Review Report
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2008 Annual Institutional Data Update
Name | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Address | 601 E. John Street |
City | Champaign |
State | IL |
Postal Code | 61820 |
Phone | 217-333-6677 |
Fax | 217-244-4121 |
Website | |
Associations | American Council on Education Association of American Colleges and Universities Association of American Universities National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges |
- Include designations such as S.J., B.V.M., etc. in the Suffix field
- If the permanent position is vacant, enter the interim or acting officer

Definitions for this section can be found at the bottom of this page.
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Contact Type | Name | Title | Address | City | State | Postal Code | Phone | Fax | |
Chief Executive Officer | Dr. Richard H. Herman | Chancellor | Swanlund Administration Building, 601 E. John St. | Champaign | IL | 61820 | 217-333-6290 | 217-244-4121 | | |
Chief Academic Officer | Dr. Linda P. Katehi | Provost and Vice Chancellor, Acad Affairs | Swanlund Administration Building, 601 E. John St. | Champaign | IL | 61820 | 217-244-4545 | 217-244-5639 | | |
Chief Financial Officer | Mr. Michael J. Andrechak | Associate Provost | Swanlund Administration Building, 601 E. John St. | Champaign | IL | 61820 | 217-333-4493 | 217-244-5639 | | |
Data Update Coordinator | Dr. Carol J. Livingstone | Associate Provost & Director, Mgmt Information | 601 E. John Street | Champaign | IL | 61820 | 217-333-3551 | 217-333-2863 | |
Data Update Coordinator
- Was/is appointed by your CEO
- Is responsible for the accuracy and completion of this Data Update
- Serves as the contact between your institution and the Commission regarding this Data Update
- Is responsible for the timely submission of this Data Update
Verification of Student Identity
- As part of the Commission’s response to the Higher Education Opportunity Act, institutions offering distance education or correspondence education, as specified in the federal definitions reproduced below solely for reference, shall have processes through which the institution establishes that the student who registers in the distance education or correspondence education courses or programs is the same student who participates in and completes and receives the academic credit.

Definitions for this section can be found at the bottom of this page.
Based on the Federal definitions, do you offer any distance education or correspondence courses? | Yes |
Student Identity Process Exists? | Yes |
Current Methods Employed | Physical proctoring for exams (e.g. test centers) Other (please explain in Other Methods) |
Process Implementation Timeframe | Currently verifying |
Methods Under Consideration | Challenge questions (e.g. personal history) to authenticate student identity |
Other Methods | Secure Login and password in widespread use now. Several programs give exams only at proctored sites. We are piloting a set of challenge questions shortly as soon as our legal counsel approves. |
Academic Calendar | Semester |
Has any accrediting agency (specialized, professional, or institutional) applied sanctions or withdrawn accreditation within the last year? | No |
Sanction Agencies |
Does the institution have a formal student refund policy? | Yes |
Federal Definition for Distance education
- Means education that uses one or more of the following technologies to deliver instruction to students who are separated from the instructor and to support regular and substantive interaction between the students and the instructor, synchronously or asynchronously:
- The Internet
- One way and two way transmissions through open broadcast, closed circuit, cable, microwave, broadband lines, fiber optics, satellite, or wireless communications devices
- Audioconferencing
- Videocassettes, DVDs, and CD-Roms, if the videocassettes, DVDs or CD-Roms are used in conjunction with any of the technologies listed above
Federal Definition for Correspondence Courses
- A “home study” course provided by an institution under which the institution provides instructional materials, including examinations on the materials, to students who are not physically attending classes at the institution. When students complete a portion of the instructional materials, the students take the examinations that relate to that portion of the materials, and return the examinations to the institution for grading
- A home study course that provides instruction in whole or in part through the use of video cassettes or video discs in an award year is a correspondence course unless the institution also delivers the instruction on the cassette or disc to students physically attending classes at the institution during the same award year
- Report your numbers as of your institution’s IPEDS for 2008-2009 Reporting Date
- Headcount is unduplicated
- Enter zero if there is no enrollment
- IPEDS has eliminated the First Professional Degree designation with the 2008-2009 data collection year, but the first collection year is optional
- If you did NOT report First Professional student enrollment to IPEDS for 2008-2009, report all formerly First Professional students in the Graduate category

