University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Division of Management Information

 Current Staff Directory Listing

DMI PN99022

Department: 970  (Big Ten Academic Alliance)

If you do not see the information you need below, click on any staff member's name to see the entry in the online phonebook (PH)

All phone numbers are in the 217 area code unless otherwise indicated.

Last updated: 01/19/2025

Staff contacts:

 Phone  Name
Academic HR Contact
 300-2729  Laura Bleakney
 244-2161  Claudia J. Corlett-Stahl
 300-5383  Julie Sweet
Business Manager
 244-2161  Claudia J. Corlett-Stahl
 300-5383  Julie Sweet
Facilities Manager
 244-2161  Claudia J. Corlett-Stahl
 300-5383  Julie Sweet
Staff HR Contact
 244-2161  Claudia J. Corlett-Stahl
 300-5383  Julie Sweet

Complete staff directory:

 Phone  Name Address3 Titles held in this department
B. Academic Professionals
 333-6314  Charity R. Farber M/C 618  ASSOC DIR, PRGMS TEAM
 244-8447  Katherine C. Galvin M/C 618  DIR OF PROGRAMS
 244-5756  Keith A. Marshall M/C 618  EXEC DIR
 244-9849  Kara S. McKinn M/C 618  COMMUNICATIONS COORD
 300-5383  Julie Sweet M/C 618  DIR OF OPERATIONS
 333-1589  Maurice C. York M/C 618  DIR OF LIB INITIATIVES
C. Civil Service
 Phone  Name Address3  Titles held in this department
 244-2676  Heather K. Blair M/C 618  OFFICE MANAGER
 300-9728  Cynthia S. Chastain M/C 618  OFFICE MANAGER
 300-2112  Martha L. Cooper   SR ASST DIR, PRGMS TEAM
 244-2161  Claudia J. Corlett-Stahl   ASST DIR FOR ACTG
 300-0593  Amelda M. Dawson M/C 618  OFFICE SUPPORT SPECIALIST
 333-9228  Lori Frost   PRGM MGR
 244-9239  Susanne L. Garrison M/C 618  ADMINISTRATIVE AIDE
 333-4752  Frank Guan   PROGRAM ASSISTANT
 300-0645  Ashton Harwood M/C 618  PROJ MGR
 333-3927  Benjamin J. Hoogstraat M/C 618  IT SPEC
   Sharon Lee   BUS ANLYS
 300-4063  Danielle F. LeFaivre M/C 618  PRGM COORD
 300-3583  Jacob H. Myers   ASSOC DIR OPER
 244-6966  Eileen M. Oldham M/C 618  ACCOUNTING ASSOCIATE
 300-4954  Kathryn E. Pannbacker M/C 618  OFFICE MANAGER
 244-9300  Treshani M. Perera M/C 618  CMTY COORD LIB INITIATIVES
 244-0817  Laurel Rosch   PRGM MGR
 300-3784  Jon Rutter M/C 618  PRGM COORD
 300-9473  Emily F. Shaw M/C 618  COORD LIB INFRASTRUC SERV
 333-7378  Will Wittmer M/C 256  SOFTWARE ENGR/SYST INTEG

This list includes all persons in employee group A, B, C or D with an appointment in this department that is either non-zero percent or is designated as tenure/tenure-track faculty.
All addresses and phone numbers are taken from the EDW. Employees may correct any errors themselves by logging on to My UI Info.

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