Sorry, we did not find any student programs in that unit.
Possible reasons:This feature is available only for college-, school-, and department-level organizations.
Do not try to pull the data for the campus
Gender and racial/ethnic breakdowns for programs with fewer than 3 students are not displayed to protect the confidentiality of the students' data.They are included, however, in the totals.
If a student has more than one major, we show only the data related to the first major.
Dept: Code of degree-granting department. All departments are Banner campus and department organization codes.
Program: Program code (pre-Banner, college/curriculum code) in which the degree was granted.
Major: The name of the first major on the degree. Prior to August, 2004, this is the name of the curriculum, which may vary from the degree name.
Concentration: Concentration name, if any. Concentrations not available prior to Aug. 2004
Created: 2/8/2025