Definitions for this section can be found at the bottom of this page.
![]() |
Type | Previous | New |
Full-Time Undergraduate | 30205 | 30664 | |
Part-Time Undergraduate | 690 | 753 | |
Full-Time Graduate | 7823 | 7914 | |
Part-Time Graduate | 2598 | 2883 | |
Full-Time Post-Baccalaureate First Professional | 989 | 1017 | |
Part-Time Post-Baccalaureate First Professional | 21 | 15 | |
Non-Credit Students (all levels) | 1308745 | 1467219 |
Undergraduates are those students enrolled in:
- 4 or 5 year Bachelor’s programs
- Associate’s degree programs
- Vocational/Technical degree or certificate granting programs below the baccalaureate level
- Courses creditable toward an Associate’s or Bachelor’s degree or toward a certificate below baccalaureate level
Graduates are those students enrolled in:
- Any graduate programs
- Any graduate courses creditable toward a graduate degree or post-baccalaureate certificate
- Thesis or dissertation credits
First Professional are those students enrolled in any of the following programs or in courses creditable toward those programs:
- Chiropractic: D.C. or D.C.M.
- Dentistry: D.D.S. or D.M.D.
- Medicine: M.D.
- Optometry: O.D.
- Osteopathic Medicine: D.O.
- Pharmacy: Pharm.D.
- Podiatry: D.P.M. or D.P. or Pod. D.
- Veterinary Medicine: D.V.M.
- Law: L.L.B. or J.D.
- Theology: M. Div. or M.H.L. or B.D. or Ordination
Non-credit students are those students enrolled:
- Exclusively in non-credit courses
- Exclusively as an auditor of credit courses
- Exclusively for CEU’s
- Report your numbers as of your institution’s IPEDS for 2008-2009 Reporting Date
- Headcount may be duplicated

Definitions for this section can be found at the bottom of this page.
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Category | Previous | New |
Certificate-Seeking Undergraduate | 65 | 56 | |
Degree-Seeking Undergraduate | 30330 | 30757 | |
Post-Baccalaureate Certificate Seeking | 36 | 54 | |
Post-Baccalaureate Degree-Seeking | 10385 | 10192 |
- Students enrolled for credit in a degree program
- Students enrolled in a credit OR non-credit certificate program
- Report your numbers as of your institution’s IPEDS for 2008-2009 Reporting Date
- Include new freshmen and new transfer students enrolled for credit or non-credit
- Enter zero in headcount if there is no enrollment

Definitions for this section can be found at the bottom of this page.
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Type | Previous | New |
Full-Time Entering | 7781 | 8441 | |
Part-Time Entering | 17 | 31 |
- Report your numbers as of your institution’s IPEDS for 2008-2009 Reporting Date
- Report unduplicated numbers
- Enter zero if there are no employees for a category
- If an employee serves in more than one category, report that person in the category used by your institution to classify that person. Report that person only once

Definitions for this section can be found at the bottom of this page.
![]() |
Type | Previous | New |
Full-Time Faculty | 2278 | 2305 | |
Part-Time Faculty | 6103 | 5355 | |
Full-Time Administration | 3911 | 4395 | |
Part-Time Administration | 479 | 783 | |
Full-Time Staff | 3913 | 3973 | |
Part-Time Staff | 234 | 237 |
Faculty are employees whose primary responsibilities are instruction, research, and/or service
- Include both tenure and non-tenure track
- Adjunct faculty should be counted as part-time faculty
- Graduate assistants should be counted as part-time faculty
- Full-time faculty on sabbatical should be counted as full-time faculty
Administration includes the following IPEDS categories:
- Executive
- Administration
- Managerial
- Other professionals
Staff includes the following IPEDS categories:
- Technical and paraprofessional
- Clerical and secretarial
- Skilled crafts
- Service/maintenance
- Report your numbers as of the date of submission of this Data Update
- To LIST a new Title IV eligible certificate program click on the List Certificate button
- Title IV eligible certificates where the courses are not a subset of courses extracted from existing degree programs with 50% or more being courses developed specifically for the certificate program

