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On-Campus Fall 2012 Statistical Abstract of Ten-Day Enrollment University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Management Information PN2006/066 PUBLICATION DATE:  September 11, 2012
By Academic College       By Year Of Birth     By Permanent Home Address By Permanent Home Address
  Ugrad Prof Grad Total   Ugrad Prof Grad Total   Ugrad Prof Grad Total   Ugrad Prof Grad Total
Agr, Cons, Env Sci  2637 0 546 3183 1941-         Alabama  9 1 10 20 South Carolina  5 1 10 16
Applied Health Sci  2010 0 261 2271 1969 31 8 332 371 Alaska  5 0 4 9 South Dakota  5 1 6 12
Business  2904 0 1138 4042 1970 1 4 45 50 Arizona  22 3 17 42 Tennessee  37 3 30 70
Education  619 0 700 1319 1971 1 0 53 54 Arkansas  10 2 12 24 Texas  109 19 89 217
Engineering  6763 0 2758 9521 1972 3 5 54 62 California  366 40 172 578 Utah  4 0 16 20
Fine & Applied Arts  1627 0 817 2444 1973 5 0 81 86 Colorado  41 6 16 63 Vermont  1 1 2 4
General Studies  2967 0 0 2967 1974 8 4 78 90 Connecticut  31 4 17 52 Virginia  81 5 48 134
Graduate College  0 0 39 39 1975 8 1 95 104 Delaware  6 0 7 13 Washington  31 8 40 79
Institute of Aviation  48 0 0 48 1976 4 3 130 137 District of Columbia  3 0 5 8 West Virginia  7 0 8 15
Labor & Empl. Rel.  0 0 195 195 1977 9 5 161 175 Florida  81 17 58 156 Wisconsin  69 13 77 159
Law  0 616 136 752 1978 5 7 176 188 Georgia  45 4 24 73 Wyoming  1 1 0 2
Liberal Arts & Sci  11150 0 2507 13657 1979 15 8 240 263 Hawaii  6 1 10 17 Other U.S.  3 1 20 24
Library & Info Sci  0 0 315 315 1980 22 16 278 316 Idaho  2 2 7 11 Military  7 0 0 7
Media  1063 0 99 1162 1981 26 23 369 418 Illinois  24683 701 2839 28223 Other Countries  4456 32 4172 8660
Online and Continuing Educ  0 0 57 57 1982 30 22 465 517 Indiana  56 11 78 145 Unknown  606 72 1269 1947
Provost Academic Pgms  0 0 14 14 1983 38 36 550 624 Iowa  20 2 46 68          
School of Social Work  113 0 242 355 1984 73 48 655 776 Kansas  20 2 18 40          
Veterinary Medicine  0 485 57 542 1985 98 65 764 927 Kentucky  25 4 20 49          
          1986 112 115 826 1053 Louisiana  8 2 10 20          
Total 31901 1101 9881 42883 1987 185 196 868 1249 Maine  5 3 2 10 Total 31901 1101 9881 42883
1988 382 246 1117 1745 Maryland  67 6 41 114
By Self-Reported Ethnic Code (New*) 1989 1007 172 1419 2598 Massachusetts  94 8 42 144
  Ugrad Prof Grad Total 1990 3860 108 992 4960 Michigan  63 36 89 188
African American  1741 60 359 2160 1991 7121 7 116 7244 Minnesota  58 6 48 112
Asian  4554 65 636 5255 1992 7365 2 14 7381 Mississippi  5 1 8 14
Hispanic  2381 86 364 2831 1993 6899 0 3 6902 Missouri  140 12 92 244 By Attendance Status    
Multiracial  699 21 142 862 1994 4475 0 0 4475 Montana  0 0 6 6   Ugrad Prof Grad Total
Native Amer/Alaskan Nat  30 2 15 47 1995 111 0 0 111 Nebraska  11 1 14 26 Full Time  31118 1099 9333 41550
Native Hawaiian/Pac Isl  57 0 4 61 1996 7 0 0 7 Nevada  9 1 6 16 Part Time  783 2 548 1333
White  17826 742 4109 22677 Total 31901 1101 9881 42883 New Hampshire  8 1 13 22 Total 31901 1101 9881 42883
Foreign  4447 32 4169 8648 Mean Age 20.6 25.8 27.9 22.4 New Jersey  207 8 49 264 FTE* 31379 1100 9516 41994
Unknown  166 93 83 342 New Mexico  7 0 12 19          
          By Tuition Range   New York  125 22 101 248 *FTE=full time + parttime/3    
Total 31901 1101 9881 42883   Ugrad Prof Grad Total North Carolina  25 1 32 58
          I  31118 1099 7558 39775 North Dakota  0 0 3 3
All Students Reporting African American or    II  369 2 1669 2040 Ohio  127 17 66 210 By Residency for Tuition  
     Native American (including multiracial & Hispanic) III  355 0 330 685 Oklahoma  12 1 9 22   Ugrad Prof Grad Total
African American  1936 67 410 2413 IV  59 0 324 383 Oregon  16 4 12 32 ILL  25051 730 3005 28786
Native American  220 9 81 310           Pennsylvania  59 14 70 143 NON-ILL  6850 371 6876 14097
Total 31901 1101 9881 42883 Rhode Island  2 0 9 11 Total 31901 1101 9881 42883
By Gender        
  Ugrad Prof Grad Total * This section uses the new Federal IPEDS guidelines for reporting racial and ethnic data.  
Men  17702 446 5439 23587 For more information on these guidelines, see 
Women  14189 653 4441 19283
Unknown  10 2 1 13
Total 31901 1101 9881 42883
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