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On-Campus Summer 2010 Statistical Abstract of Ten-Day Enrollment University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Management Information PN2006/066 PUBLICATION DATE:  June 23, 2010
By Academic College       By Year Of Birth     By Permanent Home Address By Permanent Home Address
  Ugrad Prof Grad Total   Ugrad Prof Grad Total   Ugrad Prof Grad Total   Ugrad Prof Grad Total
Agr, Cons, Env Sci  267 0 314 581 1941-         Alabama  3 0 4 7 South Carolina  3 1 5 9
Applied Health Sci  379 0 151 530 1967 14 1 171 186 Alaska  1 1 4 6 South Dakota  0 1 0 1
Business  514 0 542 1056 1968 0 0 30 30 Arizona  4 0 9 13 Tennessee  2 0 14 16
Continuing Education  0 0 37 37 1969 0 0 22 22 Arkansas  3 0 5 8 Texas  14 7 30 51
Education  30 0 319 349 1970 0 0 34 34 California  28 5 81 114 Utah  0 1 8 9
Engineering  858 0 1265 2123 1971 1 1 43 45 Colorado  3 0 5 8 Virginia  13 0 14 27
Fine & Applied Arts  156 0 207 363 1972 0 1 44 45 Connecticut  3 1 8 12 Washington  4 1 16 21
General Studies  206 0 0 206 1973 0 2 50 52 Delaware  1 0 3 4 West Virginia  1 0 3 4
Graduate College  0 0 1 1 1974 2 0 68 70 District of Columbia  6 0 6 12 Wisconsin  8 0 24 32
Institute of Aviation  61 0 4 65 1975 1 1 72 74 Florida  27 1 38 66 Other U.S.  3 0 11 14
Labor & Empl. Rel.  0 0 17 17 1976 2 0 104 106 Georgia  8 2 16 26 Military  1 0 0 1
Law  0 72 0 72 1977 3 1 135 139 Hawaii  1 0 5 6 Other Countries  590 7 1719 2316
Liberal Arts & Sci  1941 0 1282 3223 1978 4 4 177 185 Idaho  0 0 4 4 Unknown  114 16 755 885
Library & Info Sci  0 0 157 157 1979 11 7 214 232 Illinois  3522 123 1385 5030          
Media  76 0 33 109 1980 12 4 246 262 Indiana  11 0 39 50          
Provost & VC Acad Affairs  47 0 0 47 1981 20 6 293 319 Iowa  2 1 19 22          
School of Social Work  1 0 197 198 1982 25 16 394 435 Kansas  9 2 6 17          
Veterinary Medicine  0 115 37 152 1983 42 27 389 458 Kentucky  4 2 10 16          
          1984 50 38 445 533 Louisiana  3 0 5 8          
Total 4536 187 4563 9286 1985 67 48 525 640 Maine  0 0 1 1 Total 4536 187 4563 9286
1986 106 19 513 638 Maryland  7 0 24 31
By Self-Reported Ethnic Code (New*) 1987 435 11 423 869 Massachusetts  7 0 14 21
  Ugrad Prof Grad Total 1988 1025 0 155 1180 Michigan  10 2 37 49
African American  469 6 204 679 1989 1406 0 13 1419 Minnesota  5 0 21 26
Asian  682 9 286 977 1990 1011 0 2 1013 Mississippi  1 0 2 3
Hispanic  338 7 190 535 1991 253 0 0 253 Missouri  15 1 37 53 By Attendance Status    
Multiracial  82 2 55 139 1992 45 0 0 45 Montana  0 0 1 1   Ugrad Prof Grad Total
Native Amer/Alaskan Nat  4 0 8 12 1993 1 0 0 1 Nebraska  0 1 7 8 Full Time  2713 124 3070 5907
Native Hawaiian/Pac Isl  11 0 2 13 Unkn  0 0 1 1 Nevada  1 0 4 5 Part Time  1823 63 1493 3379
White  2343 147 2054 4544 Total 4536 187 4563 9286 New Hampshire  2 0 3 5 Total 4536 187 4563 9286
Foreign  585 7 1714 2306 Mean Age 21.5 26.6 28.5 25.0 New Jersey  40 2 21 63 FTE* 3321 145 3568 7033
Unknown  22 9 50 81 New Mexico  1 0 3 4          
          By Tuition Range   New York  14 3 31 48 *FTE=full time + parttime/3    
Total 4536 187 4563 9286   Ugrad Prof Grad Total North Carolina  3 1 13 17
          I  578 43 611 1232 North Dakota  0 0 1 1
All Students Reporting African American or    II  2135 81 2220 4436 Ohio  27 2 41 70 By Residency for Tuition  
     Native American (including multiracial & Hispanic) III  1654 62 1237 2953 Oklahoma  4 0 7 11   Ugrad Prof Grad Total
African American  489 7 227 723 IV  169 1 495 665 Oregon  1 1 9 11 ILL  3606 131 1463 5200
Native American  31 0 34 65           Pennsylvania  6 1 29 36 NON-ILL  930 56 3100 4086
Total 4536 187 4563 9286 Rhode Island  0 1 6 7 Total 4536 187 4563 9286
By Gender        
  Ugrad Prof Grad Total * This section uses the new Federal IPEDS guidelines for reporting racial and ethnic data.  
Men  2579 74 2461 5114 For more information on these guidelines, see 
Women  1952 113 2100 4165
Unknown  5 0 2 7
Total 4536 187 4563 9286
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