Definitions for this section can be found at the bottom of this page.
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Category | New |
Total number of certificates offered | 280 | |
Of the total number of certificates, how many are Title IV eligible? | 10 | |
Of those Title IV eligible, list all certificates where the courses are not a subset of courses extracted from existing degree programs with 50% or more being courses specifically developed for the certificate program | None |
Certificate Programs requiring Commission Approval:
- The courses are credit-bearing
- The courses may be at any degree level or at the pre-associate’s level
- The courses are not a subset of courses extracted from existing degree programs with 50% or more being courses developed specifically for the certificate program
- The Certificate program is Title IV eligible
To review the full text of "Information for Institutions Regarding Approval of Certificate Programs", click here.
- Report your numbers as of the date of submission of this Data Update
- Enter zero for any programs not offered
- Report degree programs that are offered in CIP-defined fields of study
- Typically these correspond to majors
- Do not count sub-fields or concentrations within a major as separate programs
- IPEDS has eliminated the First Professional Degree designation with the 2008-2009 data collection year, but the first collection year is optional
- If you did NOT report First Professional Degree Programs to IPEDS for 2008-2009, report all formerly First Professional degrees in the Doctor’s or Master’s Degree Programs category as applicable

Definitions for this section can be found at the bottom of this page.
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Type | Previous | New |
Associate's Degree Programs | 0 | 0 | |
Bachelor's Degree Programs | 120 | 121 | |
Master's Degree Programs | 144 | 143 | |
Specialist's Degree Programs | 8 | 7 | |
Doctor's Degree Programs | 96 | 95 | |
Post-Baccalaureate First Professional Degree Programs | 2 | 2 |
Associate's degree programs:
- Requires the completion of at least 2 years of full-time equivalent college-level work in a specified field of study
- Meets institutional requirements for completion of a degree
- Culminates in the awarding of a degree
Bachelor's degree programs:
- Requires the completion of at least 4 years of full-time equivalent college-level work in a specified field of study
- Meets institutional requirements for completion of a degree
- Culminates in the awarding of a degree
Master's degree programs:
- Beyond bachelor's degree
- Requires the completion of at least 1 year of full-time equivalent graduate-level
- Meets institutional requirements for completion of the degree
- Culminates in awarding of the degree
Specialist's degree programs:
- Beyond bachelor's degree
- Requires the completion of college work beyond the bachelor's degree in a specific field of study
- Frequently found in Education and related academic disciplines
Doctor's degree programs:
- Beyond the master's degree
- Includes a dissertation or other original project
- Meets institutional requirements for completion of the degree
- Culminates in the awarding of the degree
First professional degree programs:
- Provides the requisites for licensure in a recognized profession
- Requires at least 2 years of college-level work for admission
- Requires the completion of at least 6 years of full-time equivalent college work
- Must be within one of the following fields:
- Chiropractic: D.C. or D.C.M.
- Dentistry: D.D.S. or D.M.D.
- Medicine: M.D.
- Optometry: O.D.
- Osteopathic Medicine: D.O.
- Pharmacy: Pharm.D.
- Podiatry: Pod. D. or D.P. or D.P.M.
- Veterinary Medicine: D.V.M.
- Law: L.L.B. or J.D.
- Theology: M. Div. or M.H.L or B.D. or Ordination
- Report the numbers from July 1, 2007 through June 30, 2008
- Enter zero for any certificates or degrees not offered

