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Spring 2019 Statistical Abstract of Ten-Day Enrollment University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Management Information PN2006/066 PUBLICATION DATE: January 29, 2019
By Academic College         By Year Of Birth     By Permanent Home Address   By Permanent Home Address
  Ugrad Prof Grad Total   Ugrad Prof Grad Total   Ugrad Prof Grad Total   Ugrad Prof Grad Total
Agr, Cons, Env Sci  2577 0 660 3237 1937-         Alabama  16 2 24 42 Puerto Rico  3 2 14 19
Applied Health Sci  2036 0 310 2346 1977 22 3 1455 1480 Alaska  4 0 9 13 Rhode Island  5 0 8 13
Business  2921 0 3398 6319 1978 3 1 193 197 Arizona  29 8 72 109 South Carolina  8 2 26 36
Carle Illinois Medicine  0 31 0 31 1979 4 1 236 241 Arkansas  5 2 13 20 South Dakota  0 1 6 7
Center Innov in Teach Learn  61 0 206 267 1980 2 2 255 259 California  1004 45 696 1745 Tennessee  33 3 58 94
Education  597 0 1041 1638 1981 6 3 308 317 Colorado  35 4 89 128 Texas  159 22 305 486
Engineering  6810 0 3958 10768 1982 9 3 336 348 Connecticut  42 5 58 105 Utah  6 2 38 46
Fine & Applied Arts  1617 0 772 2389 1983 13 2 341 356 Delaware  6 1 7 14 Vermont  0 0 9 9
General Studies  2312 0 0 2312 1984 8 9 384 401 District of Columbia  4 0 14 18 Virginia  113 8 120 241
Graduate College  0 0 49 49 1985 7 6 398 411 Florida  82 17 164 263 Washington  57 2 141 200
Labor & Empl. Rel.  0 0 208 208 1986 17 9 472 498 Georgia  80 8 92 180 West Virginia  1 2 8 11
Law  0 405 69 474 1987 13 9 511 533 Guam  1 0 0 1 Wisconsin  51 13 88 152
Liberal Arts & Sci  11733 0 2379 14112 1988 14 18 612 644 Hawaii  8 0 7 15 Wyoming  1 0 5 6
Media  996 0 106 1102 1989 44 27 782 853 Idaho  4 0 8 12 Military  4 0 5 9
Provost Academic Pgms  2 0 0 2 1990 25 45 892 962 Illinois  23537 513 3615 27665 Other Countries  5125 42 5471 10638
School of Information Sciences  0 0 786 786 1991 56 61 940 1057 Indiana  53 18 120 191 Unknown  288 80 1591 1959
School of Social Work  250 0 320 570 1992 77 120 1006 1203 Iowa  31 6 50 87          
Veterinary Medicine  0 546 82 628 1993 152 179 1069 1400 Kansas  23 1 25 49          
          1994 247 221 1223 1691 Kentucky  23 2 22 47          
Total 31912 982 14344 47238 1995 652 160 1448 2260 Louisiana  6 2 18 26 Total 31912 982 14344 47238
1996 3135 92 1242 4469 Maine  1 0 11 12
By Self-Reported Ethnic Code (New*)   1997 7324 10 218 7552 Maryland  65 5 102 172 By Gender        
  Ugrad Prof Grad Total 1998 7704 1 20 7725 Massachusetts  99 14 77 190   Ugrad Prof Grad Total
African American  1892 19 599 2510 1999 7251 0 3 7254 Michigan  81 38 154 273 Men  17121 329 7947 25397
Asian  5956 83 1464 7503 2000 5008 0 0 5008 Minnesota  58 7 94 159 Women  14778 653 6377 21808
Hispanic  3793 76 833 4702 2001 91 0 0 91 Mississippi  6 1 11 18 Unknown  13 0 20 33
Multi-Race  1056 23 271 1350 2002 17 0 0 17 Missouri  96 9 103 208 Total 31912 982 14344 47238
Native American/Alaskan  16 2 7 25 2003 10 0 0 10 Montana  1 0 5 6
Native Hawaiian/Pac Isl  25 0 6 31 2006 1 0 0 1 Nebraska  8 2 30 40 By Attendance Status    
White  14115 711 5612 20438 Total 31912 982 14344 47238 Nevada  11 2 9 22   Ugrad Prof Grad Total
Foreign  4872 42 4913 9827 Mean Age 20.7 25.8 30.4 23.8 New Hampshire  18 0 9 27 Full Time  30415 967 11930 43312
Unknown  187 26 639 852 New Jersey  282 12 157 451 Part Time  1497 15 2414 3926
          By Tuition Range     New Mexico  4 0 26 30 Total       47238
Total 31912 982 14344 47238   Ugrad Prof Grad Total New York  128 27 175 330 FTE*       44621
          I  30415 967 7948 39330 North Carolina  38 7 85 130          
All Students Reporting African American, Asian,   II  1015 14 4016 5045 North Dakota  0 0 3 3 *FTE=full time + parttime/3    
     Native American, or Native Hawaiian     III  406 1 2059 2466 Ohio  70 28 116 214
     (including multiracial & Hispanic)       IV  76 0 321 397 Oklahoma  16 0 21 37 By Residency for Tuition  
African American  2329 27 755 3111           Oregon  18 1 55 74   Ugrad Prof Grad Total
Native American  305 11 126 442 Total 31912 982 14344 47238 Pennsylvania  65 16 105 186 ILL  23857 533 3770 28160
Native Hawaiian/Pac Isl  171 0 21 192 NON-ILL  8055 449 10574 19078
Asian  6848 100 2026 8974 * This section uses the Federal IPEDS guidelines for reporting racial/ethnic data.   Total 31912 982 14344 47238
For more information on these guidelines, see 
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