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On-Campus Fall 2014 Statistical Abstract of Ten-Day Enrollment University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Management Information PN2006/066 PUBLICATION DATE:  September 9, 2014
By Academic College       By Year Of Birth     By Permanent Home Address   By Permanent Home Address
  Ugrad Prof Grad Total   Ugrad Prof Grad Total   Ugrad Prof Grad Total   Ugrad Prof Grad Total
Agr, Cons, Env Sci  2734 0 582 3316 1947-         Alabama  10 0 17 27 Puerto Rico  6 1 17 24
Applied Health Sci  1980 0 274 2254 1972 36 8 299 343 Alaska  3 0 7 10 Rhode Island  3 0 7 10
Business  3050 0 1141 4191 1973 3 0 51 54 Arizona  28 3 21 52 South Carolina  8 1 16 25
Center Innov in Teach Learn  0 0 47 47 1974 4 2 46 52 Arkansas  10 1 8 19 South Dakota  6 0 7 13
Education  569 0 563 1132 1975 4 3 64 71 California  643 37 204 884 Tennessee  42 4 25 71
Engineering  7324 0 3097 10421 1976 7 2 90 99 Colorado  51 2 27 80 Texas  119 17 85 221
Fine & Applied Arts  1499 0 791 2290 1977 6 5 116 127 Connecticut  34 3 19 56 Utah  6 0 16 22
General Studies  2649 0 0 2649 1978 4 2 113 119 Delaware  7 0 5 12 Vermont  1 0 4 5
Graduate College  0 0 69 69 1979 8 3 155 166 District of Columbia  5 1 4 10 Virginia  123 3 39 165
Institute of Aviation  3 0 0 3 1980 8 6 181 195 Florida  97 11 47 155 Washington  63 5 35 103
Labor & Empl. Rel.  0 0 208 208 1981 13 10 227 250 Georgia  54 4 31 89 West Virginia  4 0 6 10
Law  0 502 80 582 1982 18 8 284 310 Guam  1 0 1 2 Wisconsin  65 15 71 151
Liberal Arts & Sci  11514 0 2521 14035 1983 20 16 389 425 Hawaii  7 0 7 14 Wyoming  1 0 1 2
Library & Info Sci  0 0 283 283 1984 40 13 416 469 Idaho  5 1 8 14 Military  6 0 1 7
Media  1080 0 75 1155 1985 39 31 514 584 Illinois  23853 630 2677 27160 Other Countries  5338 55 4493 9886
Provost Academic Pgms  1 0 0 1 1986 54 46 629 729 Indiana  58 9 73 140 Unknown  596 52 1214 1862
School of Social Work  176 0 238 414 1987 75 72 728 875 Iowa  29 2 49 80          
Veterinary Medicine  0 485 68 553 1988 127 116 912 1155 Kansas  22 1 30 53          
          1989 226 175 1044 1445 Kentucky  33 3 25 61          
Total 32579 987 10037 43603 1990 436 208 1255 1899 Louisiana  13 1 15 29 Total 32579 987 10037 43603
1991 1069 185 1341 2595 Maine  3 1 6 10
By Self-Reported Ethnic Code (New*) 1992 4012 69 1018 5099 Maryland  78 7 43 128 By Gender        
  Ugrad Prof Grad Total 1993 7226 6 146 7378 Massachusetts  102 10 36 148   Ugrad Prof Grad Total
African American  1743 42 341 2126 1994 7363 1 17 7381 Michigan  85 34 114 233 Men  18287 368 5508 24163
Asian  5148 63 654 5865 1995 7070 0 2 7072 Minnesota  69 5 50 124 Women  14289 618 4529 19436
Hispanic  2819 53 431 3303 1996 4596 0 0 4596 Mississippi  3 0 8 11 Unknown  3 1 0 4
Multi-Race  860 13 141 1014 1997 103 0 0 103 Missouri  141 10 73 224 Total 32579 987 10037 43603
Native American/Alaskan  18 1 17 36 1998 10 0 0 10 Montana  0 0 3 3
Native Hawaiian/Pac Isl  36 1 8 45 1999 2 0 0 2 Nebraska  11 1 16 28 By Attendance Status    
White  16368 598 3808 20774 Total 32579 987 10037 43603 Nevada  9 1 5 15   Ugrad Prof Grad Total
Foreign  5332 55 4484 9871 Mean Age 20.6 25.7 27.6 22.3 New Hampshire  11 1 12 24 Full Time  31742 986 9550 42278
Unknown  255 161 153 569 New Jersey  280 14 44 338 Part Time  837 1 487 1325
          By Tuition Range     New Mexico  6 1 10 17 Total       43603
Total 32579 987 10037 43603   Ugrad Prof Grad Total New York  166 16 99 281 FTE*       42720
          I  31742 986 7708 40436 North Carolina  26 1 36 63          
All Students Reporting African American, Asian,   II  394 0 1686 2080 North Dakota  0 1 4 5 *FTE=full time + parttime/3    
     Native American, or Native Hawaiian     III  371 1 318 690 Ohio  135 7 76 218
     (including multiracial & Hispanic)     IV  72 0 325 397 Oklahoma  12 1 8 21 By Residency for Tuition  
African American  2081 50 416 2547           Oregon  19 5 12 36   Ugrad Prof Grad Total
Native American  243 6 81 330 Total 32579 987 10037 43603 Pennsylvania  73 9 70 152 ILL  24259 653 2841 27753
Native Hawaiian/Pac Isl  138 3 17 158 NON-ILL  8320 334 7196 15850
Asian  5879 72 784 6735 * This section uses the Federal IPEDS guidelines for reporting racial/ethnic data.   Total 32579 987 10037 43603
For more information on these guidelines, see
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