Definitions for this section can be found at the bottom of this page.
![]() |
Type | Previous | New |
Certificates Awarded | 0 | 280 | |
Associate's Degrees Awarded | 0 | 0 | |
Bachelor's Degrees Awarded | 7035 | 7314 | |
Master's Degrees Awarded | 2582 | 2655 | |
Specialist's Degrees Awarded | 19 | 18 | |
Doctor's Degrees Awarded | 698 | 759 | |
Post-Baccalaureate First Professional Degrees Awarded | 320 | 308 |
Certificate Programs:
- Credit OR non-credit bearing
- Culminate in the awarding of a certificate or diploma, but not a degree
- May require previous college credit for admission
- May be at any degree level or Pre-Associate's
Associate's degree programs:
- Requires the completion of at least 2 years of full-time equivalent college-level work in a specified field of study
- Meets institutional requirements for completion of a degree
- Culminates in the awarding of a degree
Bachelor's degree programs:
- Requires the completion of at least 4 years of full-time equivalent college-level work in a specified field of study
- Meets institutional requirements for completion of a degree
- Culminates in the awarding of a degree
Master's degree programs:
- Beyond bachelor's degree
- Requires the completion of at least 1 year of full-time equivalent graduate-level
- Meets institutional requirements for completion of the degree
- Culminates in awarding of the degree
Specialist's degree programs:
- Beyond bachelor's degree
- Requires the completion of college work beyond the bachelor's degree in a specific field of study
- Frequently found in Education and related academic disciplines
Doctor's degree programs:
- Beyond the master's degree
- Includes a dissertation or other original project
- Meets institutional requirements for completion of the degree
- Culminates in the awarding of the degree
First professional degree programs:
- Provides the requisites for licensure in a recognized profession
- Requires at least 2 years of college-level work for admission
- Requires the completion of at least 6 years of full-time equivalent college work
- Must be within one of the following fields:
- Chiropractic: D.C. or D.C.M.
- Dentistry: D.D.S. or D.M.D.
- Medicine: M.D.
- Optometry: O.D.
- Osteopathic Medicine: D.O.
- Pharmacy: Pharm.D.
- Podiatry: Pod. D. or D.P. or D.P.M.
- Veterinary Medicine: D.V.M.
- Law: L.L.B. or J.D.
- Theology: M. Div. or M.H.L or B.D. or Ordination
Direct questions regarding this section to Lil Nakutis at 800-621-7440x113 or
To ensure that students off-campus have consistent access to Title IV federal student aid, institutions should work closely with their Financial Aid Offices to ensure that information about off-campus activity is consistently reported to the U.S. Department of Education (“USDE“) and to The Higher Learning Commission (“the Commission“ or “HLC“). The Commission does not approve campuses, sites or course locations retroactively; therefore it is very important for institutions and the students they serve that institutions are very careful to seek approval well before any students matriculate at a new or relocated campus or site. The Commission will work with all institutions following these definitions and protocols to ensure that the USDE has the approvals and information from the Commission the USDE needs.
- Review current information for all Other Campuses (do not include main campus)
- Verify that information displayed is correct. If it is not correct, editorial changes may be requested using the Editorial Change button.
- Enter a headcount number for each campus. Use the current or anticipated enrollment for the current year.
- To Add a new campus or to DELETE an existing campus you will need to file a change request. The change request should follow the format specified in “Information for Institutions Regarding Off-Campus Instruction Commission Definitions and Approval Protocols“ below.

Definitions for this section can be found at the bottom of this page.
Editorial Change ONLY covers the following changes:
- Misspelling of address including city, state and zip code
- Transposition of characters in address field including city, state and zip code
Other Campus (do NOT include main/home campus)
- Offers courses in educational programs leading to a degree, certificate, or other recognized educational credential
- Is permanent in nature
- Has its own faculty and administrative or supervisory organization
- Has academic resources and support services for students that include library, laboratories, business operations, admissions, advising, and registrar/records maintenance housed on this location
- Has its own budgetary and hiring authority
In State
- Other Campus is in addition to the main campus and is in the institution’s home state
Out of State
- Other Campus is outside of the institution’s home state
Out of USA
- Campus is outside of the 50 United States
- Include states located in US territories in this category
- DO NOT include study abroad in this category
To review the full text of “Information for Institutions Regarding Off-Campus Instruction Commission Definitions and Approval Protocols”, click here.
Direct questions regarding this section to Lil Nakutis at 800-621-7440×113 or
To ensure that students off-campus have consistent access to Title IV federal student aid, institutions should work closely with their Financial Aid Offices to ensure that information about off-campus activity is consistently reported to the U.S. Department of Education (“USDE“) and to The Higher Learning Commission (“the Commission“ or “HLC“). The Commission does not approve campuses, sites or course locations retroactively; therefore it is very important for institutions and the students they serve that institutions are very careful to seek approval well before any students matriculate at a new or relocated campus or site. The Commission will work with all institutions following these definitions and protocols to ensure that the USDE has the approvals and information from the Commission the USDE needs.
- Review current information for all Off-Campus Sites
- Verify that information displayed is correct. If it is not correct, changes must be made using the standard change process
- Minor editorial changes may be submitted using the Submit Editorial Change button
- Enter a headcount number for each site. Use the current or anticipated enrollment for the current year
- If the site is Inactive or Closed enter “0” for the headcount
- You will be prompted to enter a “Closed Date” if the site has closed
- To activate a previously Inactive site enter a headcount
- Inactive sites can be left Inactive for 2 consecutive years beginning September 2008
- To ADD previously unreported Sites, a request for approval of new campuses or sites must be submitted to The Higher Learning Commission - Additional charges may apply
- To ADD or DELETE Programs at a Site, use the Submit Program Changes button
- Deletions will be accepted; additions will be reviewed and approved in a parallel process
Note that definitions have changed from previous years. Please read carefully.

