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On-Campus Fall 2013 Statistical Abstract of Ten-Day Enrollment University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Management Information PN2006/066 PUBLICATION DATE:  September 10, 2013
By Academic College       By Year Of Birth     By Permanent Home Address   By Permanent Home Address
  Ugrad Prof Grad Total   Ugrad Prof Grad Total   Ugrad Prof Grad Total   Ugrad Prof Grad Total
Agr, Cons, Env Sci  2770 0 542 3312 1942-         Alabama  7 1 11 19 Puerto Rico  4 0 17 21
Applied Health Sci  1982 0 274 2256 1966 19 3 178 200 Alaska  3 0 3 6 Rhode Island  2 0 8 10
Business  2973 0 1164 4137 1967 1 0 22 23 Arizona  18 3 22 43 South Carolina  8 2 14 24
Center Innov in Teach Learn  0 0 57 57 1968 5 0 27 32 Arkansas  12 2 10 24 South Dakota  5 1 7 13
Education  576 0 637 1213 1969 0 0 32 32 California  490 33 169 692 Tennessee  39 3 27 69
Engineering  7112 0 2927 10039 1970 1 2 37 40 Colorado  47 6 16 69 Texas  121 17 84 222
Fine & Applied Arts  1574 0 797 2371 1971 3 0 48 51 Connecticut  39 4 20 63 Utah  3 0 19 22
General Studies  2786 0 0 2786 1972 3 4 50 57 Delaware  6 0 5 11 Vermont  1 0 3 4
Graduate College  0 0 62 62 1973 2 0 64 66 District of Columbia  2 1 4 7 Virginia  112 4 43 159
Institute of Aviation  29 0 0 29 1974 7 4 72 83 Florida  80 16 56 152 Washington  43 8 34 85
Labor & Empl. Rel.  0 0 195 195 1975 7 1 73 81 Georgia  44 5 23 72 West Virginia  5 0 6 11
Law  0 537 133 670 1976 5 2 104 111 Guam  0 0 1 1 Wisconsin  60 16 68 144
Liberal Arts & Sci  11287 0 2578 13865 1977 7 4 138 149 Hawaii  9 1 10 20 Wyoming  0 1 2 3
Library & Info Sci  0 0 293 293 1978 5 5 149 159 Idaho  1 1 6 8 Military  4 0 1 5
Media  1059 0 97 1156 1979 10 5 193 208 Illinois  24299 677 2825 27801 Other Countries  4996 39 4386 9421
School of Social Work  146 0 257 403 1980 18 11 219 248 Indiana  57 11 68 136 Unknown  574 52 1253 1879
Veterinary Medicine  0 487 67 554 1981 17 17 287 321 Iowa  27 3 51 81          
          1982 22 10 388 420 Kansas  23 1 29 53          
          1983 25 23 475 523 Kentucky  28 3 26 57          
Total 32294 1024 10080 43398 1984 48 23 534 605 Louisiana  14 1 14 29 Total 32294 1024 10080 43398
1985 61 45 649 755 Maine  3 1 4 8
By Self-Reported Ethnic Code (New*) 1986 85 66 743 894 Maryland  74 5 45 124
  Ugrad Prof Grad Total 1987 110 126 806 1042 Massachusetts  100 7 34 141
African American  1764 50 358 2172 1988 210 179 1008 1397 Michigan  83 29 105 217
Asian  4833 67 673 5573 1989 378 199 1189 1766 Minnesota  53 6 49 108
Hispanic  2643 73 403 3119 1990 1109 171 1494 2774 Mississippi  6 0 10 16 By Attendance Status    
Multiracial  806 15 136 957 1991 3724 114 915 4753 Missouri  138 9 84 231   Ugrad Prof Grad Total
Native Amer/Alaskan Nat  18 1 16 35 1992 7404 9 163 7576 Montana  0 0 3 3 Full Time  31516 1022 9528 42066
Native Hawaiian/Pac Isl  48 1 6 55 1993 7182 1 20 7203 Nebraska  10 0 16 26 Part Time  778 2 552 1332
White  17010 657 4021 21688 Total 20468 1024 10077 31569 Nevada  8 1 4 13 Total 32294 1024 10080 43398
Foreign  4990 39 4378 9407 Mean Age 20.6 25.6 27.7 22.3 New Hampshire  10 2 15 27 FTE* 31775 1023 9712 42510
Unknown  182 121 89 392 New Jersey  243 8 48 299          
          By Tuition Range     New Mexico  3 1 11 15 *FTE=full time + parttime/3    
Total 32294 1024 10080 43398   Ugrad Prof Grad Total New York  137 16 106 259
          I  31516 1022 7611 40149 North Carolina  24 1 32 57
All Students Reporting African American or    II  389 0 1795 2184 North Dakota  0 1 4 5 By Residency for Tuition  
     Native American (including multiracial & Hispanic) III  330 2 331 663 Ohio  123 13 74 210   Ugrad Prof Grad Total
African American  2026 57 418 2501 IV  59 0 343 402 Oklahoma  15 1 4 20 ILL  24644 701 2968 28313
Native American  239 11 80 330           Oregon  19 3 17 39 NON-ILL  7650 323 7112 15085
Total 32294 1024 10080 43398 Pennsylvania  62 8 74 144 Total 32294 1024 10080 43398
By Gender        
  Ugrad Prof Grad Total * This section uses the new Federal IPEDS guidelines for reporting racial and ethnic data.  
Men  18181 384 5488 24053 For more information on these guidelines, see 
Women  14106 639 4589 19334
Unknown  7 1 3 11
Total 32294 1024 10080 43398
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