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Spring 2020 Statistical Abstract of Ten-Day Enrollment University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Management Information PN2006/066 PUBLICATION DATE: February 4, 2020
By Academic College         By Year Of Birth     By Permanent Home Address   By Permanent Home Address
  Ugrad Prof Grad Total   Ugrad Prof Grad Total   Ugrad Prof Grad Total   Ugrad Prof Grad Total
Agr, Cons, Env Sci  2745 0 705 3450 1937-         Alabama  10 1 29 40 Puerto Rico  2 2 19 23
Applied Health Sci  2045 0 315 2360 1978 32 4 1884 1920 Alaska  2 0 6 8 Rhode Island  6 1 7 14
Carle Illinois Medicine  0 63 0 63 1979 3 1 267 271 Arizona  25 7 94 126 South Carolina  8 1 20 29
Center Innov in Teach Learn  104 0 206 310 1980 2 2 283 287 Arkansas  6 1 13 20 South Dakota  0 2 6 8
Education  568 0 1141 1709 1981 8 2 342 352 California  1053 49 900 2002 Tennessee  40 4 81 125
Fine & Applied Arts  1712 0 694 2406 1982 4 0 383 387 Colorado  41 5 99 145 Texas  149 22 424 595
General Studies  2209 0 0 2209 1983 8 3 377 388 Connecticut  40 7 61 108 Utah  7 2 44 53
Gies Business  2873 0 4423 7296 1984 5 8 412 425 Delaware  4 1 7 12 Vermont  0 0 5 5
Graduate College  0 0 51 51 1985 5 3 433 441 District of Columbia  2 0 26 28 Virginia  116 11 171 298
Grainger Engineering  6709 0 4188 10897 1986 9 5 497 511 Florida  76 22 177 275 Washington  69 2 172 243
Labor & Empl. Rel.  0 0 196 196 1987 13 13 501 527 Georgia  79 9 107 195 West Virginia  2 2 7 11
Law  0 400 104 504 1988 13 15 622 650 Guam  1 0 0 1 Wisconsin  47 14 117 178
Liberal Arts & Sci  11804 0 2481 14285 1989 23 20 718 761 Hawaii  6 0 13 19 Wyoming  1 1 8 10
Media  983 0 106 1089 1990 23 35 839 897 Idaho  6 1 12 19 Military  2 0 7 9
Provost Academic Pgms  1 0 0 1 1991 35 48 908 991 Illinois  23673 508 3989 28170 Other Countries  4957 47 5768 10772
School of Information Sciences  0 0 844 844 1992 51 68 967 1086 Indiana  50 15 134 199 Unknown  399 79 1575 2053
School of Social Work  269 0 372 641 1993 90 129 1076 1295 Iowa  31 2 45 78          
Veterinary Medicine  0 547 89 636 1994 120 202 1099 1421 Kansas  27 1 31 59          
          1995 251 187 1243 1681 Kentucky  20 0 20 40          
Total 32022 1010 15915 48947 1996 642 155 1496 2293 Louisiana  9 1 20 30 Total 32022 1010 15915 48947
1997 3103 93 1319 4515 Maine  2 1 13 16
By Self-Reported Ethnic Code (New*)   1998 7302 17 218 7537 Maryland  67 6 117 190 By Gender        
  Ugrad Prof Grad Total 1999 7624 0 30 7654 Massachusetts  102 14 108 224   Ugrad Prof Grad Total
African American  1979 28 669 2676 2000 7589 0 0 7589 Michigan  83 39 203 325 Men  17056 337 8877 26270
Asian  6062 89 1502 7653 2001 4944 0 1 4945 Minnesota  45 9 120 174 Women  14954 673 7010 22637
Hispanic  4095 82 967 5144 2002 96 0 0 96 Mississippi  3 1 7 11 Unknown  12 0 28 40
Multi-Race  1090 28 291 1409 2003 17 0 0 17 Missouri  88 10 118 216 Total 32022 1010 15915 48947
Native American/Alaskan  10 2 5 17 2004 9 0 0 9 Montana  1 0 6 7
Native Hawaiian/Pac Isl  17 0 9 26 2006 1 0 0 1 Nebraska  8 2 27 37 By Attendance Status    
White  13782 706 5994 20482 Total 32022 1010 15915 48947 Nevada  9 0 24 33   Ugrad Prof Grad Total
Foreign  4713 47 5064 9824 Mean Age 20.7 26.0 31.0 24.1 New Hampshire  10 1 10 21 Full Time  30435 993 12883 44311
Unknown  274 28 1414 1716 New Jersey  291 17 214 522 Part Time  1587 17 3032 4636
          By Tuition Range     New Mexico  5 0 25 30 Total       48947
Total 32022 1010 15915 48947   Ugrad Prof Grad Total New York  142 26 203 371 FTE*       45856
          I  30435 993 8188 39616 North Carolina  44 9 109 162          
All Students Reporting African American, Asian,   II  1076 15 4815 5906 North Dakota  1 0 4 5 *FTE=full time + parttime/3    
     Native American, or Native Hawaiian     III  432 2 2614 3048 Ohio  59 34 142 235
     (including multiracial & Hispanic)       IV  79 0 298 377 Oklahoma  13 1 26 40 By Residency for Tuition  
African American  2487 38 891 3416           Oregon  18 1 74 93   Ugrad Prof Grad Total
Native American  320 13 157 490 Total 32022 1010 15915 48947 Pennsylvania  65 19 151 235 ILL  23992 529 4173 28694
Native Hawaiian/Pac Isl  165 3 29 197 NON-ILL  8030 481 11742 20253
Asian  6987 111 2587 9685 * This section uses the Federal IPEDS guidelines for reporting racial/ethnic data.   Total 32022 1010 15915 48947
For more information on these guidelines, see 
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