Definitions for this section can be found at the bottom of this page.
![]() |
Loc | Name | Status | Opened | Closed | Address | City State Zip |
Country | Prog Type |
Title IV |
Programs | Prev HC |
New HC |
Edit Chg |
Prog Chg |
In State | Richland Community College | Inactive | 08/15/08 | 00/00/00 | One College Park | Decatur, IL 62521 | United States | Total Degree | Yes | Ed.M in Curriculum & Instruction | 12 | 0 | |||
In State | Morton Arboretum | Inactive | 08/01/86 | 00/00/00 | 4100 Lincoln Avenue | Lisle, IL 60532 | United States | Total Degree | Yes | B.S. in Horticulture | 0 | 0 | |||
In State | Kishwaukee College | Inactive | 08/01/96 | 00/00/00 | 21193 Malta Road | Malta, IL 60150 | United States | Total Degree | Yes | M.S. in Crop Sciences | 0 | 0 | |||
In State | West Side Technical Institute of Richard J. Daley College | Active | 09/01/94 | 00/00/00 | 2800 South Western Avenue | Chicago, IL 60608 | United States | Total Degree | Yes | C.A.S. in Educational Organization and Leadership; M.A., M.S. and Ed.M. in Educ. Organization & Leadership |
44 | 16 | |||
In State | Joliet Junior College | Inactive | 08/01/86 | 00/00/00 | 1215 Houbolt Road | Joliet, IL 60431 | United States | Total Degree | Yes | B.S. in Horticulture; M.S. in Crop Sciences |
0 | 0 | |||
In State | Tate and Lyle, PLC | Active | 01/16/07 | 00/00/00 | 220 East Eldorado St | Decatur, IL 62525 | United States | Total Degree | No | MS in Food Science and Human Nutrition | 12 | 7 | |||
In State | Shawnee Community College | Inactive | 08/01/96 | 00/00/00 | 8364 Shawnee College Rd | Ullin, IL 62992 | United States | Total Degree | Yes | M.S. in Crop Sciences | 0 | 0 | |||
In State | Multi-University Center | Active | 08/01/86 | 00/00/00 | 1010 Jorie Blvd | Oak Brook, IL 60521 | United States | Total Degree | Yes | B.S. in Horticulture; C.A.S. in Educational Organization and Leadership; Ed.D. in Educational Organization and Leadership; M.A., M.S. and Ed.M. in Educ. Organization & Leadership; M.S. in Crop Sciences; M.S. in Natural Resources & Env. Sci; MS in Food Science and Human Nutrition |
49 | 73 | |||
In State | Sangamon County Office | Inactive | 08/01/86 | 00/00/00 | 2501 North 8th Street, Illinois State Fairgrounds, Bldg 30 | Springfield, IL 62702 | United States | Total Degree | Yes | M.S. in Crop Sciences | 0 | 0 | |||
In State | Illini Center and Chicago Public Schools | Active | 01/01/03 | 00/00/00 | Illini Center: 200 S. Wacker Drive | Chicago, IL 60606 | United States | Total Degree | Yes | Ed.M. in Special Education; Executive MBA; MA Accountancy Specialization in Taxation |
14 | 117 | |||
In State | Chicago Botanic Garden | Inactive | 08/01/86 | 00/00/00 | 1000 Lake Cook Road | Glencoe, IL 60022 | United States | Total Degree | Yes | B.S. in Horticulture | 0 | 0 | |||
In State | Lake County Unit | Inactive | 08/01/86 | 00/00/00 | 100 South US Highway 45 | Grayslake, IL 60030 | United States | Total Degree | Yes | M.S. in Natural Resources & Env. Sci | 0 | 0 | |||
Out of USA | Singapore | Inactive | 07/01/00 | 00/00/00 | Block E5 #02-09, 4 Engineering Drive 4 | Singapore, n/a 117576 | Singapore | 50% - 99% | Yes | M.S. in Chemical Engineering; Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering |
12 | 0 | |||
Out of USA | University of Warsaw | Active | 09/01/91 | 00/00/00 | ul Nowy Swiat 4, pok. 220 | Warsaw, n/a | Poland | Total Degree | No | Executive MBA | 92 | 85 |
- A place where instruction is taking place and students can do one or more ofthe following:
- Complete 50% or more of the courses leading to a degree program;
- Complete a full degree program (degree site); or
- Complete 50% or more of the courses leading to a Title IV eligible certificate
- Includes physical locations where students can complete a degree they began at another institution (known as a degree completion site) even if the degree completion program provides less than 50% of the courses leading to a degree program.
- There is no base or threshold number of students or distance from the main campus necessary for a physical site to qualify as site
- May provide access to instruction requiring students to be present at a physical location that receives Interactive TV, video, or online teaching
- Typically does not have a full range of administrative and student services on sitestaffed by the facility’s personnel but rather such administrative and student services may be provided from the home or other campus
In State
- Site is in the institution’s home state
Out of State
- Site is outside the institution’s home state
Out of USA
- Site is outside of the 50 United States
- include states located in US territories in this category
- Do Not include study abroad in this category
- Active
- Sites (50% or more of a degree program) that will be open or potentially open over the next two academic years
- Inactive
- Sites not offering programs or not anticipated to be used after the next two academic years
- Closed
- Sites that have not been used in the last four years and/or with NO plans to be used ever again
Editorial Change ONLY covers the following changes:
- Misspelling of address including city, state and zip code
- Transposition of characters in address field including city, state and zip code
To review the full text of “Information for Institutions Regarding Off-Campus Instruction Commission Definitions and Approval Protocols”, click here.
Direct questions regarding this section to Lil Nakutis at 800-621-7440x113 or
- Report information current as of the date of submission of this Data Update
- Enter zero if there are no course locations

