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On-Campus Summer 2012 Statistical Abstract of Ten-Day Enrollment University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Management Information PN2006/066 PUBLICATION DATE:  June 20, 2012
By Academic College       By Year Of Birth     By Permanent Home Address By Permanent Home Address
  Ugrad Prof Grad Total   Ugrad Prof Grad Total   Ugrad Prof Grad Total   Ugrad Prof Grad Total
Agr, Cons, Env Sci  397 0 331 728 1945-         Alabama  2 1 6 9 South Carolina  2 0 7 9
Applied Health Sci  448 0 160 608 1968 16 3 124 143 Alaska  1 0 2 3 South Dakota  2 0 0 2
Business  521 0 598 1119 1969 1 1 11 13 Arizona  2 0 3 5 Tennessee  6 0 13 19
Education  77 0 257 334 1970 0 1 22 23 Arkansas  4 0 4 8 Texas  15 3 42 60
Engineering  1129 0 1217 2346 1971 1 0 35 36 California  51 10 75 136 Utah  0 0 5 5
Fine & Applied Arts  222 0 161 383 1972 0 0 25 25 Colorado  5 0 6 11 Vermont  0 0 1 1
General Studies  286 0 0 286 1973 0 0 37 37 Connecticut  4 0 4 8 Virginia  9 4 18 31
Graduate College  0 0 11 11 1974 1 0 33 34 Delaware  2 0 2 4 Washington  4 2 14 20
Institute of Aviation  33 0 0 33 1975 3 0 44 47 District of Columbia  2 0 3 5 West Virginia  1 0 4 5
Labor & Empl. Rel.  0 0 9 9 1976 4 2 62 68 Florida  29 6 26 61 Wisconsin  8 2 40 50
Law  0 147 2 149 1977 3 1 74 78 Georgia  16 3 9 28 Other U.S.  15 0 7 22
Liberal Arts & Sci  2105 0 1135 3240 1978 1 2 87 90 Hawaii  3 0 7 10 Military  1 0 0 1
Library & Info Sci  0 0 140 140 1979 7 1 108 116 Idaho  0 0 4 4 Other Countries  988 10 1712 2710
Media  152 0 32 184 1980 10 3 131 144 Illinois  3922 161 1273 5356 Unknown  156 27 595 778
Online and Continuing Educ  0 0 25 25 1981 8 6 172 186 Indiana  13 1 33 47          
Provost & VC Acad Affairs  64 0 0 64 1982 17 8 239 264 Iowa  5 1 22 28          
School of Social Work  25 0 177 202 1983 14 11 293 318 Kansas  2 0 9 11          
Veterinary Medicine  0 119 30 149 1984 27 18 355 400 Kentucky  8 1 12 21          
          1985 49 25 427 501 Louisiana  3 0 3 6          
Total 5459 266 4285 10010 1986 52 53 411 516 Maine  0 1 1 2 Total 5459 266 4285 10010
1987 75 64 417 556 Maryland  11 1 22 34
By Self-Reported Ethnic Code (New*) 1988 169 49 494 712 Massachusetts  9 1 18 28
  Ugrad Prof Grad Total 1989 443 16 485 944 Michigan  18 11 33 62
African American  490 21 181 692 1990 1229 2 177 1408 Minnesota  9 1 26 36
Asian  752 14 268 1034 1991 1589 0 19 1608 Mississippi  2 1 5 8
Hispanic  381 30 183 594 1992 1268 0 2 1270 Missouri  26 2 35 63 By Attendance Status    
Multiracial  108 5 68 181 1993 428 0 1 429 Montana  0 0 3 3   Ugrad Prof Grad Total
Native Amer/Alaskan Nat  11 1 9 21 1994 42 0 0 42 Nebraska  2 0 6 8 Full Time  2927 127 2778 5832
Native Hawaiian/Pac Isl  6 0 2 8 1995 2 0 0 2 Nevada  3 0 4 7 Part Time  2532 139 1507 4178
White  2700 175 1818 4693 Total 5459 266 4285 10010 New Hampshire  1 0 7 8 Total 5459 266 4285 10010
Foreign  983 10 1711 2704 Mean Age 21.4 26.4 28.1 24.4 New Jersey  27 2 22 51 FTE* 3771 173 3280 7225
Unknown  28 10 45 83 New Mexico  2 0 7 9          
          By Tuition Range   New York  19 4 38 61 *FTE=full time + parttime/3    
Total 5459 266 4285 10010   Ugrad Prof Grad Total North Carolina  5 0 18 23
          I  627 117 504 1248 North Dakota  0 0 1 1
All Students Reporting African American or    II  2300 10 2032 4342 Ohio  28 5 36 69 By Residency for Tuition  
     Native American (including multiracial & Hispanic) III  2244 89 1223 3556 Oklahoma  2 0 3 5   Ugrad Prof Grad Total
African American  531 23 204 758 IV  288 50 526 864 Oregon  4 1 6 11 ILL  4015 169 1343 5527
Native American  42 2 34 78           Pennsylvania  10 4 29 43 NON-ILL  1444 97 2942 4483
Total 5459 266 4285 10010 Rhode Island  0 0 4 4 Total 5459 266 4285 10010
By Gender        
  Ugrad Prof Grad Total * This section uses the new Federal IPEDS guidelines for reporting racial and ethnic data.  
Men  2995 95 2330 5420 For more information on these guidelines, see 
Women  2461 170 1955 4586
Unknown  3 1 0 4
Total 5459 266 4285 10010
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