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On-Campus Summer 2013 Statistical Abstract of Ten-Day Enrollment University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Management Information PN2006/066 PUBLICATION DATE:  June 20, 2013
By Academic College         By Year Of Birth     By Permanent Home Address   By Permanent Home Address
  Ugrad Prof Grad Total   Ugrad Prof Grad Total   Ugrad Prof Grad Total   Ugrad Prof Grad Total
Agr, Cons, Env Sci  454 0 372 826 1948-         Alabama  4 0 6 10 South Dakota  1 0 4 5
Applied Health Sci  504 0 96 600 1970 15 3 192 210 Alaska  0 0 1 1 Tennessee  7 0 15 22
Business  511 0 586 1097 1971 0 0 18 18 Arizona  2 1 11 14 Texas  27 3 45 75
Education  59 0 440 499 1972 0 1 32 33 Arkansas  5 0 4 9 Utah  0 0 12 12
Engineering  1319 0 1338 2657 1973 0 0 37 37 California  91 9 92 192 Vermont  0 0 2 2
Fine & Applied Arts  209 0 186 395 1974 5 1 39 45 Colorado  7 4 6 17 Virginia  15 0 16 31
General Studies  353 0 0 353 1975 3 0 49 52 Connecticut  6 1 7 14 Washington  8 2 16 26
Graduate College  0 0 32 32 1976 2 0 59 61 Delaware  2 0 4 6 West Virginia  1 0 6 7
Institute of Aviation  25 0 0 25 1977 1 2 74 77 District of Columbia  1 0 2 3 Wisconsin  11 0 39 50
Labor & Empl. Rel.  0 0 6 6 1978 2 2 76 80 Florida  32 5 29 66 Wyoming  0 1 0 1
Law  0 97 2 99 1979 3 3 119 125 Georgia  14 1 13 28 Other U.S.  10 0 12 22
Liberal Arts & Sci  2432 0 1214 3646 1980 9 8 101 118 Hawaii  3 1 9 13 Military  0 0 1 1
Library & Info Sci  0 0 148 148 1981 10 5 160 175 Idaho  0 1 3 4 Other Countries  1098 17 1905 3020
Media  223 0 30 253 1982 9 2 234 245 Illinois  4364 137 1369 5870 Unknown  236 15 689 940
Online and Continuing Educ  51 0 87 138 1983 16 7 265 288 Indiana  17 1 32 50          
Summer Session Nondegree 60 0 0 60 1984 31 10 310 351 Iowa  8 0 30 38          
School of Social Work  24 0 192 216 1985 37 10 370 417 Kansas  5 0 9 14          
Veterinary Medicine  0 123 28 151 1986 39 22 426 487 Kentucky  9 0 13 22          
        0 1987 44 57 445 546 Louisiana  7 0 7 14          
Total 6224 220 4757 11201 1988 96 49 511 656 Maryland  13 1 23 37 Total 6224 220 4757 11201
1989 174 26 591 791 Massachusetts  15 1 12 28
By Self-Reported Ethnic Code (New*)   1990 547 9 459 1015 Michigan  27 5 43 75
  Ugrad Prof Grad Total 1991 1252 2 161 1415 Minnesota  9 0 23 32
African American  517 12 207 736 1992 1903 1 25 1929 Mississippi  6 0 2 8
Asian  922 18 292 1232 1993 1372 0 3 1375 Missouri  28 2 39 69
Hispanic  470 20 222 712 1994 543 0 1 544 Montana  0 0 3 3 By Attendance Status    
Multiracial  149 6 72 227 1995 105 0 0 105 Nebraska  4 0 6 10   Ugrad Prof Grad Total
Native Amer/Alaskan Nat  7 0 11 18 1996 4 0 0 4 Nevada  3 1 2 6 Full Time  3207 126 2869 6202
Native Hawaiian/Pac Isl  10 0 1 11 1999 2 0 0 2 New Hampshire  1 0 4 5 Part Time  3017 94 1888 4999
White  3005 142 1979 5126 Total 6224 220 4757 11201 New Jersey  35 1 19 55 Total 6224 220 4757 11201
Foreign  1094 17 1902 3013 Mean Age 21.4 26.9 28.5 24.5 New Mexico  0 0 9 9 FTE* 4213 157 3498 7868
Unknown  50 5 71 126 New York  27 4 49 80          
          By Tuition Range     North Carolina  6 0 20 26 *FTE=full time + parttime/3    
Total 6224 220 4757 11201   Ugrad Prof Grad Total North Dakota  0 0 4 4
          I  651 122 551 1324 Ohio  35 2 36 73
All Students Reporting African American or      II  2556 4 2055 4615 Oklahoma  2 0 1 3 By Residency for Tuition  
     Native American (including multiracial & Hispanic) III  2584 79 1567 4230 Oregon  5 1 6 12   Ugrad Prof Grad Total
African American  567 14 244 825 IV  433 15 584 1032 Pennsylvania  15 3 36 54 ILL  4443 142 1452 6037
Native American  52 3 41 96           Rhode Island  0 0 3 3 NON-ILL  1781 78 3305 5164
Total 6224 220 4757 11201 South Carolina  2 0 8 10 Total 6224 220 4757 11201
By Gender        
  Ugrad Prof Grad Total * This section uses the Federal IPEDS guidelines for reporting racial and ethnic data.  
Men  3497 76 2491 6064 For more information on these guidelines, see 
Women  2723 144 2265 5132
Unknown  4 0 1 5 Numbers of international (foreign) students are taken from the International Student and Scholar Services database (SEVIS)
Total 6224 220 4757 11201
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