Definitions for this section can be found at the bottom of this page.
![]() |
Type | Previous | New |
Number of Locations | 5 | 4 | |
Total Headcount of these Locations | 110 | 213 |
In State Course Locations
- Course location is in institution’s home state
- Students can complete up to, but not including, 50% of a degree program
- Include locations for dual enrollment, if applicable
- Do not include non-credit courses
- May be duplicated
- Is the sum of all headcount at all in-state course locations
Direct questions regarding this section to Lil Nakutis at 800-621-7440x113 or
To ensure that students off-campus have consistent access to Title IV federal student aid, institutions should work closely with their Financial Aid Offices to ensure that information about off-campus activity is consistently reported to the U.S. Department of Education (“USDE“) and to The Higher Learning Commission (“the Commission“ or “HLC“). The Commission does not approve campuses, sites or course locations retroactively; therefore it is very important for institutions and the students they serve that institutions are very careful to seek approval well before any students matriculate at a new or relocated campus or site. The Commission will work with all institutions following these definitions and protocols to ensure that the USDE has the approvals and information from the Commission the USDE needs.- Review current information for all out-of-state and out-of-U.S. course locations (do not include Study Abroad)
- Verify that information displayed is correct. If it is not correct, changes must be made using the standard change process.
- Minor editorial changes may be submitted using the Submit Editorial Change button
- Enter new headcount numbers in the fields provided (headcount may be duplicated)
- If the course location is Inactive or Closed enter “0” for the headcount
- You will be prompted to enter a “Closed Date” if the course location has closed
- To ADD previously unreported Course Locations, a request for approval of new campuses or sites must be submitted to The Higher Learning Commission. Additional charges may apply.

