,898 0 73,832 73,832 0 9,934 9,934 0
KV 1-985 10KV0305BALA BALAS Italian 12,036 12,036 0 12,036 12,036 0 0 0 0
KV 1-985 10KV3875BALA BALAS French 20,263 20,263 0 21,266 21,266 0 1,003 1,003 0
KV 1-985 10KV3876BALA BALAS French 24,072 24,072 0 24,072 24,072 0 0 0 0
KV 1-985 10KV8037BALA BALAS French 43,588 12,036 31,552 43,588 12,036 31,552 0 0 0
Totals 208,825,150 118,221,596 90,603,554 217,538,142 125,566,277 91,971,865 8,712,992 7,344,681 1,368,311


Information for graduate and professional students is available back to Fall, 1997.
Undergraduate information is available only back to Fall, 2003.

All amounts are rounded and totals may differ from the Campus Profile by small amounts due to the rounding.

Degree and major name not available prior to Fall, 2004.

Rarely, a student will have both extramural tuition and on-campus tuition in one term. If such a student has a waiver, the waiver amount is prorated between on-campus and extramural based on the tuition assessed.

Student programs with a program/curriculum code that end with a "U" are typically online programs. Codes that end with a "X" or "NDEJ" are typically extramural programs.

Created: 7/15/2024

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