University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Division of Management Information

 Current Staff Directory Listing

DMI PN99022

Department: 563  (Global Studies Prog & Courses)

If you do not see the information you need below, click on any staff member's name to see the entry in the online phonebook (PH)

All phone numbers are in the 217 area code unless otherwise indicated.

Last updated: 03/09/2025

Staff contacts:

 Phone  Name
Academic Advisor
 300-6307  Charles J. Fogelman
   Timothy E. Wedig
Academic HR Contact
 244-7849  Ellen Moodie
   Timothy E. Wedig
Staff HR Contact
 244-7849  Ellen Moodie
   Timothy E. Wedig

Complete staff directory:

 Phone  Name Address3 Titles held in this department
A. Faculty and Other Academics
 333-3467  Richard S. Akresh M/C 707  ASSOC PROF
 333-3563  Rakesh M. Bhatt M/C 168  PROF
   Valeria Bonatti M/C 454  SR LECTURER
 300-4329  Merle L. Bowen M/C 143  PROF
 300-6307  Charles J. Fogelman M/C 402  TEACHING ASST PROF
 333-1316  Zsuzsa Gille M/C 454  PROF
 300-6255  Melissa R. Goodnight   ASST PROF
 333-8969  Michele E. Koven M/C 456  PROF
 333-1950  Anna-Maria Marshall M/C 454  ASSOC PROF
 333-1780  Silvina A. Montrul M/C 176  PROF
 244-7849  Ellen Moodie M/C 148  ASSOC PROF
 244-7108  Andrew Orta M/C 148  PROF
 333-3881  Bob Pahre M/C 713  PROF
 244-4203  David M. Schrag M/C 534  SR LECTURER
B. Academic Professionals
 Phone  Name Address3  Titles held in this department
 333-0178  CM Alvarez   ACAD ADVR
 244-7849  Ellen Moodie M/C 148  DIR, GLOBAL STDY PRGM
   Timothy E. Wedig M/C 301  ASSOC DIR, LAS GLOBAL STDY
C. Civil Service
 Phone  Name Address3  Titles held in this department
   Chandre Johnson M/C 102  OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR

This list includes all persons in employee group A, B, C or D with an appointment in this department that is either non-zero percent or is designated as tenure/tenure-track faculty.
All addresses and phone numbers are taken from the EDW. Employees may correct any errors themselves by logging on to My UI Info.

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