University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Division of Management Information

 Current Staff Directory Listing

DMI PN99022

Department: 615  (Aerospace Engineering)

If you do not see the information you need below, click on any staff member's name to see the entry in the online phonebook (PH)

All phone numbers are in the 217 area code unless otherwise indicated.

Last updated: 03/09/2025

Staff contacts:

 Phone  Name
Academic Advisor
 244-8671  Laura A. Gerhold
 300-9774  Jenna Russell
Academic HR Contact
 300-9774  Jenna Russell
Assistant for the EO
 300-6193  Kristen T. Reifsteck
Business Manager
 333-0028  Nicole M. Elliott
End-user IT Support
 300-1075  Ethan W. Conner
 244-8671  Laura A. Gerhold
Staff HR Contact
 333-6804  Kathy J. Atwood

Complete staff directory:

 Phone  Name Address3 Titles held in this department
A. Faculty and Other Academics
 244-4319  James Allison M/C 238  ASSOC PROF
   Jeff Baur M/C 236  PROF ; SCOTT WHITE PROF
 244-3844  Daniel J. Bodony M/C 236  PROF
 244-3126  Timothy W. Bretl M/C 228  PROF ; SEVERNS FACULTY SCHOLAR
   Leonardo P. Chamorro Chavez M/C 244  PROF
 244-5008  Wayne Chang M/C 236  TCH ASST PROF
   Marie Charpagne M/C 246  ASST PROF
 244-1474  Ioannis Chasiotis M/C 236  PROF ; CATERPILLAR PROF
   Huck Beng Chew M/C 236  PROF
 333-3570  Girish Chowdhary M/C 644  ASSOC PROF
   Matthew A. Clarke M/C 236  ASST PROF
 333-4979  Bruce A. Conway M/C 236  PROF EMERITUS
 333-0678  Victoria L. Coverstone M/C 226  PROF EMERITA
   Siegfried Eggl M/C 236  ASST PROF
 244-0720  David A. Ehrhardt   RES ASST PROF
 265-9211  Gregory S. Elliott M/C 236  PROF
   Fabien P. Evrard M/C 236  ASST PROF
   Alessandro Finazzi M/C 236  VST SCHOLAR
 244-7729  Jonathan Freund M/C 244  PROF ; WILLETT PROF
 244-7648  Philippe H. Geubelle M/C 266  PROF ; BLISS PROF
   Andres J. Goza M/C 236  ASST PROF
   Matt Hausman M/C 236  CLIN ASST PROF
 244-1672  Naira Hovakimyan M/C 244  PROF
 333-9259  Iwona M. Jasiuk M/C 244  PROF
   Sean P. Kearney M/C 236  PROF
 333-2242  John Lambros M/C 236  PROF ; WILLETT PROF
   Cedric Langbort M/C 236  PROF
 390-4614  Julia K. Laystrom-Woodard M/C 236  ADJ LECTURER
   Hazel Lee M/C 236  VST SCHOLAR
   Tonghun Lee M/C 244  PROF
 300-0872  Deborah Levin Fliflet M/C 236  PROF
 244-2832  Arif Masud M/C 250  PROF
 300-3122  Kathryn Matlack M/C 244  ASST PROF
 244-3128  Jason M. Merret M/C 236  CLIN PROF
   Xin Ning M/C 236  ASST PROF
 300-9653  Melkior Ornik M/C 236  ASST PROF
   Francesco Panerai M/C 236  ASST PROF
   Luca Placco M/C 236  VST SCHOLAR
   Joshua L. Rovey M/C 236  PROF
 244-7316  R. Mohan Sankaran M/C 234  PROF
   Theresa A. Saxton-Fox M/C 236  ASST PROF
 244-5757  Michael S. Selig M/C 236  PROF EMERITUS
   Jeff S. Shamma M/C 238  PROF
   Jordan T. Smart M/C 236  ASST PROF
 333-1041  Nancy R. Sottos M/C 251  PROF
 244-9182  Kelly Stephani M/C 244  ASSOC PROF
 255-3257  Huy T. Tran M/C 236  ASST PROF
   Hiroyasu Tsukamoto M/C 236  ASST PROF
 333-3048  Alex Vakakis M/C 244  PROF
   Laura Villafane Roca M/C 236  ASST PROF
 300-8109  Brian S. Woodard M/C 236  RES ASSOC ; TCH ASSOC
 (206) 502-8046  Robyn M. Woollands M/C 236  ASST PROF
   Elle Wroblewski   TCH ASST PROF
B. Academic Professionals
 Phone  Name Address3  Titles held in this department
   Phillip J. Ansell M/C 236  DIR, CENTER SUSTAIN AVIATION
 244-3126  Timothy W. Bretl M/C 228  ASSOC HEAD
 244-1474  Ioannis Chasiotis M/C 236  ASSOC HEAD
   Audrey E. Cochran M/C 236  SR UGRAD ADVR
   Tracy M. Elving M/C 236  SR DIR, CORP RELATIONS
 244-7729  Jonathan Freund M/C 244  HEAD
 244-8671  Laura A. Gerhold M/C 236  ASST DIR UGRAD PRGMS & AC ADVR
   Rohit Gupta M/C 236  RES SCI
 244-7569  Dung Quach Wisdom M/C 236  GRAD ADVR
 244-1671  Logesh Shanmugam M/C 266  SR RES SCI
 (859) 421-3222  Murphy C. Stratton M/C 236  LAB MGR
C. Civil Service
 Phone  Name Address3  Titles held in this department
 333-2651  Heather R. Arnett   COORD OF STEM ENGAGMT ACT
 244-9264  David N. Attig M/C 236  LAB OPER MGR
 300-0151  Heidi M. Bjerke M/C 236  SR COORD - ISGC
 244-4097  Scott A. Dalbey M/C 234  SR FACILITY OPERATIONS COOR
 244-2880  Debra L. Larson M/C 236  SR COORD COMNC & ALUMNI REL
 265-5645  Courtney C. McLearin M/C 236  SR EVENTS COORD
 300-6193  Kristen T. Reifsteck M/C 236  ADMINISTRATIVE AIDE
 300-9774  Jenna Russell M/C 236  GRAD PGRMS SPEC
 244-4797  Siggi Schroth M/C 236  GRAD PRGMS ASST
D. Other
 Phone  Name Address3  Titles held in this department
 333-3515  Dustin T. Burns   RESEARCH LAB SHOP SUPERVISOR
   Rex Krumwiede M/C 236  INSTRUMENT MAKER
 333-3515  Greg Milner M/C 236  INSTRUMENT MAKER

This list includes all persons in employee group A, B, C or D with an appointment in this department that is either non-zero percent or is designated as tenure/tenure-track faculty.
All addresses and phone numbers are taken from the EDW. Employees may correct any errors themselves by logging on to My UI Info.

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