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On-Campus Fall 2016 Statistical Abstract of Ten-Day Enrollment University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Management Information PN2006/066 PUBLICATION DATE:  September 4, 2016
By Academic College         By Year Of Birth     By Permanent Home Address   By Permanent Home Address
  Ugrad Prof Grad Total   Ugrad Prof Grad Total   Ugrad Prof Grad Total   Ugrad Prof Grad Total
Agr, Cons, Env Sci  2622 0 585 3207 1937-         Alabama  17 2 15 34 Puerto Rico  6 1 19 26
Applied Health Sci  1953 0 280 2233 1974 38 6 342 386 Alaska  3 0 4 7 Rhode Island  2 0 5 7
Business  3102 0 1093 4195 1975 1 2 51 54 Arizona  34 5 31 70 South Carolina  5 2 15 22
Center Innov in Teach Learn  0 0 46 46 1976 0 0 61 61 Arkansas  10 1 13 24 South Dakota  2 0 4 6
Education  615 0 586 1201 1977 2 3 77 82 California  937 42 226 1205 Tennessee  46 2 36 84
Engineering  7564 0 3505 11069 1978 4 1 83 88 Colorado  52 3 33 88 Texas  164 16 92 272
Fine & Applied Arts  1624 0 797 2421 1979 7 0 119 126 Connecticut  43 4 21 68 Utah  7 0 14 21
General Studies  3000 0 0 3000 1980 7 3 130 140 Delaware  6 0 3 9 Vermont  2 0 3 5
Graduate College  0 0 70 70 1981 11 6 149 166 District of Columbia  4 2 3 9 Virginia  133 8 41 182
Labor & Empl. Rel.  0 0 186 186 1982 14 8 170 192 Florida  99 26 56 181 Washington  67 4 38 109
Law  0 457 73 530 1983 14 6 220 240 Georgia  81 3 33 117 West Virginia  0 3 8 11
Liberal Arts & Sci  11683 0 2520 14203 1984 22 11 269 302 Guam  1 0 0 1 Wisconsin  60 14 65 139
Media  1015 0 78 1093 1985 14 12 361 387 Hawaii  8 0 9 17 Wyoming  1 0 3 4
Provost Academic Pgms  12 0 0 12 1986 32 20 452 504 Idaho  3 1 12 16 Military  8 0 1 9
School of Information Sciences  0 0 305 305 1987 43 28 532 603 Illinois  24169 542 2458 27169 Other Countries  5543 66 5109 10718
School of Social Work  277 0 234 511 1988 58 36 693 787 Indiana  58 16 80 154 Unknown  525 65 1146 1736
Veterinary Medicine  0 528 70 598 1989 86 70 834 990 Iowa  35 3 39 77          
          1990 125 114 930 1169 Kansas  25 2 15 42          
          1991 203 179 960 1342 Kentucky  30 3 23 56          
Total 33467 985 10428 44880 1992 364 190 1202 1756 Louisiana  10 2 16 28 Total 33467 985 10428 44880
1993 998 166 1455 2619 Maine  5 0 9 14
By Self-Reported Ethnic Code (New*)   1994 3793 106 1129 5028 Maryland  66 7 46 119 By Gender        
  Ugrad Prof Grad Total 1995 7455 16 185 7656 Massachusetts  105 10 45 160   Ugrad Prof Grad Total
African American  1961 30 326 2317 1996 7546 2 23 7571 Michigan  81 46 101 228 Men  18350 340 5737 24427
Asian  5867 72 694 6633 1997 7458 0 1 7459 Minnesota  80 9 52 141 Women  15117 645 4690 20452
Hispanic  3453 52 444 3949 1998 5045 0 0 5045 Mississippi  5 0 6 11 Unknown  0 0 1 1
Multi-Race  987 18 170 1175 1999 110 0 0 110 Missouri  134 6 75 215 Total 33467 985 10428 44880
Native American/Alaskan  22 1 12 35 2000 16 0 0 16 Montana  0 0 4 4
Native Hawaiian/Pac Isl  24 0 3 27 2001 1 0 0 1 Nebraska  7 3 18 28 By Attendance Status    
White  15467 679 3575 19721 Total 33467 985 10428 44880 Nevada  8 3 5 16   Ugrad Prof Grad Total
Foreign  5537 66 5097 10700 Mean Age 20.5 25.5 27.6 22.3 New Hampshire  17 1 7 25 Full Time  32540 976 9780 43296
Unknown  149 67 107 323 New Jersey  312 17 49 378 Part Time  927 9 648 1584
          By Tuition Range     New Mexico  8 1 18 27 Total       44880
Total 33467 985 10428 44880   Ugrad Prof Grad Total New York  176 19 98 293 FTE*       43824
          I  32540 976 7733 41249 North Carolina  28 1 44 73          
All Students Reporting African American, Asian,   II  458 9 1915 2382 North Dakota  1 0 1 2 *FTE=full time + parttime/3    
     Native American, or Native Hawaiian     III  384 0 412 796 Ohio  129 13 79 221
     (including multiracial & Hispanic)       IV  85 0 368 453 Oklahoma  18 0 7 25 By Residency for Tuition  
African American  2344 39 403 2786           Oregon  16 1 21 38   Ugrad Prof Grad Total
Native American  292 5 77 374 Total 33467 985 10428 44880 Pennsylvania  75 10 54 139 ILL  24510 566 2580 27656
Native Hawaiian/Pac Isl  138 2 14 154 NON-ILL  8957 419 7848 17224
Asian  6642 88 855 7585 * This section uses the Federal IPEDS guidelines for reporting racial/ethnic data.   Total 33467 985 10428 44880
For more information on these guidelines, see
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