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Summer 2020 Statistical Abstract of Ten-Day Enrollment University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Management Information PN2006/066 PUBLICATION DATE: June 24, 2020
By Academic College         By Year Of Birth     By Permanent Home Address   By Permanent Home Address  
  Ugrad Prof Grad Total   Ugrad Prof Grad Total   Ugrad Prof Grad Total   Ugrad Prof Grad Total
Agr, Cons, Env Sci  558 0 449 1007 1950-         Alabama  2 2 20 24 Rhode Island  0 0 4 4
Applied Health Sci  540 0 196 736 1979 18 2 1668 1688 Alaska  0 0 4 4 South Carolina  4 0 18 22
Carle Illinois Medicine  0 110 0 110 1980 1 0 238 239 Arizona  5 5 79 89 South Dakota  1 0 5 6
Center Innov in Teach Learn  292 0 206 498 1981 6 0 240 246 Arkansas  4 0 9 13 Tennessee  5 3 59 67
Education  88 0 813 901 1982 3 0 311 314 California  274 27 796 1097 Texas  48 7 343 398
Fine & Applied Arts  311 0 323 634 1983 3 0 311 314 Colorado  12 0 82 94 Utah  3 3 36 42
General Studies  459 0 0 459 1984 3 5 332 340 Connecticut  12 1 47 60 Vermont  0 0 2 2
Gies Business  768 0 3490 4258 1985 1 3 343 347 Delaware  0 0 7 7 Virginia  22 3 138 163
Graduate College  0 0 25 25 1986 5 2 405 412 District of Columbia  0 0 18 18 Washington  16 3 159 178
Grainger Engineering  1695 0 2518 4213 1987 5 4 394 403 Florida  41 5 125 171 West Virginia  1 0 4 5
Labor & Empl. Rel.  0 0 95 95 1988 4 7 460 471 Georgia  19 4 79 102 Wisconsin  10 8 100 118
Law  0 72 10 82 1989 11 8 515 534 Hawaii  3 0 8 11 Wyoming  0 0 4 4
Liberal Arts & Sci  2976 0 1605 4581 1990 7 14 593 614 Idaho  1 1 9 11 Military  0 0 6 6
Media  195 0 77 272 1991 5 10 621 636 Illinois  5295 123 2664 8082 Other Countries  1489 20 3048 4557
School of Information Sciences  1 0 386 387 1992 15 23 634 672 Indiana  16 3 114 133 Unknown  359 28 1178 1565
School of Social Work  61 0 362 423 1993 25 31 688 744 Iowa  5 2 28 35          
Veterinary Medicine  0 134 51 185 1994 32 56 719 807 Kansas  8 0 22 30          
          1995 70 68 703 841 Kentucky  8 0 12 20          
          1996 144 49 697 890 Louisiana  3 0 15 18          
Total 7944 316 10606 18866 1997 504 30 580 1114 Maine  0 0 5 5 Total 7944 316 10606 18866
1998 1348 4 147 1499 Maryland  21 5 94 120
By Self-Reported Ethnic Code (New*)   1999 2294 0 7 2301 Massachusetts  28 7 91 126 By Gender        
  Ugrad Prof Grad Total 2000 2121 0 0 2121 Michigan  21 11 163 195   Ugrad Prof Grad Total
African American  614 11 497 1122 2001 1189 0 0 1189 Minnesota  13 4 91 108 Men  4220 117 5942 10279
Asian  1473 47 1119 2639 2002 76 0 0 76 Mississippi  1 0 6 7 Women  3720 199 4645 8564
Hispanic  805 24 715 1544 2003 28 0 0 28 Missouri  24 2 87 113 Unknown  4 0 19 23
Multi-Race  287 17 202 506 2004 15 0 0 15 Montana  1 1 3 5 Total 7944 316 10606 18866
Native American/Alaskan  0 1 5 6 2005 10 0 0 10 Nebraska  3 1 19 23
Native Hawaiian/Pac Isl  4 0 6 10 2006 1 0 0 1 Nevada  4 0 22 26 By Attendance Status    
White  3147 184 4316 7647 Total 7944 316 10606 18866 New Hampshire  1 2 10 13   Ugrad Prof Grad Total
Foreign  1415 20 2423 3858 Mean Age 20.9 26.4 32.3 27.4 New Jersey  57 3 159 219 Full Time  3728 254 5932 9914
Unknown  199 12 1323 1534 New Mexico  2 0 22 24 Part Time  4216 62 4674 8952
          By Tuition Range     New York  35 7 165 207 Total       18866
Total 7944 316 10606 18866   Ugrad Prof Grad Total North Carolina  16 6 88 110 FTE*       12898
          I  731 243 1170 2144 North Dakota  0 0 5 5          
All Students Reporting African American, Asian,     II  2997 11 4272 7280 Ohio  22 10 112 144 *FTE=full time + parttime/3      
     Native American, or Native Hawaiian       III  3924 48 3792 7764 Oklahoma  2 0 19 21
     (including multiracial & Hispanic)       IV  292 14 1372 1678 Oregon  7 0 61 68 By Residency for Tuition    
African American  751 16 669 1436           Pennsylvania  19 7 122 148   Ugrad Prof Grad Total
Native American  82 6 124 212 Total 7944 316 10606 18866 Puerto Rico  1 2 20 23 ILL  5384 131 2801 8316
Native Hawaiian/Pac Isl  43 2 21 66 NON-ILL  2560 185 7805 10550
Asian  1712 61 2100 3873 * This section uses the Federal IPEDS guidelines for reporting racial/ethnic data.   Total 7944 316 10606 18866
For more information on these guidelines, see
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