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On-Campus Summer 2015 Statistical Abstract of Ten-Day Enrollment University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Management Information PN2006/066 PUBLICATION DATE:  JUNE 25, 2015
By Academic College       By Year Of Birth     By Permanent Home Address   By Permanent Home Address
  Ugrad Prof Grad Total   Ugrad Prof Grad Total   Ugrad Prof Grad Total   Ugrad Prof Grad Total
Agr, Cons, Env Sci  537 0 396 933 1946-         Alabama  2 0 6 8 Rhode Island  0 0 3 3
Applied Health Sci  470 0 104 574 1973 16 2 208 226 Alaska  0 0 2 2 South Carolina  1 0 6 7
Business  654 0 585 1239 1974 2 1 27 30 Arizona  16 0 15 31 South Dakota  1 0 4 5
Center Innov in Teach Learn  84 0 70 154 1975 1 1 23 25 Arkansas  3 0 3 6 Tennessee  10 1 16 27
Education  89 0 464 553 1976 4 0 43 47 California  141 8 109 258 Texas  39 5 48 92
Engineering  1453 0 1407 2860 1977 1 1 43 45 Colorado  12 0 11 23 Utah  1 0 7 8
Fine & Applied Arts  213 0 174 387 1978 2 1 47 50 Connecticut  4 0 9 13 Vermont  1 0 2 3
General Studies  388 0 0 388 1979 5 1 79 85 Delaware  2 0 2 4 Virgin Islands  1 0 0 1
Graduate College  0 0 44 44 1980 3 1 75 79 District of Columbia  0 2 5 7 Virginia  23 0 18 41
Labor & Empl. Rel.  0 0 11 11 1981 5 4 94 103 Florida  37 1 23 61 Washington  13 1 27 41
Law  0 82 2 84 1982 8 0 115 123 Georgia  14 0 15 29 West Virginia  0 0 2 2
Liberal Arts & Sci  2468 0 1217 3685 1983 8 7 172 187 Hawaii  1 0 4 5 Wisconsin  13 1 29 43
Library & Info Sci  0 0 107 107 1984 15 3 190 208 Idaho  0 0 1 1 Wyoming  1 0 0 1
Media  170 0 21 191 1985 15 7 248 270 Illinois  4403 125 1274 5802 Military  1 0 1 2
Provost Academic Pgms  141 0 0 141 1986 20 18 286 324 Indiana  14 2 34 50 Other Countries  1410 25 2059 3494
School of Social Work  29 0 163 192 1987 20 16 374 410 Iowa  9 0 22 31 Unknown  220 9 625 854
Veterinary Medicine  0 118 23 141 1988 42 17 470 529 Kansas  5 0 7 12          
          1989 71 41 540 652 Kentucky  9 0 13 22          
          1990 106 49 519 674 Louisiana  1 0 9 10          
Total 6696 200 4788 11684 1991 174 17 524 715 Maine  1 1 3 5 Total 6696 200 4788 11684
1992 477 11 467 955 Maryland  20 1 19 40
By Self-Reported Ethnic Code (New*) 1993 1268 1 221 1490 Massachusetts  19 1 27 47 By Gender        
  Ugrad Prof Grad Total 1994 1975 1 21 1997 Michigan  24 3 48 75   Ugrad Prof Grad Total
African American  442 8 207 657 1995 1598 0 2 1600 Minnesota  14 0 25 39 Men  3692 69 2511 6272
Asian  1040 11 257 1308 1996 745 0 0 745 Mississippi  0 0 4 4 Women  2998 131 2273 5402
Hispanic  540 11 247 798 1997 107 0 0 107 Missouri  31 3 40 74 Unknown  6 0 4 10
Multi-Race  173 4 69 246 1998 5 0 0 5 Montana  0 0 2 2 Total 6696 200 4788 11684
Native American/Alaskan  3 0 9 12 1999 3 0 0 3 Nebraska  3 0 11 14
Native Hawaiian/Pac Isl  4 0 5 9           Nevada  1 0 1 2 By Attendance Status    
White  3000 123 1864 4987 Total 6696 200 4788 11684 New Hampshire  2 0 6 8   Ugrad Prof Grad Total
Foreign  1407 25 2056 3488 Mean Age 21.2 27.0 28.3 24.2 New Jersey  50 1 20 71 Full Time  3158 131 3012 6301
Unknown  87 18 74 179 New Mexico  3 0 4 7 Part Time  3538 69 1776 5383
          By Tuition Range     New York  37 4 53 94 Total       11684
Total 6696 200 4788 11684   Ugrad Prof Grad Total North Carolina  12 0 26 38 FTE*       8095
          I  584 118 564 1266 North Dakota  0 1 0 1          
All Students Reporting African American, Asian,   II  2574 13 2189 4776 Ohio  38 2 35 75 *FTE=full time + parttime/3    
     Native American, or Native Hawaiian     III  3070 60 1386 4516 Oklahoma  3 0 2 5
     (including multiracial & Hispanic)       IV  468 9 649 1126 Oregon  5 0 10 15 By Residency for Tuition  
African American  531 11 254 796           Pennsylvania  18 1 31 50   Ugrad Prof Grad Total
Native American  46 1 44 91 Total 6696 200 4788 11684 Puerto Rico  7 2 10 19 ILL  4498 129 1357 5984
Native Hawaiian/Pac Isl  27 1 7 35 NON-ILL  2198 71 3431 5700
Asian  1182 14 309 1505 * This section uses the Federal IPEDS guidelines for reporting racial/ethnic data.   Total 6696 200 4788 11684
For more information on these guidelines, see
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