Definitions for this section can be found at the bottom of this page.
![]() |
Location | Name | Status | Opened | Closed | Address | City State Zip |
Country | Courses | Prev HC |
New HC |
Edit Chg |
Out of State | Phillips Museum | Active | 00/00/00 | 00/00/00 | 1600 21st St. NW | Washington, DC 20009 | United States | 5 | 8 | 8 | ||
Out of USA | Human Resources Education Management Prg | Active | 00/00/00 | 00/00/00 | University of Lublin | Lublin, n/a | Poland | 3 | 46 | 91 |
Course Location
- Students can only complete less than 50% of a degree program
- May include places where high school students receive college instruction through dual enrollment arrangements
- Do not include places that offer only non-credit courses
Out of State
- Course location is outside of institution’s home state
Out of USA
- Course location is outside of the 50 United States
- Include states located in US territories in this category
- Do Not include study abroad in this category
- Inactive
- Locations not offering programs or anticipated to be used after three or four academic years
- Closed
- Locations that have not been used in the last four years and/or with NO plans to be used ever again
Editorial Change ONLY covers the following changes:
- Misspelling of address including city, state and zip code
- Transposition of characters in address field including city, state and zip code
To review the full text of “Information for Institutions Regarding Off-Campus Instruction Commission Definitions and Approval Protocols”, click here.
- Report dual enrollment headcount from Fall 2008
- Headcount is unduplicated
- Enter zero for headcount if there is no dual enrollment

Definitions for this section can be found at the bottom of this page.
![]() |
Type | Previous | New |
Total Dual Enrollment Student Headcount | 10 | 14 | |
Do any of your Dual Enrollment arrangements culminate in the granting of a degree while the student is still enrolled in High School? | No |
Dual Enrollment
- Students are enrolled in high school simultaneous to earning college credit at your institution
- Report information current as of the date of submission of this Data Update
- To Edit Previously Reported Distance Education Programs, click on the row of the course location you wish to edit
- Enter new headcount numbers in the fields provided (headcount is unduplicated)
- To Add Previously Unreported Distance Education Programs, click on the Report New Program button
- To Delete incorrect Previously Reported Distance Education Programs, click on the trash can icon located next to the Program’s Name
- Report diploma programs that are offered in CIP-defined fields of study
- Typically these correspond to majors
- Do not count sub-fields or concentrations within a major as separate programs

Definitions for this section can be found at the bottom of this page.
![]() |
Name | Primary Modality | Previous HC | New HC | |
Business Management for Engineers (BME) Graduate Certificate Program | Internet | 0 | 0 | ||
Certificate in French Online Translation | Internet | 0 | 3 | ||
Certificate in Global Labor Studies | Internet | 0 | 2 | ||
Certificate of Completion - O'Reilly School of Technology programs | Internet | 0 | 519 | ||
Certificate of Completion in Computer Science | Internet | 0 | 28 | ||
Certificate of Development in Dairy Science | Internet | 0 | 19 | ||
Certificate of Professional Development in Crop Sciences | Internet | 0 | 21 | ||
Certificate of Professional Development in Horticulture | Internet | 0 | 5 | ||
Certificate of Strategic Technology Mgmt | Internet | 0 | 0 | ||
Certificate of Systems Engineering | Internet | 0 | 3 | ||
Ed.M. Educ Pol St (Global Studies, Diversity & Equity Issues, New Learning & New | Internet | 0 | 104 | ||
Ed.M. Human Resources Education (CCTL) | Internet | 0 | 44 | ||
Ed.M. Human Resources Education (GHRD) | Internet | 0 | 85 | ||
Ed.M. in Educational Organization and Leadership (Ed Leadership & Policy) | Internet | 0 | 0 | ||
Ed.M. in Educational Psychology (CTER) | Internet | 0 | 47 | ||
Global Campus: Ed.M. in Human Resources Education (e-learning) | Internet | 0 | 52 | ||
Global Campus: Graduate Certificate in Foundations of E-Learning | Internet | 0 | 0 | ||
Global Campus: Graduate Certificate in Management of E-Learning | Internet | 0 | 2 | ||
Global Campus: MS in Recreation, Sport,& Tourism | Internet | 0 | 23 | ||
Graduate Certificate in Community College Teaching & Learning | Internet | 0 | 0 | ||
Graduate professional development certificate in Materials | Internet | 0 | 13 | ||
Graduate professional development certificate in Materials Failure Analysis | Internet | 0 | 10 | ||
Graduate Professional Devlpt Certificate in Environmental and Water Resources | Internet | 0 | 7 | ||
M.S. and C.A.S. in Library & Information Science | Internet | 0 | 296 | ||
M.S. in Agricultural Education | Internet | 0 | 4 | ||
M.S. in Mechanical Engineering | Internet | 0 | 32 | ||
Master of Computer Science | Internet | 0 | 87 | ||
NetMath Certificate of Professional Development in Applied Mathematics | Internet | 0 | 347 |
Distance Education Program
NOTE - This is the HLC definition which is concerned with approval of programs as compared to the Federal definition which relates to Student Identity Verification only
- Include degree, degree completion and certificate programs
- Students can complete the entire degree, degree completion or certificate at a distance, except for the possibility of an orientation or proctored exams at a specific site
- The program is asynchronous
- The program is specifically and intentionally designed to be a distance program
Program Name
- Includes both the degree level or certificate and the CIP code program name
- Example 1: a BA in English and a BA in Philosophy would be reported as two separate programs
- Example 2: an AAS in Accounting and a Certificate in Accounting would be reported as two separate programs
- Sample program name entries:
- “Certificate in Accounting“
- “AAS in Accounting“
- “BA in English“
- List all programs separately following the preceding example
Primary Modality
- Select the dominant delivery method for the named program
Direct questions regarding this section to Lil Nakutis at 800-621-7440x113 or
- Report information from Fall 2008
- To ADD a Contractual Relationship, click on the Report New Program button
- Enter headcount as Fall 2008 (headcount numbers unduplicated)
- Report diploma programs that are offered in CIP-defined fields of study
- Typically these correspond to majors
- Do not count sub-fields or concentrations within a major as separate programs

