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Spring 2017 Statistical Abstract of Ten-Day Enrollment University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Management Information PN2006/066 REVISED:  February 10, 2017
By Academic College       By Year Of Birth     By Permanent Home Address   By Permanent Home Address
  Ugrad Prof Grad Total   Ugrad Prof Grad Total   Ugrad Prof Grad Total   Ugrad Prof Grad Total
Agr, Cons, Env Sci  2492 0 672 3164 1937-         Alabama  17 2 12 31 Pennsylvania  69 9 67 145
Applied Health Sci  1964 0 324 2288 1975 41 8 775 824 Alaska  3 0 5 8 Puerto Rico  6 1 18 25
Business  2896 0 1731 4627 1976 3 0 102 105 Arizona  35 5 56 96 Rhode Island  3 0 6 9
Center Innov in Teach Learn  19 0 216 235 1977 2 2 113 117 Arkansas  7 1 16 24 South Carolina  5 2 19 26
Education  604 0 776 1380 1978 4 1 124 129 California  891 40 308 1239 South Dakota  2 0 5 7
Engineering  7205 0 3357 10562 1979 7 0 148 155 Colorado  46 3 46 95 Tennessee  41 2 48 91
Fine & Applied Arts  1521 0 775 2296 1980 8 3 189 200 Connecticut  42 4 30 76 Texas  159 16 144 319
General Studies  2442 0 0 2442 1981 7 6 208 221 Delaware  6 0 3 9 Utah  7 0 25 32
Graduate College  0 0 66 66 1982 13 7 253 273 District of Columbia  3 0 4 7 Vermont  2 0 4 6
Labor & Empl. Rel.  0 0 204 204 1983 12 6 282 300 Florida  91 24 83 198 Virgin Islands  0 0 1 1
Law  0 442 67 509 1984 23 10 339 372 Georgia  75 2 46 123 Virginia  122 8 62 192
Liberal Arts & Sci  11360 0 2483 13843 1985 12 12 426 450 Guam  1 0 0 1 Washington  66 4 58 128
Media  1064 0 73 1137 1986 25 17 529 571 Hawaii  9 0 9 18 West Virginia  0 3 11 14
Provost Academic Pgms  6 0 0 6 1987 39 28 607 674 Idaho  5 1 16 22 Wisconsin  55 13 67 135
School of Information Sciences  0 0 640 640 1988 48 36 738 822 Illinois  23069 548 3221 26838 Wyoming  1 0 5 6
School of Social Work  260 0 286 546 1989 78 69 896 1043 Indiana  60 16 95 171 Military  6 0 4 10
Veterinary Medicine  0 528 69 597 1990 97 112 1006 1215 Iowa  35 3 51 89 Other Countries  5207 59 4808 10074
          1991 148 181 1008 1337 Kansas  24 2 23 49 Unknown  504 63 1457 2024
          1992 288 194 1166 1648 Kentucky  30 3 25 58          
Total 31833 970 11739 44542 1993 683 158 1407 2248 Louisiana  10 2 19 31 Total 31833 970 11739 44542
1994 3282 107 1184 4573 Maine  5 0 13 18
By Self-Reported Ethnic Code (New*) 1995 7080 11 208 7299 Maryland  58 7 55 120 By Gender        
  Ugrad Prof Grad Total 1996 7511 1 29 7541 Massachusetts  95 11 60 166   Ugrad Prof Grad Total
African American  1815 29 418 2262 1997 7370 1 2 7373 Michigan  81 44 121 246 Men  17352 329 6349 24030
Asian  5593 70 853 6516 1998 4929 0 0 4929 Minnesota  79 9 64 152 Women  14481 641 5382 20504
Hispanic  3309 52 535 3896 1999 103 0 0 103 Mississippi  4 0 6 10 Unknown  0 0 8 8
Multi-Race  952 18 195 1165 2000 17 0 0 17 Missouri  121 5 107 233 Total 31833 970 11739 44542
Native American/Alaskan  19 1 14 34 2001 2 0 0 2 Montana  0 0 4 4
Native Hawaiian/Pac Isl  22 0 5 27 2002 1 0 0 1 Nebraska  8 2 19 29 By Attendance Status    
White  14779 683 4645 20107 Total 31833 970 11739 44542 Nevada  9 3 8 20   Ugrad Prof Grad Total
Foreign  5201 59 4777 10037 Mean Age 20.8 25.8 28.9 23.0 New Hampshire  17 0 8 25 Full Time  30363 957 10281 41601
Unknown  143 58 297 498 New Jersey  292 17 55 364 Part Time  1470 13 1458 2941
          By Tuition Range     New Mexico  8 1 23 32 Total       44542
Total 31833 970 11739 44542   Ugrad Prof Grad Total New York  166 19 130 315 FTE*       42581
          I  30363 957 7577 38897 North Carolina  28 2 49 79          
All Students Reporting African American, Asian,   II  999 11 2728 3738 North Dakota  0 0 7 7 *FTE=full time + parttime/3    
     Native American, or Native Hawaiian     III  416 2 1081 1499 Ohio  116 13 88 217
     (including multiracial & Hispanic)     IV  55 0 353 408 Oklahoma  17 0 10 27 By Residency for Tuition  
African American  2193 38 508 2739           Ontario  0 0 1 1   Ugrad Prof Grad Total
Native American  280 5 89 374 Total 31833 970 11739 44542 Oregon  15 1 34 50 ILL  23409 568 3368 27345
Native Hawaiian/Pac Isl  131 2 21 154 NON-ILL  8424 402 8371 17197
Asian  6352 86 1094 7532 * This section uses the Federal IPEDS guidelines for reporting racial/ethnic data.   Total 31833 970 11739 44542
For more information on these guidelines, see
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