University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Division of Management Information

 Current Staff Directory Listing

DMI PN99022

College: LN  (Center for Innov Teach Learn)

If you do not see the information you need below, click on any staff member's name to see the entry in the online phonebook (PH)

All phone numbers are in the 217 area code unless otherwise indicated.

Last updated: 03/09/2025

Includes only those staff members in this department with jobs located in Urbana.

 Phone  Name Address3
A. Faculty and Other Academics
 265-5998  Luisa M. Rosu M/C 308 
B. Academic Professionals
 Phone  Name Address3
 300-4408  Lucas J. Anderson M/C 528 
 300-0359  Krishnamurthy Ashwini M/C 528 
 333-5092  Robert T. Baird M/C 528 
 265-5297  Michel Bellini M/C 123 
   Robyn A. Bianconi  
 244-3859  Cheelan Bo-Linn M/C 528 
   Greg Boozell M/C 260 
 333-7231  Yury Borukhovich M/C 528 
   Emily K. Charny M/C 528 
   Xue Y. Coleman  
 300-8353  David A. Collier M/C 528 
   Erin A. Creuz M/C 085 
   Paige D. Cunningham M/C 528 
 244-1993  Bob Dignan M/C 528 
 383-3110  Drew Fast M/C 066 
 300-9663  David E. Favre M/C 528 
 244-8836  Julie A. Fredenburg M/C 528 
   Mark A. Fuelle M/C 528 
   Jennifer M. Gibas M/C 002 
 244-7145  Ed Glaser M/C 528 
 300-5136  Junge Guo M/C 528 
   Shawn Hampton M/C 306 
 244-7582  Wenzhong Jiang M/C 528 
   Mitch Kage M/C 260 
 244-3842  Eric J. Keeley M/C 528 
 909-2075  Lori A. Lane M/C 528 
 300-9228  Jordan D. Leising M/C 528 
   Simona Lleras Buetti M/C 716 
 333-1541  Amie E. Loyd M/C 528 
 300-1528  Shaun D. Mills M/C 528 
 244-8712  Beth Morgan M/C 528 
 300-2223  Robert G. Mullins M/C 528 
 333-7751  Dawn C. Owens M/C 528 
   Edward A. Pierce M/C 528 
 333-9072  David A. Reid M/C 528 
 265-9833  Tre' Roberts M/C 320 
   Manny Rodriguez Rivera M/C 528 
 265-5998  Luisa M. Rosu M/C 308 
   Adam S. Ruud M/C 531 
 300-3401  Kathleen R. Santa Ana M/C 528 
 244-0426  Killivalavan Solai  
 244-0957  Marc Thompson M/C 528 
 244-2492  Jim C. Wentworth M/C 256 
 244-4813  Ava R. Wolf M/C 528 
 244-0937  Maryalice S. Wu M/C 528 
 265-6362  David Zeiders M/C 528 
C. Civil Service
 Phone  Name Address3
   Na'ilah Ali M/C 592 
 333-4058  Przemyslaw A. Bosak M/C 528 
   Tim Brummett M/C 528 
 300-1346  Sarah M. Carley M/C 528 
 300-2337  Katie Dalpiaz M/C 528 
   Shenika A. Glover M/C 528 
 244-3506  Nicholas E. Hawkey  
 300-2410  Misty J. Houston M/C 528 
 333-1462  Jimi L. Jones  
   JC Morgan M/C 260 
 333-8345  Jamie A. Nelson M/C 528 
 333-6204  Andrew J. Phanor M/C 384 
 300-8621  Juan Rubio M/C 528 
   Jenny Schwartzberg M/C 528 
 265-9163  Naj Shaik M/C 260 
 244-1950  Kevin P. Southworth M/C 528 
   Andrew T. Stengele M/C 251 
   Gio Marco P. Talavera M/C 528 
 333-9082  Sree Lakshmi Venda M/C 528 
 300-2665  Elizabeth J. Vincent M/C 528 

This list includes all persons in employee group A, B, C or D with an appointment in this department that is either non-zero percent or is designated as tenure/tenure-track faculty.
All addresses and phone numbers are taken from the EDW. Employees may correct any errors themselves by logging on to My UI Info.

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