Definitions for this section can be found at the bottom of this page.
![]() |
Name | Partner | Date Started | Total HC | |
Ed.M. in Human Resource Education with a concentration in E-Learning | University of Illinois Global Campus (system level) | 01/13/2008 | 52 | ||
MS in Recreation, Sport and Tourism | University of Illinois Global Campus (system level) | 01/20/2009 | 23 |
Contractual Relationships
- Refers to relationships between the institution and a third party entity, i.e. the Contracted Partner
- The relationship is defined through either a formal contract or informal working arrangements
- The Contracted Partner provides 50% or more of the academic content of one or more degree or Title IV eligible Certificate program(s) at your institution
- Your institution issues the degree or certificate
- The Contracted Partner does not provide a course delivery platform only
- Do not include 2+2, clinicals or internships
Program Name
- includes both the degree level or certificate and the CIP code program name
- Example 1: a BA in English and a BA in Philosophy would be reported as two separate programs
- Example 2: an AAS in Accounting and a Certificate in Accounting would be reported as two separate programs
- Sample program name entries:
- “Certificate in Accounting“
- “AAS in Accounting“
- “BA in English“
- List all programs separately following the preceding example
Reporting the Relationship
- Include the corporate name of the Contracted Partner, e.g., Wilson Consulting, Inc., Foreign University, Inc.
- If the agreement carries a title, include that title
- If you have contractual agreements for the same program but with more than one entity, each is separate entry
- If you have contractual agreements for different programs but with the same entity, each is separate entry
Reported Data
(from previous sections)
Reported Headcounts (from HC Level) |
Full-Time Undergraduate | 30664 |
Part-Time Undergraduate | 753 |
Full-Time Graduate | 7914 |
Part-Time Graduate | 2883 |
Full-Time Post-Bacc 1st Professional | 1017 |
Part-Time Post-Bacc 1st Professional | 15 |
Reported Off-Campus Activities | |
Number of Other Campuses | 0 |
Number of Sites | 5 |
Dues Calculation
Base Dues | + FTE Dues | + Degree Site Dues | TOTAL |
$2500 | + $0.50 per FTE | + $75 x Total Number of Sites | $2500 + $0.50 per FTE + $75 x Total Number of Sites |
Estimated Dues Calculation
FTE = ( Total Full-Time Headcount ) + ( ( Total Part-Time Headcount ) / 3) |
Your FTE = 40812 |
Total Number of Sites (W) = Degree Sites + ( Other Campuses x 10 ) |
Your W = 5 |
Dues Schedule: |
Base Dues: $2500 |
FTE Rate: $0.50 per FTE |
W Rate: $75 x Total Number of Sites |
Estimated Dues Calculation = ( Base Dues ) + ( Your FTE x FTE Rate ) + ( Your W x W Rate ) |
Your Dues = $23,281 |