University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Division of Management Information

 Current Staff Directory Listing

DMI PN99022

Department: 934  (College of Media Admin)

If you do not see the information you need below, click on any staff member's name to see the entry in the online phonebook (PH)

All phone numbers are in the 217 area code unless otherwise indicated.

Last updated: 03/09/2025

Staff contacts:

 Phone  Name
Academic HR Contact
 333-8135  Dinah D. Stillwell
Business Manager
 333-8135  Dinah D. Stillwell
EEO Officer
 333-1602  Jason P. Chambers
End-user IT Support
 333-4116  Meghan L. Burnett
Facilities Manager
 333-4116  Meghan L. Burnett
Staff HR Contact
 333-8135  Dinah D. Stillwell

Complete staff directory:

 Phone  Name Address3 Titles held in this department
B. Academic Professionals
 300-3785  Ann Abdelzaher M/C 462  ELRNG SPEC
 244-4329  Daniel Almanza M/C 477  ASST DIR CAREER SERV
 244-9479  Maurice J. Bresnahan III M/C 252  IPM EXEC DIR
 333-4116  Meghan L. Burnett M/C 462  DIR OF INFO TECHNOL & OPER
 333-1602  Jason P. Chambers M/C 462  ASSOC DEAN FOR DIV EQUITY INCL
 300-6269  Grace F. Chupp M/C 477  ACAD ADVR
 300-5666  Kathryn E. Clark M/C 462  ASSOC DEAN STDNT SERV
 244-4608  Stephanie L. Craft M/C 462  ASSOC DEAN FOR ACAD AFF
 333-0752  Deanne M. Johnson M/C 252  SR ASST DEAN FOR ADVCMT
 300-1436  Amanda R. Morley M/C 477  ACAD ADVISOR
   Michelle R. Nelson M/C 462  HEAD
 300-3314  Nancy E. Rampson M/C 252  SR DIR OF DEVLP
 333-5198  JR Reed M/C 252  ASST DIR OF ADVCMT
 333-3949  Holly N. Rushakoff M/C 462  DIR OF COMNC
 333-8135  Dinah D. Stillwell M/C 462  ASST DEAN ADMN
 244-8413  Tracy E. Sulkin M/C 462  DEAN
 244-4329  Megan L. Tucker Zwilling M/C 477  SR ASST DEAN FOR ADM & HONORS
 300-2239  Amy E. Wolff M/C 477  ACAD ADVISOR
C. Civil Service
 Phone  Name Address3  Titles held in this department
 265-8098  Inhee Chung   BUS SERV SPEC
 333-1590  Molly E. Cornyn M/C 462  PROJ COORD
 265-6854  Lisa K. Gibson M/C 462  OFFICE SUPPORT ASSOCIATE
 333-0462  Colleen J. Hammel M/C 252  STWDSHIP ALUMNI REL OPS COORD
 244-5901  Donnita S. Harris M/C 462  ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT
 300-0108  Heather Hendren   ADMINV AIDE
 244-1749  Elia O. Krauss M/C 462  BUS FINANCE COORD
 333-2350  Damian J. McNary M/C 462  IT SPEC
 300-7878  Eddie Njoroge M/C 477  PRGM COORD
 244-1518  Kelly B. Tharp Youngblood M/C 462  COMNC SPEC
   Joshua Wills M/C 562  ASSOC IT SPEC

This list includes all persons in employee group A, B, C or D with an appointment in this department that is either non-zero percent or is designated as tenure/tenure-track faculty.
All addresses and phone numbers are taken from the EDW. Employees may correct any errors themselves by logging on to My UI Info.

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