
Links Links to the department's website (where known), and the staff directory of that department
Unit Name Name of the department
Role The role of the person in a department/college. The defined roles in this system are as follows:
  • Executive Officer: The leader of a department. This is the default role automatically chosen when the page first loads.
  • Academic Advisor: Helps and advises students on academic matters. Can be designated Grad or Undergrad in the Comments field.
  • Academic HR Contact: Responsible for HR policies and payroll for academic staff.
  • Business Manager: Responsible for fiscal affairs.
  • Conflict of Interest Contact: Identifies and evalutes potential conflicts of interest.
  • End-user IT Support: Responsible for providing IT services and support.
  • EEO Officer: Responsible for equal employment opportunity issues at the college level.
  • Energy Contact
  • Scheduler: Manages requests for use of a classroom for regularly scheduled semester courses.
  • Facilities Manager: Manages facilties, buildings, and equipment.
  • Staff HR Contact: Responsible for HR policies and payroll for non-academic staff.
netid Computer ID used for e-mail and network services
Phone Official phone number for the department
Address Official address for the department
MC Official mail code for the department
Comments For Executive Officer role: for DMI Internal Use (unit being phased out, director status, etc.). For all other roles: comments entered by unit maintainers.
Org Code Campus + Admin Rollup + College + School + Org code
Legacy_Code (Excel only) Pre-Banner department code
Banner_Org (Excel only) Same as Org Code above
buildingCode (Excel only) Code taken from Building Name list provided by F&S here
CIP (Excel only) Classification of Instructional Programs (National system of academic discipline codes)
DeptType (Excel only) Use this to select certain types of departments
Description of Department types
Dean (Excel only) Signifies that this unit is at the "college" level, and that the executive officer of this unit is considered the "Dean" of the "college".
Duplicate (Excel only) "N" means duplicate address -- exclude this record if doing a mailing
Active (Excel only) Specifies whether or not the unit is active. Currently, only active units are displayed.
Campus (Excel only) The Banner campus code (1=Urbana, 2=Chicago, 7=Global Campus, 9=University Admin) associated with the unit.
College (Excel only) The Banner college code associated with the unit.
CollegeName (Excel only) The college name associated with the unit.
AdminRollup (Excel only) The Banner administrative rollup code associated with the unit.
School (Excel only) The Banner school code associated with the unit.
Dept (Excel only) The Banner dept code associated with the unit.