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On-Campus Fall 2015 Statistical Abstract of Ten-Day Enrollment University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Management Information PN2006/066 PUBLICATION DATE:  September 5, 2015
By Academic College       By Year Of Birth     By Permanent Home Address   By Permanent Home Address
  Ugrad Prof Grad Total   Ugrad Prof Grad Total   Ugrad Prof Grad Total   Ugrad Prof Grad Total
Agr, Cons, Env Sci  2668 0 597 3265 1935-         Alabama  15 1 15 31 Puerto Rico  5 1 20 26
Applied Health Sci  1904 0 277 2181 1972 40 6 277 323 Alaska  2 0 5 7 Rhode Island  2 0 5 7
Business  3100 0 1166 4266 1973 3 0 33 36 Arizona  37 3 26 66 South Carolina  5 4 16 25
Center Innov in Teach Learn  1 0 51 52 1974 3 1 46 50 Arkansas  9 1 12 22 South Dakota  3 0 8 11
Education  606 0 589 1195 1975 2 3 53 58 California  828 38 232 1098 Tennessee  43 4 27 74
Engineering  7551 0 3181 10732 1976 4 1 70 75 Colorado  52 0 33 85 Texas  148 13 81 242
Fine & Applied Arts  1512 0 809 2321 1977 3 3 85 91 Connecticut  40 3 22 65 Utah  8 0 15 23
General Studies  2790 0 0 2790 1978 5 2 88 95 Delaware  4 0 4 8 Vermont  3 0 4 7
Graduate College  0 0 76 76 1979 8 2 127 137 District of Columbia  5 1 4 10 Virginia  128 4 42 174
Labor & Empl. Rel.  0 0 186 186 1980 7 3 164 174 Florida  111 17 47 175 Washington  61 5 34 100
Law  0 474 106 580 1981 15 9 181 205 Georgia  59 3 31 93 West Virginia  4 0 5 9
Liberal Arts & Sci  11502 0 2530 14032 1982 20 7 217 244 Guam  1 0 1 2 Wisconsin  61 14 64 139
Library & Info Sci  0 0 271 271 1983 15 12 299 326 Hawaii  7 0 8 15 Wyoming  1 0 2 3
Media  1021 0 83 1104 1984 28 8 330 366 Idaho  2 1 8 11 Military  7 0 3 10
Provost Academic Pgms  1 0 0 1 1985 25 16 418 459 Illinois  23720 607 2580 26907 Other Countries  5518 51 4824 10393
School of Social Work  222 0 246 468 1986 34 33 554 621 Indiana  62 12 76 150 Unknown  548 48 1177 1773
Veterinary Medicine  0 490 77 567 1987 50 49 640 739 Iowa  28 1 40 69          
          1988 87 58 831 976 Kansas  19 2 22 43          
          1989 132 104 951 1187 Kentucky  32 3 23 58          
Total 32878 964 10245 44087 1990 233 181 1031 1445 Louisiana  12 1 12 25 Total 32878 964 10245 44087
1991 386 216 1135 1737 Maine  4 2 8 14
By Self-Reported Ethnic Code (New*) 1992 1112 159 1443 2714 Maryland  73 5 45 123 By Gender        
  Ugrad Prof Grad Total 1993 3652 85 1086 4823 Massachusetts  106 9 33 148   Ugrad Prof Grad Total
African American  1786 32 349 2167 1994 7389 6 163 7558 Michigan  76 39 110 225 Men  18377 354 5591 24322
Asian  5571 61 637 6269 1995 7397 0 21 7418 Minnesota  71 4 51 126 Women  14498 609 4654 19761
Hispanic  3108 53 431 3592 1996 7128 0 1 7129 Mississippi  4 0 6 10 Unknown  3 1 0 4
Multi-Race  931 17 167 1115 1997 4994 0 1 4995 Missouri  138 9 67 214 Total 32878 964 10245 44087
Native American/Alaskan  21 0 16 37 1998 97 0 0 97 Montana  0 0 3 3
Native Hawaiian/Pac Isl  24 1 5 30 1999 9 0 0 9 Nebraska  5 2 19 26 By Attendance Status    
White  15695 632 3741 20068 Total 32878 964 10245 44087 Nevada  8 2 6 16   Ugrad Prof Grad Total
Foreign  5511 51 4819 10381 Mean Age 20.5 25.6 27.6 22.3 New Hampshire  13 1 11 25 Full Time  31989 961 9705 42655
Unknown  231 117 80 428 New Jersey  317 13 42 372 Part Time  889 3 540 1432
          By Tuition Range     New Mexico  7 1 11 19 Total       44087
Total 32878 964 10245 44087   Ugrad Prof Grad Total New York  182 12 98 292 FTE*       43132
          I  31989 961 7818 40768 North Carolina  26 1 38 65          
All Students Reporting African American, Asian,   II  436 2 1726 2164 North Dakota  0 1 1 2 *FTE=full time + parttime/3    
     Native American, or Native Hawaiian     III  370 1 339 710 Ohio  144 13 84 241
     (including multiracial & Hispanic)     IV  83 0 362 445 Oklahoma  17 0 5 22 By Residency for Tuition  
African American  2138 42 432 2612           Oregon  19 3 17 39   Ugrad Prof Grad Total
Native American  267 4 84 355 Total 32878 964 10245 44087 Pennsylvania  78 9 62 149 ILL  24078 624 2716 27418
Native Hawaiian/Pac Isl  131 3 17 151 NON-ILL  8800 340 7529 16669
Asian  6311 75 769 7155 * This section uses the Federal IPEDS guidelines for reporting racial/ethnic data.   Total 32878 964 10245 44087
For more information on these guidelines, see 
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